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Posts posted by FuturistNow

  1. One of the myths still surrounding WWII is that it prevented Nazi Germany from murdering every last person in Europe that they did not want in Europe. I believe that this myth is true .

    If Europe was worried about the Nazis killing them they should have done something about it before things got out of hand.

    Moral and material costs are obviously calculated by this poster on a different scale from that of most of humanity.


    That is obvious.


    I am sorry that you were drafted, and I am glad that you did not play the victim and actually made something useful out of the situation. However the fact that you were able to make something out of a good situation does not mean that the actions taken against you were justified. Even if the situation benefited you there were a lot of people that it ended up killing for no reason at all.

  2. "We" didn't win WWII. "We" don't have the best military machine that stolen money can buy. You don't have any control over that organization. Even if you are a member it is ruled by chain of command and its policies are set by a mixed set of elites (appointed and elected). You have no means of controlling this organization, especially since you are in the political minority.

    World War II was a great time for statism, and the myths surrounding the era still endure. Even though the era's problems were caused by earlier wars, and earlier interventions, people claim that historically this time period justifies warfare and interventionism. Even though the supposed enemies that were defeated during this era were societies plagued by constant warfare and hyperinterventionism.

    Just like with any government program, the military does what it does without any check on its moral or material costs. Apply any economic reasoning to the draft and taxation during the world wars and one will realize with horror that so many lives and so much wealth was burnt for no reason other than to subsidize the security costs of a leftist Europe.

    They lets Nazis take over their stupid continent, and they needed a bailout. Fuck them.

    As for Japan, if goods don't cross oceans, navies will.

  3. What makes an experience good or bad? Is this the question of ethics?

    As far as personal well-being is concerned, is experience not all that matters? If the job of ethics is to determine how volitional beings ought to live, then the question is: Why is there necessarily an "ought"?

    Is it not because we (or for individualist ethics, I) do experience that there even is an idea of "ought"? Of course.

    There can be an "is" without consciousness, but certainly not an "ought".

    So, it seems, striving for good experiences is what rational self-interest is all about.

    Why would you intentionally make your experience worse than it has to be? Self-sacrifice, of course.

    Why would anyone minimize their quality of experience? Not because they want to (or else it would still be a good experience), obviously, but because they "ought" to. Or at least they think they ought to.

    I guess this is that whole thing about not worrying about things you cannot control. It would not be rationally selfish to do so.

    The following is fairly informal.

    Good experiences only exist because you are alive. Which is why life is the standard of value.

    When we talk about "ought", we typically mean that someone should do something in order to gain something. With life as a standard of value, one places all possible values as being predicated on one's life, therefor making the ultimate standard on how one's actions affect one's life. This means thinking about how your actions affect your ability to achieve other values. A value that leads to destruction or severe impairment are usually seen as bad by this standard and actions that lead to longevity and enhanced aptitude are usually good.

    Although the goal of egoism is happiness (good experiences doesn't quite work in my mind), it can't be the standard, the standard is life. By making life the standard one can increase one's probability that they will be happy. By enhancing your ability to achieve value and mitigating risks, one can increase their life span and the amount of pleasures they have access too.

  4. I really hate the idea that "Ayn Rand" saves us. It sounds so christian.

    Really you can only save yourself, and the fact that she wrote some things down in the past is just good luck for the rest of us.

  5. i have heard some people say that personality and beliefs rarely change after a certain age. A sociology professor would say it like "Personality remains consistent throughout the life course". I took a class on aging and that more or less seems to be true about earlier generations.

  6. Good thinking. An Anarchist would need to declare war on the U.S. to establish a planned anarchy which could be construed as the initiation of force, not the defensive use of force. Any mob protesting unjust governance would be initiating force. Peaceful protest is the only legitimate protest unless you are willing to declare war and accept the consequences. As Ayn Rand believed, terrorism is the killing of Eloi (innocents) while a declaration of war, then fighting the military and even the police, is morally legitimate. She was very, very careful in setting the scene for Ragnar the pirate.


    Why do you think anything your saying is true?

    "Anarchists" typically support non-violence and are against terrorism and warfare on moral principle and strategically.

    Any why do you think that any mob protesting unjust government is initiating force? Whose rights are being violated in this situation you are imagining and how?

    I don't agree with the libertarian movement, but you are spreading misinformation. To speculate wildly about what a rival movement may or may not do without evidence isn't cool.

  7. You are comparing two different situations Peter. You first example is an individual intervening based on what could be an emergency. The intervention was justified every step of the way by reason. You suspected the fire because of an actual signs you perceived. You could justify that to a court.

    I think the NSA, and the whole intelligence community, should have to justify their actions to a court based on a serious considerations of due process.

    That information might be used to save lives, but it will mostly be used to reinforce establishment objectives and to punish uppity politicians.

  8. I went to a highschool that was smack dab in the middle of a Mexican "ghetto" in OKC. I got to know a lot of Mexicans. There are gangbangers, and there was violent crime in the nieghborhood surrounding my school. However most mexican immigrants ended up coming off as rednecks to me. They like trucks, wrestling, cowboys, sugary drinks, fattening food, old time religion, country music, and sometimes nascar. I could see a lot of them voting republican.

    Now the problem for me is that I don't want the republicans to have another voting block that will keep them to the center.

  9. I do feel bad for the foreigners , who most likely barely understand in what way they are being victimized and how they played a role in their own suffering (or their children's). The real victim of US wars is the American tax payer and the soldiers who were abused and misused by those wars.

    Chatzaf is correct, we haven't won any wars because no one wants to end wars. They want perpetual undefined warfare against unknown enemies because of who it benefits, and because our culture is so altruistic they think the means that it would take to win a war are inhumane and evil.

  10. I am not worried about 1984, I am worried about the stupid crap that happened to ginny.

    Maybe some theoretical limited government that was based in classical liberalism and was fairly apolitical could handle having a huge datamining project. However our government is way to corrupt to trust with that crap.

  11. A lot of people make fun of the "Silver Age" style super villain who perpetually makes mistakes that cause him to fail even though he could have won if he or she were more clear headed. It seems though that every silver age super villain was based on Hitler if what I am reading is correct.

    D-Day should have never happened.