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Posts posted by Arkadi

  1. Greg--You've just confirmed what I said: our government reflects (however imperfectly) the will of the majority. This regime is called democracy. You preference seems to be oligarchy (or, you might call it aristocracy).

  2. Greg--Yes, I live in America. Yes, I am Christian but currently do not belong to any church. "In America today, anyone who is a slave only did it to themselves."--Are you ignorant of the genetics' impact on IQ?  And of the influence of drugs consumed in childhood, when a person is not yet formed as a person and cannot resist the pressure of their social environment?

  3. For me, Capitalism is the triumph of the moral sovereignty of the individual. Which implies that nobody, except the person himself, has the moral right to judge whether his life was success or failure. Usurping such right is a trait of totalitarian mentality.

  4. jts-- "If a man can't make a living, that is a failed life."--NO. Such a person would quite literally die. He would not have either failed or successful life. He would not have anything. For a simple reason that he would not be around any more.

  5. p.s. I have to admit, that, personally, I find Greg's criterion ("making more money than you spend") ego-pandering. I'm almost 62 and I never borrowed a single cent in my whole life, nor lived off any inheritance. It looks like I'm admitted to Greg's "good people"'s  (a.k.a. American Capitalists) club. :)

  6. Greg--"I'm talking about today in America... "--Today, in America, Snowden--who, in my view, did what's morally right--would be in jail if not for Vladimir Putin. So, the freedom of a person who does what's morally right depends on the benevolence of one of the worlds' greatest moral wrongdoers. "I have a totally different view on mountain climbing than you do... If people didn't put out the physical effort to hike up mountains they couldn't travel anywhere to live in new territories and civilization couldn't be spread over the world."--Yes, we do disagree on this. Without Aristotle there would be nothing to spread. Monkeys put out physical effort and spread around yet remain monkeys.

  7. p.s. Basically, you seem to me saying that a person who, by a certain age, has not made a good buck, can be neither happy nor having done what's morally right. My apologies if you did not mean this. But if you did, I've to say that it is patently false.

  8. Greg--"Free men are happy because the achievement of earning it makes them happy." It does not do so always; otherwise there would be no people killing themselves or others (like Simpson) after earning a lot. "Freedom is earned by doing what's morally right." Again, it is not always so: under some regimes, doing what's morally right paves one's way into jail. "Climbing a mountain is action. Discussing Aristotle is talk." Aristotle was not climbing mountains, he was "talking" (=discussing ideas, with Plato and his own students). Yet this "talking" influenced our civilization more than many actions like mountain-climbing.