Objectivist view of the Future

Brian E

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Michael Stuart Kelly wrote:

That mission keeps us going. We do not require donations or advertising to keep OL running. It is going to stay online regardless. But we deeply appreciate the help we do get. It's not just the money, either. It's knowing people care about this place. That had been a secret unexpected emotional prize.

end quote

What if you get sick? Or have a falling out? (which I should not say, out of a sense of decorum, but I DO care.) I saw Atlantis evaporate when the owner Kirez Korgan grew weary. I think donations partially validate your “mission.” Sorry, for pinning MEM to the wall. Once again, that is not my place.

I see authors get to be VIP’s here which is very understandable and justified: they write well on various threads and draw Objectivists to OL.

OO assigns “status categories” to subscribers almost like Scientology. I would not want that, though I will joke about it. Say, Michael, how much do I need to pay to be called, “Grand Objectivist Poobah” or, “Honored Heir of Rand?” I see “Heir Head” is already taken.

The future of Objectivism is happening one day at a time. I don’t see its influence waning in the next ten years because so many who read and appreciated Ayn Rand in the sixties, seventies, and eighties are now becoming voices of reason in our culture.

I hope you can keep Objectivist Living at the top of the internet “search lists.”

Peter Taylor

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I suggest you learn what Adsense is. ... I thought you supported capitalism. I guess I was mistaken. ... The real kicker is your term "economically profitable." Those ads pay for some stuff (thank goodness), but they do not cover the costs behind this forum. With the traffic this forum gets, the results are a pittance. On some days the "economically profitable" take is ten cents. How's them apples? Think I'm going to retire in the Bahamas on that?... ... this kind of forum does not attract buyers. Meaning it attracts people like you instead. It attracts intellectuals (who are usually broke) ]...

Make a forum and you'll see what I mean. Oh... You mean you prefer to let other people provide you resources for free so you can complain about what they do to keep things going? .... When people get underfoot and try to mangle providing stuff they consume for free, it just seems so... tacky.


My point was only that an Objectivist forum earns revenue advertising the zodiac, among other silly things for consumers. The world of consumers is much larger than the society of Objectivist intellectuals. Thus large-scale social change, such as it may be, ('the future and Objectivism") is not on the horizon.

I have been at this online discussion thing since 1984. I worked on and for BBSes. Believe me, I understand and appreciate the resources that you devote and I have thanked you more than once. I have a blog of my own. I could "monetize" it according to Google but just thinking about that is a waste of my time. I don't see what I do as an intellectual as being commercially successful - even von Mises addresses the unmarketable nature of creativity.

You have a different plan. That's the nice thing about an open society. Your plan and my lack of one both can be accommodated.

Best wishes,

Mike M.

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I'll be 68 in March. Catch me if you can!


You are but a stripling youth.

Ba'al Chatzaf

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I'll be 68 in March. Catch me if you can!


You are but a stripling youth.

We have an Old Lady on this forum who has three digits in her age.

Ba'al Chatzaf

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Just to say that I noticed the "John Galt" t-shirts from Zazzle advertised now.

The future is looking better.

... well... now I have gay singles in my area... They are handsome, indeed, but somehow the future is not looking better for me at the moment. ... perhaps another roll of the dice...

Audio books... Hmmmm: OK...

"Don't eat bananas" if you want to lose weight. I have my problems but at 138 lbs soaking wet, that's not one of them...

... back to the program...

Ah! Now I see the women in my area. Better looking to me, anyway, but, alas, all too young by decades...

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