"The Misandry Bubble"


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This is a long and interesting look at the "misandry bubble" and how and why it will eventually explode. The article makes the excellent argument that anti-male cultures do not survive and are replaced by ones that do.

"Executive Summary : The Western World has quietly become a civilization that undervalues men and overvalues women, where the state forcibly transfers resources from men to women creating various perverse incentives for otherwise good women to conduct great evil against men and children, and where male nature is vilified but female nature is celebrated. This is unfair to both genders, and is a recipe for a rapid civilizational decline and displacement, the costs of which will ultimately be borne by a subsequent generation of innocent women, rather than men, as soon as 2020."

Edited by Chris Baker
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I should never have replied. :mellow:

I really wish you would stop doing that. Every other post by you I see you've deleted.

It is that impulsive reactive complex which worries me when there is a gun in ones hand...lol.

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I should never have replied. :mellow:

I really wish you would stop doing that. Every other post by you I see you've deleted.

I know, sorry about that. I will try to be less impulsive. (It's a toy gun :P)

Edited by pippi
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Well, this was very poorly written, and amounted to a load of supposition and assertion, not to mention silly self-aggrandizing remarks such as the anonymous poster claiming that his arguments were the equivalent of predicting 9/11 before it happened. Some of his grammatical errors made me wince in pain.

Nevertheless, it was entertaining and thought provoking and I second Chris's suggestion that you read it.

Edited by Ted Keer
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Straight men are the generally the only men who have to face this kind of stuff. Above all, many straight men will likely get some of false accusation thrown at them--"sexual harassment," "aggression," or paternity fraud. And only straight men get married, so only straight men will ever get taken to the cleaners in divorce courts.

Paternity fraud is not even illegal in most places. And many men do not even have the right to demand a test. This is obscene to say the least. A court will just order him to pay child support, and he will be stuck with it.

The article does point out that a misandrist society and/or culture can not sustain itself, and this is the "bubble."

There is no doubt at all that women treat gay men very differently. In fact, I once came to the conclusion that a man was gay based solely on how women treated him. Generally, women treat a gay man like he is "just one of the girls." It doesn't go as far as letting them come into the girls' bathroom a la Ricky Vasquez on My So-Called Life, but it gets pretty darn close.

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Interesting--I haven't read this, but rapid social evolution in the West has certainly stomped on a lot of men's rights. We can only hope that the lumbering legal system makes redress.

This reminds me of the writer Philip Wylie, whose theory was that the majority of wealth in the US was held by widows who had coerced their husbands into working themselves to death, in order to leave a tidy fortune behind for said widows to enjoy. He also wrote a sci-fi novel where all the men and women were separated by some cosmic event into two separate parts of the world, and had to build two unisex societies.Can't remember the title

but it was a good read.

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It goes without saying that women are manipulative beasts that screw men over at every turn. Indeed, everyone knows that feminism was nothing more than an evil conspiracy. To argue otherwise is stupid.


There are some legit issues concerning men's rights but that article was often misogynist and generally out to lunch. I got the sense the author had some major personal issues.

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It goes without saying that women are manipulative beasts that screw men over at every turn. Indeed, everyone knows that feminism was nothing more than an evil conspiracy. To argue otherwise is stupid.


There are some legit issues concerning men's rights but that article was often misogynist and generally out to lunch. I got the sense the author had some major personal issues.

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There are some legit issues concerning men's rights but that article was often misogynist and generally out to lunch. I got the sense the author had some major personal issues.

Maybe the author had a bad experience or two. That would be my guess.

Men are often taken completely by surprise when something bad happens. I have a cousin whose wife decided to mess around after 30 years. Their three adult daughters all took his side and didn't speak to her for a long time.

Edited by Chris Baker
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