Select Articles on 9/11 and Terrorism

Ed Hudgins

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Select Articles on 9/11 and Terrorism

It has been a decade since the September 11, 2001 Islamist attacks on America. Atlas Society scholars have been at the forefront of the discussion of the deeper issues involved in this war on all that is good in this world. We offer the following pieces from our archive. And we ask our friends to remember and honor those who have put their lives on the line--and sometimes lost them--in defense of our freedom.

The Assault on Civilization

by David Kelley

September 13, 2001

Our enemy is not Islam. Our enemy is the nihilism of this subculture.

Position Statement on the 9/11 Attack

by The Atlas Society

9/11 and The War Against Modernity

by David Kelley

May 2002 issue of Navigator magazine

The West is a secular culture. And that is what the Islamists hate most about us.

The New Totalitarians

by Brink Lindsey

December 2001

The root of the carnage lies in radical discontent with modern industrial society, a hydra-headed historical phenomenon that is well described as the Industrial Counterrevolution.

American Heroism

by William R. Thomas

October 15, 2001

It is not facing death that makes a hero. Even those who hate the good can face death, and anyone who loves destruction can find it. Heroism is a positive achievement, an excellence of skill in living.

From the Silk Trade Route to the World Trade Center

by Neera K. Badhwar

September 9, 2002

Those who create the riches of this world out of love for life on earth may never fully understand the hatred of those who would scorch this earth and annihilate the creators. Hence, even as we celebrate the creators, we cannot afford to forget the destroyers.

The Ideas That Promote Terrorism

by David Kelley

April/May 2005 issue of The New Individualist

The Islamists, like the communist and fascist totalitarians, hate individualism. There is no room in their worldview for individual freedom of thought, or for the pursuit of individual happiness.

Cartoon Journalists

by Robert James Bidinotto

Winter 2005 issues of The New Individualist

Offhand, I can think of no other major religion whose followers habitually try to silence their opponents with censorship, death threats, or death itself. Even among today’s religious, radical Muslims stand virtually alone in their unrepentant advocacy of totalitarianism.

Allah Bless America!

by Edward Hudgins

May 2002 issue of Navigator magazine

American Muslims are uniquely positioned to export to their brothers overseas a more enlightened Islam that will vanquish the hate on which terrorism is based.

The Means and Ends of Islamists

by Edward Hudgins

July/August 2005 issue of The New Individualist

Islamists see themselves in a war with the rest of the world—either they must win or we will.

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