Announcing Atlas Shrugged Part 2 on Ayn Rand’s Birthday!

Ed Hudgins

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Introducing the new Hank Rearden, Jason Beghe. beghe320.jpg

And Brian Patrick O'Toole is now officially back on board as a script writer.


Damn! Maybe I can do some of the rehearsals as a stand in.


don't get between a dog and his bone

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Introducing the new Hank Rearden, Jason Beghe. beghe320.jpg

And Brian Patrick O'Toole is now officially back on board as a script writer.


Damn! Maybe I can do some of the rehearsals as a stand in.


don't get between a dog and his bone

You deserve that part, Brant. That guy obviously did not earn those medals he is wearing.

Meanwhile I will continue my campaign to get cast as Aunt Pittypat in the GWTW remake. The world needs my rendition of this unerappreciated character. I will dare to faint!

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And now D.B.Sweeney has been cast as John Galt 3733.jpg

But who will be his Dagny? And have the producers managed to find someone to play Francisco who looks more like Zorro and less like Bonzo?

Stay tuned. . .

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The new Dagny Taggart is Samantha Mathis thing+called+love.jpg

(Attention: wardrobe dept--I think this would be an excellent "dress" for her to wear throughout the entire film.) :tongue:

And the new Francisco d'Anconia actually looks like Francisco d'Anconiaesai-morales-240.jpg(Esai Morales)

Based on the casting alone, I think there is every reason to believe that Atlas Part Two is going to be a significant improvement over Part One.

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Correction: The role of Hank Rearden will be played by Brant Gaede.

He wasn't the producers' first choice, but when he said he would do the part pro bono, it was an offer they couldn't refuse.

And there is only one rational choice for his leading lady, Angela X, whose acting experience is limited but is outweighed by her deep individualistic interpretation of the Dagny character.

Leaving aside that Angela X being no longer in the required age group would eliminate her for the role of Dagny anyway :wink: - even if she were younger, I'm afraid her interpretation of Dagny would be a bit too individualistic: as she would strongly prefer Dagny not to end up with a type like John Galt, this aversion would shine through in her acting way too much. :smile:

Also, she could probably get along with her leading man Brant which not everybody could do.

I'd be a bit wary though, in view of having once been invited by Brant to taste some Amontillado. :D

After checking with my good friend Edgar Allan Poe, I decided to turn down the invitation :wink:

Here is the 'documented record':

I greatly enjoyed Poe's "The Cask of Amontillado." Heh.


That's a chilling tale, but despite it all, I would have liked to try [at - sic/ typo] once how Amontillado tastes like.

Never got around to it though. smile.gif

Good news! I've got some! Let me know when you get to Tucson.


not a pit and pendulum-type guy

free one-way ticket from Germany to Arizona, go get your passport

Got the message. ohmy.gif

I think I'll decline the offer. biggrin.gif

That was in my 'vigorous-debate-days' over here ... :smile:

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Has the John Galt of Part I (played by Paul Johansson)

ever been visible on screen (aside from the scene where he shows up as a silhouette in the dark only)?

Why the complete exchange of the cast for AS Part II? Did Part I flop?

Galt was visible in Part One as the man in the fedora, but we never saw his face.

Yes, as a matter of fact, Part One was a complete flop at the box office. It was totally trashed by the critics, almost without exception, which obviously didn't help. Just about everything about the film was thrown together at the last minute, including the key players, so a total overhaul of the cast was called for. For the most part, the casting for Part Two looks very impressive. The actors chosen to play Rearden and Francisco, in particular, are a drastic improvement. We can only hope that the new director, John Putch, does a better job of dramatizing their heroism in a way that Ayn Rand would have wanted.

The one member of the original cast whose absence may detract from Part Two is Taylor Schilling, who played Dagny Taggart. My guess is that she may well have achieved a level of stardom that prompted her to take a pass on the sequel to a film that did so poorly.

You can't really blame her. Her Hollywood career seems to have gone into orbit. . . MV5BMTg5NDk3MjAzMF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwMjUyNzExNw@@._V1._SY317_.jpg

Perhaps Samantha Mathis will make a fantastic Dagny. We'll have to wait and see.

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They had to do Part I very quickly because the option to do AS was expiring. I haven't seen it. I may never see it. Same for this next one. The AS now in my head is the AS I want. Anyway, the first movie was supposed to be the best movie for that was the best part of the novel. It now seems that that will be the worst movie. Ironic--and a little depressing.


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Is there a single cast member from Part 1 reprising their role in Part II? The Mouch was a keeper, I felt. I suppose Wyatt wouldn't be appearing in any event, maybe he'll come back for Part III.

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Is there a single cast member from Part 1 reprising their role in Part II? The Mouch was a keeper, I felt. I suppose Wyatt wouldn't be appearing in any event, maybe he'll come back for Part III.

As far as I know, none of the prior cast members from Part One are in Part Two.

We can praise the Gods that the scraggly, dissipated Francisco is gone. Two other Part One characters who looked like they just walked in off the street and wandered on to the set—Owen Kellog (the Pillsbury Dough Boy) and Hugh Akston (who looked like he just stepped off the ice cream truck)—don’t appear to be in Part Two at all.

The new cast members offer some impressive resumes of prior film and TV credits. The new Wesley Mouch, for instance, Paul McCrane, played a terrorist villain on the '24' series, opposite Keifer Sutherland.

First he takes on Jack Bauer, now John Galt. Some people never learn.

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They had to do Part I very quickly because the option to do AS was expiring. I haven't seen it. I may never see it. Same for this next one. The AS now in my head is the AS I want. Anyway, the first movie was supposed to be the best movie for that was the best part of the novel. It now seems that that will be the worst movie. Ironic--and a little depressing.


Hard to believe you would not want to see a flesh-and-blood Dagny Taggart, even if a cinematic one.

Taylor Schilling did some truly wonderful things with the role. You are mssing out if you don't give it a look.

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They had to do Part I very quickly because the option to do AS was expiring. I haven't seen it. I may never see it. Same for this next one. The AS now in my head is the AS I want. Anyway, the first movie was supposed to be the best movie for that was the best part of the novel. It now seems that that will be the worst movie. Ironic--and a little depressing.


Hard to believe you would not want to see a flesh-and-blood Dagny Taggart, even if a cinematic one.

Taylor Schilling did some truly wonderful things with the role. You are mssing out if you don't give it a look.

OMG! Thx for the head up!


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We can praise the Gods that the scraggly, dissipated Francisco is gone.

I haven't seen Part One, but saw a still shot of Fransicso D'Anconia where he looked like he had neither showered nor shaved for a week. :D

But going by the picture of the actor J. Garcia on the IMDb site, imo if the filmmakers had not made him so 'scraggly-looking', he would looked perfect as Francisco, better than the new cast E. Morales.

Not a trace of beard of course for Franciso, since Rand disliked beards. :smile:

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They had to do Part I very quickly because the option to do AS was expiring. I haven't seen it. I may never see it. Same for this next one. The AS now in my head is the AS I want. Anyway, the first movie was supposed to be the best movie for that was the best part of the novel. It now seems that that will be the worst movie. Ironic--and a little depressing.


I'm just going by the few excerpts I have seen, but have the feeling that the problem was not poor performance by the actors (which is why I believe that exchanging in the cast won't have much effect); Taylor Schilling even looked like the perfect Dagny to me.

I think the problem lies in it being very difficult to put the key thoughts in AS convincingly on screen. How on earth are they going to y present the tunnel catastrophe where those perish that have the wrong premises?

AS is a novel almost exclusively painted in 'black and white' in terms of the characters and the ideas they represent. It is a the "good" versus the "bad" tale, with no shades of gray.

While the first part has at least a strong suspense element ('Where have all these people vanished?') and the culminating First Run of the John Galt line makes for a great visual effect, imo the following parts are extremely difficult to put on screen. Galt's Gulch for example can easily come across as too exotic.

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We can praise the Gods that the scraggly, dissipated Francisco is gone.

I'm really getting tired of hearing old people bitching about Jsu Garcia's portrayal of Francisco. Your image of the character as a 1950s playboy would not have worked in the film's modern setting. Garcia looked and acted like a current party-boy heir.


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We can praise the Gods that the scraggly, dissipated Francisco is gone.

I'm really getting tired of hearing old people bitching about Jsu Garcia's portrayal of Francisco. Your image of the character as a 1950s playboy would not have worked in the film's modern setting. Garcia looked and acted like a current party-boy heir.


Argumentum ad hominem!


did anyone light up a cigarette in that movie?

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Yes, but Francisco in the book was only playing at being a sleaze; the reader and the characters sensed that he really wasn't. The one in the movie really was, all the way down.

One of the lesser characters smoked $ cigarettes - Akston, I think.

The book was set in the 40s, not the 50s. Network radio was the primary mass-communications medium and corporate execs took cross-country business trips by train, to name two of the evidences.

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The status of the movie has now been officially changed to "filming."


"Lights! Camera! Wait! Where the hell is Lillian? Somebody go knock on her trailer door and tell her and Gaede to knock it off! We've got a world to save!"

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Maybe this will lighten your day. I keep seeing this at the top of OL:


Who is John Galt?

Who is John Galt? Find out this Fall in Atlas Shrigged Part II.


Shrigged?? Must be a Canadian word.

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Maybe this will lighten your day. I keep seeing this at the top of OL:


Who is John Galt?

Who is John Galt? Find out this Fall in Atlas Shrigged Part II.


Shrigged?? Must be a Canadian word.

Maybe this will lighten your day. I keep seeing this at the top of OL:


Who is John Galt?

Who is John Galt? Find out this Fall in Atlas Shrigged Part II.


Shrigged?? Must be a Canadian word.

Close, the Canadian word is Squigged, short for squid-jigged as in the Newfoundland classic, "the Squid-Jigging Grounds".

Who knew John Galt was into the seafood, b'y?

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Maybe this will lighten your day. I keep seeing this at the top of OL:


Who is John Galt?

Who is John Galt? Find out this Fall in Atlas Shrigged Part II.


Shrigged?? Must be a Canadian word.

Maybe this will lighten your day. I keep seeing this at the top of OL:


Who is John Galt?

Who is John Galt? Find out this Fall in Atlas Shrigged Part II.


Shrigged?? Must be a Canadian word.

Close, the Canadian word is Squigged, short for squid-jigged as in the Newfoundland classic, "the Squid-Jigging Grounds".

Who knew John Galt was into the seafood, b'y?

I thought: "Daunce made that up". So I looked it up. There's a drink named the

. These kids are cute too.

Looked up "b'y" too. Cool. You are actually pretty amazing.

Mike E.

(4k memory hooked up to the billion terabyte web)

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Cheers Mike E! with a pint of Screech.

The Squid-Jigging Grounds is a tune I had not even thought of since my childhood but immediately sprang to mind when you wrote "Shrigging".

OL is a wonderful place.

Agreed, except I miss Ted Keer. Thank you for your creative writing and your poems and your pleasant humor. Cheers to you too Daunce, I'll try that pint of Screech in a few weeks.

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The status of the movie has now been officially changed to "filming."


"Lights! Camera! Wait! Where the hell is Lillian? Somebody go knock on her trailer door and tell her and Gaede to knock it off! We've got a world to save!"

It's Lillian and Hank. You don't expect me to break character, do you, and turn into a dirty old man?


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