Brad Anderson

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Posts posted by Brad Anderson

  1. As it turns out, the answer to my question above is, "Yes."

    "Groups with Biden Ties Pose Ethics Quandary for His Administration"

  2. 45 minutes ago, Ellen Stuttle said:

    I wondered what designation you'd use for Biden.

    How about your earlier "Impostor Biden"?


    I'm running with The Failed Harris Regime. Xi Joe Ping is a post turtle: someone else put him there, and he is helpless. 

  3. 9 hours ago, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

    ...several other similar theories floating around about Biden... being allowed to be sworn in and immediately removed from office.

    So, basically, straight to the failed Harris Regime without the agonizing wait?


  4. 9 minutes ago, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

    This kind of stuff keeps popping up more and more. Not necessarily pictures like in this case, but open links between US politicians (and other notable people) and the CCP.

    During the Cold War, Soviet dupes at least were sneaky about it. Today, Red Chinese dupes aren't even bothering to try to hide it.

  5. A Big Move to Ban Realtor 'Hate Speech.' At Work. Anywhere. 24/7.

    "Under the new policy, real estate agents who insult, threaten[,] or harass people based on race, sex, or other legally protected characteristics can be investigated, fined or expelled."

    How long until Realtors are forbidden to list the property of or sell property to Teh White Supremacists™, Teh Misogynists™, and other Oppressors™?

  6. 10 minutes ago, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

    Things are looking bleak.

    They are. It isn't just social media.

    Seattle city and Massachusetts state 'education' officials are moving to remove all literature from Dr. Seuss back through Antiquity from government school curricula.

    This is not about Teh Racizmz™. It is about depriving our children of the literary tropes that define Western Civilization. I already have seen references to claims that The Hero's Quest is 'problematic', and Boy Meets Girl is right out. How long until children's literary knowledge consists exclusively in manufactured Intersectional™ 'culture'?

  7. 2 hours ago, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

    We have already seen what these people are capable of. What's killing some Americans "for a good cause" to them? Hell, these are people who make money from endless war. That's their business model.

    It also is unlikely that the whole "Orange Man Is Literally Hitler!!!1!" thing is 100% theater. The whole leftist worldview is a land of schizophrenic make-believe. To some non-trivial extent, they undoubtedly feel that destroying Trump—socially, psychologically, or physically—is the right and moral thing to do.

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  8. 7 hours ago, Mark said:

    [O]nce in a while Rand would acknowledge that something more sinister than differences in political philosophy was going on.  The only example I can think of at the moment is when, in an essay, she entertained the possibility that Marilyn Monroe had been murdered (for knowing too much about the crowd she was running around with at the time, though Rand didn’t say that).

    More generally, Ayn Rand often wrote about those who hate the good for being the good. I refer to this as misocalosism (Greek: miso- disdain, hate; calos the good, the beautiful). A subset of misocalosists are cacophiliacs, who revel in filth and the ugly. In "The Age of Envy" (Return of the Primitive; formerly The New Left), she identified the hate of the good for being the good as the root cause of envy, which one must distinguish from jealousy.

    Jealousy is wanting what someone else has, or protecting what is yours. Envy is begrudging someone of what he has. Jealousy might lead one to steal a car or to save for a car like the one that one's friend or neighbor drives; envy might lead one to torch the fancy car of one's neighbor.

    As for specific examples of something dark and sinister lurking among us, it pretty much follows that misocalosists—those who hate the good for being the good—would be attracted to careers that enable them to ruin others' lives, even if only in small ways. And, yes, it is entirely possible that Marilyn Monroe knew 'too much'. Likewise, Vince Foster, Ron Brown, Seth Rich, Philip Haney, Jeffery Epstein, et al., ad nauseam.

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