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Posts posted by palebirch

  1. Well, again, I didn't see it as a criticism when I said it (if anything, a criticism of the surrounding culture?) but I am sorry to have offended. I simply looked at the number of subforums that hadn't had posts in days, weeks or months. I didn't realize there were actual statistics available, but I also didn't think the subject was terribly important -- certainly not important enough to warrant the kind of response I am getting here. It just didn't occur to me that it could be perceived as insulting.

    Anyway, I don't think there's anything acceptable I can say here, so I'll excuse myself. Hope everyone has a happy Easter weekend.

  2. I'm not really understanding the hostility, Michael. I'm sorry that I missed the "top posters" link (not every forum runs on the same architecture, as I'm sure you know... and I'm on a mobile device so I'm not sure I'm seeing the same thing you are) but I don't really understand what you took as a criticism/negative opinion about my (mistakenly?) thinking that there is not much activity here. I also didn't argue with you or correct you in any way about the activity level or number of posters; I just explained why I usually prefer larger communities and why I am not "trying out for a popularity contest".

    I'm not sure what you mean by my "faking it" -- if you just mean the subject at hand or in general, because I'm not using my real identity. If I'm not welcome for the latter reason, that's fine; say so directly and I'll leave. If it's the former, well, I have no idea why this innocent comment of mine is so contentious, but I'm sorry to have offended.

    Peter, I still don't really understand what you were trying to accomplish -- or the relevance of that article -- but I do try to be courteous in general.

  3. I have long been a fan of a site called CrazyMeds whose admins are big supporters of Dr Amen and his approach. They are pro-medical-intervention for mental illness, without accepting that the categories outlined in the DSM are necessarily scientifically sound.

    The Mind Body "problem" makes as much sense as the Stomach Digestion Problem.

    Gratifying to see someone else say this. It is the same analogy I use all the time in philosophy of mind classes.

  4. More replies than I was expecting! One by one:

    Brant Gaede: From what I could tell, this forum gets <10 posts daily. That's pretty dead ("only mostly dead", still revivable by Miracle Max?) compared to the other places I go (e.g. Reddit, though not /r/Objectivism, which is full of loonies).

    Michael Stuart Kelly: Usually when it comes to web communities, I read far more than I post, and I try to make friends on an individual basis that I can stay in touch with on my own. And actually, posting in a small community often results in the post getting far more attention than I am comfortable with, rather than being a drop in the bucket.

    Selene: I have no idea what you mean.

    Kyle Jacob Biodrowski: Thanks for the welcome. I will try not to be a "hit and run" poster.

    GaltGulch: Thank you for your perspective. I have attended events, conferences and seminars from many of the student freedom organizations, including SFL, FEE, IHS and ISI, and I am subscribed to lots of E-mail newsletters from these organizations. The people I interacted with and the things I read do not give me hope. The vast majority of libertarian young people today have little to no interest in philosophy and are subjectivists and/or collectivists, if you don't mind my painting with a broad brush. The holdouts are die-hard Machiavellian or Nietzschean pragmatists and progress-hating religious conservatives.

    I don't think you need to be an Objectivist (nor atheist, though I am) to be a "good libertarian" but an attitude of individualism, an uncompromising rationality, a seriousness about ideas and many more things are necessary, and most of the people I have met have perhaps one of those qualities at best. Lest I appear to be building a temple to myself here, I would call myself far from uncompromising and often not serious enough. But I am not heartened by the potential of a youth movement that does not even attempt to take anything seriously.

  5. I suppose this forum is essentially dead, but I might as well say hi.

    I apologize for not using my real name/face. I am hiding not from the members of this forum but from anyone who, now or in the future, might use the ideas I espouse here to destroy my reputation or worse. I don't mean only association with Objectivism/Rand, but also my views on sexual politics, for instance. While it is possible to survive and openly hold those ideas today, I can't take for granted that it will be so forever.

    I will say that I am in my twenties, I am a university student and I don't reside in the US. I am fairly close to "orthodox" Objectivism, in that I prefer the ARI to Kelly, Branden etc, but I can't "officially" call myself an Objectivist for various reasons.

    Thanks to anyone who actually read this.