My New Website

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I started construction on a new website today. This is free with Comcast Internet, so it is not very sophisticated, but it will do for now.

The articles you will find are purely for the purpose of testing; they will (probably) not appear in the final version. My present concern is that the various links work on the home page. There are links to "blogs" on Conscience and Shaftesbury, and the pics (one at the top of the home page and four at the bottom) are linked as well.

Please let me know if you have any trouble with these links. Any glitches in the articles themselves are unimportant for now.


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The two temporary blog entries (two of my old articles, in fact) on my website allow for comments. I will like to try this function out, so please feel free to add some remarks. This is just a trial run, so your comments need not be serious. They will be deleted later.

Here are the two articles:

Conscience Article

Shaftesbury Article

The first paragraph (in large font) is messed up, but never mind.



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On the home page it says Wecome! instead of Welcome!

The security code to make a comment rejected 3 times, I gave up.

Thanks. I fixed the typo.

Those security codes can be a bitch, but I have no control over them. I used to have a lot of trouble making out the letters, but I've gotten much better since downloading tons of free books from Google. At times it used to take me three of four tries; now I can usually do it in one.

Did the links work okay for you? I am especially interested in the links to my books at the bottom of the home page. I used to have another, much more complex website (The Philosophe), and I found that html formatting that works on some browsers may not work on others. That was around 8 years ago, however, and I don't know if this is still a problem.

I did all the html formatting by hand on my old website, and it was very time consuming. I've forgotten most of the tags and didn't want to relearn everything, so the automatic formatting on the Comcast site (similar to that on OL) is helpful.


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Did the links work okay for you? I am especially interested in the links to my books at the bottom of the home page.

The links to Amazon and the place selling your tapes worked. I made a comment (Locke was an anti-Catholic bigot!), and it only took two tries with the security code.

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