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On one point I almost agree, though. To point out obvious spelking errors in lieu of argument is petty and can redound on the corrector.


My intent wasn't Phil-like schoolmarming. I was just trying to give the kid a heads up since he seems intelligent and independent.

As to the topic, I'd rather not discuss it. The way I've always done these things is just go do what I want to do where I can do it.

Don't forget, I'm a shrugger from way back. Left the USA. Left a brilliant career--twice. Left a family. Left another. That shit gets old after a while.

At times, I think I would have done better to stay and rage against the machine.

But how are you going to tell that to a kid on a mission to leave (as per Atlas Shrugged) and have it mean anything?


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For instance, you wrote: "No, your talking about an Aristrocracy of Pull." The idea you're using is "you are" as opposed to the idea of assigning possession. Yet you wrote what grammar Nazis call a "second person possessive adjective."

You're = you are

Your = belonging to you

Anytime you mean "you are," it has to be "you're."

... if and when you can. If you present your ideas to them with primary errors, you shoot yourself in the foot on the draw. They will be inclined not to look at the message, i.e. the content, because the form was cockeyed.

Ah! By "cockeyed" you must mean "eyeing the cock" an obvious Freudian slip. I am happy to be the first to tell you MSK that we really don't give a dam about grammer or speling. If someone is so stoopid they cant spell strate, then fine, but mostly, when it comes to typoes, not one cares. I shure don't. And I make a buck actually selling my writing..Do you?

We write in haste because we compose with passion. Thus, errors are allowed. ... except by the anal-retentive, obsessive-compulsive bullies among us. Now, do you want to cancel my account, or put this in Garbage, the way you do with


I've standed up to Michael. I'm still standin'! I'm still here!


please! please! don't throw me in that Garbage Pile!

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Buff is 23.


I stand corrected. I wonder where 17 came from...


Had I known he was 23, I would have framed the grammar thing in a totally different manner.

Ya's think it's worth a shot to do it over to get the tone right?

(Just joking... :smile: )


I don't think the 17 yo should be addressed differently than the 23 yo. Adolescence is the infantilization of adulthood. There is also the problem of how children are addressed. They aren't babies.


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I don't recall such a rough entrance for a new poster, especially from Peter, BTW. WTF was that about?

I totally ignored this thread until now, went back and looked and holy crap! I second the complaint about Peter. Imagine him as a Walmart greeter!

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But how are you going to tell that to a kid on a mission to leave (as per Atlas Shrugged) and have it mean anything?

Yes, and I should add that Michael Marotta's links and suggestions to Buff Geek about utopian communities were quite good, in my opinion. All good. All but the last pearl-clutching.

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"Anal-retentive, obsessive-compulsive bullies among us"?

What on earth are you talking about?

So pipe down.

You sound weird.



Point taken. I was over the top and reacted unfairly and you are, indeed, our host. I appreciate the hospitality, of course, and at the same time bridle at arbitrary authority, as do we all.

I would appreciate it if you would accept my apology.

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I don't recall such a rough entrance for a new poster, especially from Peter, BTW. WTF was that about?

I totally ignored this thread until now, went back and looked and holy crap! I second the complaint about Peter. Imagine him as a Walmart greeter!

I too am just reading for the first time. Is there a full moon tonight or something? A new poster introduces the familiar topic of galts gulch real-world viability, Peter trashes his username, Michael (who has usually borne with patience with absolute subliterates) points out a spelling error, and MEM leaps for Michael's throat.

I'd head for Atlantis myself - but I'm already here.

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Seven of Nine wrote:

I totally ignored this thread until now, went back and looked and holy crap! I second the complaint about Peter. Imagine him as a Walmart greeter!

end quote

I also protested the Doctor’s idiotic original picture. It made us look at a guy EVERY DAY who was in the process of whacking off and coming (was that on a pin ball machine, Doc?)

Brant wrote:

I don't recall such a rough entrance for a new poster, especially from Peter, BTW. WTF was that about?

end quote

Every time you respond to this bozo you have to call him Buff. It is like me, opening up a new account on OL and changing my name to Brant Stinks. Every time you quoted me you would be repeating, “Brant Stinks.” So Butt Greek is making us say a nice thing about him every time we quote him. I don’t want to say a good thing about him every time I quote him.

I could call him Butt Greek, Gut Beek, Mutt Shit, Nut Job, Puke Freak, or dozens of other names more satisfying to me, but then it is always easier to just cut and paste, Buff Geek. This guy has proven to me that he would be the first murdered on a lifeboat with thirteen on board when it will only hold twelve. He would be whining and complaining and demanding a bigger share of everything.

A person who picks a name that requires OTHERS, when quoting them, to also be simultaneously praising them is: narcissistic, babyish, and controlling. Butt Cheeks is demanding something from us, and he did it all by choosing a silly, made up name. Pretty devious, huh Brant? And what is it with Daunce’s whining? Just put down your name, for Pete’s sake.

So that is what that was all about.


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I also protested the Doctor’s idiotic original picture. It made us look at a guy EVERY DAY who was in the process of whacking off and coming (was that on a pin ball machine, Doc?)

I can always switch it back...

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Seven of Nine wrote:

I totally ignored this thread until now, went back and looked and holy crap! I second the complaint about Peter. Imagine him as a Walmart greeter!

end quote

I also protested the Doctor’s idiotic original picture. It made us look at a guy EVERY DAY who was in the process of whacking off and coming (was that on a pin ball machine, Doc?)

Brant wrote:

I don't recall such a rough entrance for a new poster, especially from Peter, BTW. WTF was that about?

end quote

Every time you respond to this bozo you have to call him Buff. It is like me, opening up a new account on OL and changing my name to Brant Stinks. Every time you quoted me you would be repeating, “Brant Stinks.” So Butt Greek is making us say a nice thing about him every time we quote him. I don’t want to say a good thing about him every time I quote him.

I could call him Butt Greek, Gut Beek, Mutt Shit, Nut Job, Puke Freak, or dozens of other names more satisfying to me, but then it is always easier to just cut and paste, Buff Geek. This guy has proven to me that he would be the first murdered on a lifeboat with thirteen on board when it will only hold twelve. He would be whining and complaining and demanding a bigger share of everything.

A person who picks a name that requires OTHERS, when quoting them, to also be simultaneously praising them is: narcissistic, babyish, and controlling. Butt Cheeks is demanding something from us, and he did it all by choosing a silly, made up name. Pretty devious, huh Brant? And what is it with Daunce’s whining? Just put down your name, for Pete’s sake.

So that is what that was all about.


Call him "Steve." That's his name, which you'd know by reading his profile.


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Seven of Nine wrote:

I totally ignored this thread until now, went back and looked and holy crap! I second the complaint about Peter. Imagine him as a Walmart greeter!

end quote

I also protested the Doctor’s idiotic original picture. It made us look at a guy EVERY DAY who was in the process of whacking off and coming (was that on a pin ball machine, Doc?)

Brant wrote:

I don't recall such a rough entrance for a new poster, especially from Peter, BTW. WTF was that about?

end quote

Every time you respond to this bozo you have to call him Buff. It is like me, opening up a new account on OL and changing my name to Brant Stinks. Every time you quoted me you would be repeating, “Brant Stinks.” So Butt Greek is making us say a nice thing about him every time we quote him. I don’t want to say a good thing about him every time I quote him.

I could call him Butt Greek, Gut Beek, Mutt Shit, Nut Job, Puke Freak, or dozens of other names more satisfying to me, but then it is always easier to just cut and paste, Buff Geek. This guy has proven to me that he would be the first murdered on a lifeboat with thirteen on board when it will only hold twelve. He would be whining and complaining and demanding a bigger share of everything.

A person who picks a name that requires OTHERS, when quoting them, to also be simultaneously praising them is: narcissistic, babyish, and controlling. Butt Cheeks is demanding something from us, and he did it all by choosing a silly, made up name. Pretty devious, huh Brant? And what is it with Daunce’s whining? Just put down your name, for Pete’s sake.

So that is what that was all about.


Wow. Uncharitable doesn't even begin to describe this post. Have you ever even seen a sunny day? I think there are some very good medications for whatever it is you have. Get some.

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Mikee wrote:

Wow. Uncharitable doesn't even begin to describe this post. Have you ever even seen a sunny day? I think there are some very good medications for whatever it is you have. Get some.

end quote

So I am uncharitable, cloud covered, and under medicated? I am not implying that we should be Grinches, Scrooges, Old Fogies, Puritans or overly socially conscious Japanese. The fact that I make a case for “not imposing” on others is not in any way wrong. It is expecting basic civility from others from the beginning of social interactions. It is not imposing your will on others. Picking a name that demands others to say a word that they are not happy saying is a form of coercion. Do you remember the “Seinfeld’ episode where the guy demanded everyone call him, “Maestro?”

Even appearance in public matters. What if a person wears an offensive tattoo? A mask in public? A giant, purple, Mohawk hairdo? A clown suit, an advertising sign, smelly skinned animal hides, black fingernail polish? Of course all these things are a matter of taste but norms should be expected, and freakish behavior demands a reprimand. Freaks are imposing on others.

My stance is the same as expecting humans to bath. It is rightfully expecting others to NOT DO a myriad o offensive acts like cursing loudly in a restaurant, or defecating in public. Msk does not put up with deliberately offensive behaviors, and that is the right thing to do.

In a way imposing is like the Hispanic cultures, concept of *Machismo.* You SHOULD behave in a manly fashion, but YOU MUST ALSO TRY TO TAKE AWAY ANOTHER MAN’S MACHISMO, to prove your manliness. What that means is that others are supremely important to you. It is being a second hander. It is literally homocentric, domineering, and many times involves that you try to get the less manly guy to suck you off. Get it, Homo? Buff should change his name to Steve.


Peter The Great

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I know where you're coming from, but the more this drags on, the closer it gets to gay-bashing. And that is something I don't want on OL. The thing is, I don't think that's where you're at.

It's natural for people to get their backs up and throw stuff right back in other people's faces when bashed, but it's a damn shame if it gets to toxic places that don't reflect reality.

I suggest we all tone it down a bit. Or it could flare up like this (from my neck of the woods as a child--quote from here):

In the late afternoon Ellison Hatfield, another brother of Devil Anse, approached the polls. He had just awakened from a nap brought on by too much whiskey and food, but he was in a jovial mood. Suddenly he was faced by Tolbert, who belligerently yelled at him, "I'm hell on earth!"

"You're a damn hog," Ellison replied.

Tolbert slashed him across the stomach with a knife. Hatfield, a powerful man, fell on him and tried to grab the knife. Tolbert's brothers, Phamer and Randolph, rushed to his assistance while the crowd stood paralyzed. Ellison was stabbed over and over, but he managed to grab a rock. As he was about to strike with it, Phamer shot him in the back.

And off it went into the worst clan feud in American history.

Over what? A dude having a hangover and calling someone a hog?

That's not even gruff buff... :smile:

(btw - It was Michael Marotta who linked to the Paladin song. William merely quoted Michael.

Also, take a deep breath and see if there is another message that could be read into the name than the one you assigned to it. My bet is you would find horsing around more than an attempt to manipulate. Younger generation stuff. Bottom line, though. A suggestion. Why don't we change the subject and leave it alone?)


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[quote name='Peter Taylor' timestamp='1328543839' post='155}

whining and complaining and demanding a bigger share of everything.

And what is it with Daunce’s whining? Just put down your name, for Pete’s sake.


I'm whining because Negative Mean Popsicle did not stay around for this. You are throwing a childish tantrum, Peter.

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... Negative Mean Popsicle did not stay around for this.



Kat saw that thing for the first time today (the guy who never posts--with a moniker like that, the correct one being "Negative Meat Popsicle"--saying he's wasting his time here on OL, and his statement in a highlighted place for all to see, including new visitors).

She said, "WTF?" And off it went.

Hell, I'm not going to argue with Kat. I live with her.



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Dear bg, believe it or not, this is atypical of OL. Your online name does not convey any sort of challlenge or coercion, to me. I think of it as a slightly ironic assertion of your interests )fitness/bodybuilding and tech, maybe (this is without looking at your profile. Anyway, as I am a fan of anyone who can do anything more with a computer than type on it, I will sign myself



Geek Buff

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I appreciate all of you that are standing up for me, but I came here for a discussion about something I'm really interested in. So please, if you have any comments to make about me, send me an email. Don't muddy up this discussion.

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Michael Stuart Kelly wrote:

That's not even gruff buff... :)

end quote

Of course, no defamation was intended. My epithet, “Homo” was explained within the letter, and it was more than an allusion. It was demonstrating machismo in action, reverse machismo, and the fact that names do mean something. The issue would be making a mountain out of a mole hill except for the fact that every time I quote the dude, I am required to call him, ”buff,” and once was enough.

By signing my letter “Peter The Great” I am also showing that it is the same as asking others to continually call me great. Buff is a name that imposes on me. I might just not respond to Butt Cheeks but he might say something I do wish to speak of, and there we are again, back to King takes pawn. Or Queen. It is insulting to have to baby a grown person.

Butt Cheeks wrote:

I appreciate all of you that are standing up for me, but I came here for a discussion about something I'm really interested in. So please, if you have any comments to make about me, send me an email. Don't muddy up this discussion.

end quote

Then sign your freakin’ letters Steve.

Peter Taylor

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... Negative Mean Popsicle did not stay around for this.



Kat saw that thing for the first time today (the guy who never posts--with a moniker like that, the correct one being "Negative Meat Popsicle"--saying he's wasting his time here on OL, and his statement in a highlighted place for all to see, including new visitors).

She said, "WTF?" And off it went.

Hell, I'm not going to argue with Kat. I live with her.



lol. Good for Kat. I guess my typo was apt.

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