Darrell Cody

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Posts posted by Darrell Cody

  1. Striking Against Obama Policies - Truckers, On Oct. 11 - 13

    The Huffington Post published the article below, and related links are below, as well as an email address, and the Facebook page, to visit and/or Like it:

    Ride For The Constitution 'About' Message: The American people are sick and tired of the corruption that is destroying America! We therefore declare a GENERAL STRIKE on the weekend of October 11-13, 2013! Truck drivers will not haul freight! Americans can strike in solidarity with truck drivers!


  2. I just read a rather good essay on RoR by Joe Rowlands:

    Disconfirming Evidence

    From the article:

    Years ago in school I learned about an important method in science. Since then, I've mentioned it to a few people and they told me that they were never actually taught it in school. The lesson went something like this:

    A guy is given a set of numbers. The numbers given are 4, 6, 8, 12, and 14. He is told that there is a larger set of numbers, and these are mere examples. It is his job to formulate a theory for what numbers are in this larger set and verify his theory. He can do this by simply asking whether a specific number is also in the set. He can ask as many times as he wants, but this is the only kind of question he can ask.

    The guy examines the set of number. He notices that all of these number are even. He formulates a theory that the set includes even numbers. There were some not mentioned, though. So he asks whether 2 is in the set. Yes it is. Okay, how about 10? Yes, it is. Okay, if it is even numbers, how many even numbers is it? Is 16 in the set? Yes. 18? Yes. How about 102? Yes. 500,214? Yes. A billion and two? Yes. Well, he thinks he's done a good job of confirming his theory. So he provides his answer. It is the set of even numbers! And he fails the test.

    And here is where the lesson begins. When offered the chance to ask whether a number was in the set, he only looked for examples that fit his theory. He could have asked a million more questions...

    ... This is all tied to Karl Popper's view that real science must be falsifiable. ...

    ... There's a serious methodological flaw in creating a theory that is sufficiently vague so that it can be seen as consistent with any outcome. The theory lacks any kind of predictive ability. It may be seen as explaining the results, but it can only do so after the fact. ...

    ... You can always create a theory that "explains" the facts. But until you start looking for disconfirming evidence, the theory has no real support.

    I have to admit this is a take on Popper's falsifiability theory I had not considered. I think Rowlands nailed an important point.

    The irony is that he does not allow for his kind of approach in working through an idea when he gets to preaching his rules for living, especially when he gets on his soapbox and goes into "Objectivism teaches..." mode. When folks he feels superior to present "disconfirming evidence," he doesn't respond well. (Not that his feelings have any objective merit.)

    Anybody, other than his regulars, who has disagreed with him in public can attest to that. And the proof is all over his forum in threads gone by.

    Maybe times are changing, or maybe this was good thinking from a person who cannot look at himself too much as he looks at others. It's certainly odd to see a remark like the following come from him:


    Many people make claims about "people" or "humanity", but mysteriously exclude themselves. This is an easy example of disconfirming evidence. If you say something applies to everyone, ask if it applies to you.



    The only reason I am mentioning this article is because the point is so pertinent to discussions I have had with others and I intend to wed this argument in the future to my own understanding. So I want to preemptively give proper credit.

    Rowlands did some good thinking here and I'll take it. I don't expect to see a change in his behavior, though, like, you know, following his own advice. So I'll have to take it imagining the article has an anonymous author to get the message without the contradictions of the messenger tagging along in the background. (I'm speaking of in my mind, not in my crediting.)

    I would love to be disproven someday. He is not a stupid man.

    And I'll leave it at that...


    That's important stuff.

  3. 1.jpg
    Gotham Tea Party: Going Forward!

    While the 2012 election results were disappointing, we can't
    stand still. And won't. The holidays are behind us. The year is
    young -- and we have work to do.

    It's a new beginning.

    Our first meeting of the year has a speaker who knows about
    new beginnings. After almost a decade working as a labor
    union activist, Peter List had an epiphany about what the labor
    movement really means for America.

    He left the union movement for good.

    Now List has a greater concern: What's happening to America.

    He sees challenges. "What happens next depends on us,"
    he says.

    Join us to find out more!

    DATE: Monday, January 28th

    TIME: 6:30 - 9:30 pm

    TOPIC: "Tea Party 2.0: What Will Help Win America's Future?"

    SPEAKER: Peter List, former Communications Workers of America
    chief shop steward (among other leadership positions),
    is a regular front page contributor to RedState.com and
    is a consultant specializing in labor union issues.
    Thanks to his deep knowledge of unions, List has
    persuaded tens of thousands of employees across the
    country to reject unionization.:

    VENUE: Connolly's Pub and Restaurant
    14 East 47th Street

    COST: Pre-paid $10* (includes snacks); $15 at the door

    Click to pre-pay: www.gothamteaparty.com/jan13-pae

    Questions? Email info@gothamteaparty.com


    * We cannot refund prepaid admissions if you can't make it.

    Gotham Tea Party's mission: Help elect representatives who believe in our Founders' timeless principles of constitutional and limited government, fiscal responsibility, and free markets.

  4. M1_Rand_Message_Header.jpg

    Dear fellow Patriot,

    Nearly 1 million American firearms.

    Banned by a stroke of Barack Obama’s pen.

    In a move unprecedented in American history, the Obama Administration quietly banned the re-importation of nearly 600,000 American made M1 Carbine rifles.

    And I've just discovered Obama may be blocking as many as 300,000 1911 Colts too!

    That's nearly one million pieces of American history denied to the American people.

    The M1 rifle, developed in the late 1930’s, carried the United States through World War II, seeing action in every major battle.

    General Patton at the time called the M1 “the greatest battle implement ever devised.”

    The rifle is largely credited with giving American soldiers the advantage and securing victory for the allies.

    During the Korean War, nearly one million of these rifles were brought to South Korea and loaned to the South Korean government afterward.

    Now, South Korea wants to give American gun collectors the chance to get their hands on this unique piece of history.

    A piece of American history that Barack Obama would like to see go down the memory hole.

    That’s why I want as many Americans as possible to put themselves on record opposing this gun ban by signing the Official Firearms Freedom Survey the National Association for Gun Rights has prepared for you.

    Will you please join me?

    After World War II, the United States government sent millions of these rifles overseas to our allies and friends.

    That includes 950,000 M1 Garands, 1.2 million M1 Carbines, and 300,000 1911 Pistols.

    Over the past 50 years, many of the countries we lent them to returned them to America to be bought and sold by firearms collectors.

    This is nothing new.

    Make no mistake; these firearms were made in America, by Americans, for Americans, to defend freedom on foreign shores.

    As a part of our history, they are greatly sought after by American shooters and collectors.

    But according to Hillary Clinton’s State Department there is a danger they might “fall into the wrong hands.”

    That they might, possibly, one day be used in a crime.

    No mention of the hundreds of thousands of gun owners deprived of the opportunity to own an integral part of American history.

    The State Department’s outrageous claims are nothing more than a thinly veiled ploy to distract from the real issue:

    President Obama’s deep-seated hatred for gun rights.

    While his gun-grabbing base is giddy with praise at this back-door gun ban, law-abiding citizens across the United States are crying foul.

    Let me be clear: at no time in U.S. history has the ownership of these firearms -- or any part of these firearms -- been illegal, restricted or banned.

    Americans have collected World War II M1 rifles for decades.

    Now they are sold through the Civilian Marksmanship Program.

    You can even purchase a newly manufactured model from Springfield Armory that was made just a month or two ago.

    And the M1’s caliber or capacity is no more dangerous than the millions of modern firearms owned by Americans across the country today.

    As you can see, there is absolutely no justification for this unconstitutional gun ban.M1_Rand_Clicker.jpg
    This is just one of a series of anti-gun schemes from the Obama Administration:

    *** A new so-called “Assault Weapons Ban" -- targeting ALL semi-automatic rifles and shotguns -- which, unlike the Clinton ban, would NEVER expire;

    *** An outright BAN on “high capacity” magazines -- banning the sale and manufacture of magazines holding more than just a handful of rounds;

    *** A National Concealed Carry “Standard” -- designed to make it even more difficult for law-abiding citizens to carry a gun to protect themselves and their families from assault;

    *** Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s “Catch-All Gun Control Scheme” -- to create a national “cannot buy registry,” allowing citizens to be stripped of their Second Amendment rights on a Justice Department whim, effectively banning all private gun sales.

    That’s why it is essential that Americans like you and I take a stand against the M1 Carbine and 1911 gun ban!

    It has been common practice since the end of World War II to re-import these American made rifles from the foreign allies they were lent to during the war.

    But the Obama Administration departs radically from the American tradition.

    In fact, on top of banning American citizens from owning these historic firearms, Obama’s State Department is arranging for the destruction of nearly one million of them -- ironically, at a time of ballooning federal deficits.

    It’s an outrage!

    These firearms -- truly pieces of American history -- rightly belong in the hands of U.S. citizens.

    That’s why I was glad to hear that the National Association for Gun Rights is helping fight this power grab in the U.S. Senate.

    Do you believe the U.S. Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and the Second Amendment are the supreme law of the land?

    Do you believe that President Obama banning the re-importation of these historic firearms is an unprecedented and unconstitutional power grab?

    Do you support Congress forcing President Obama to reverse his ban and save these American made firearms from destruction?

    If you said “Yes” to these questions, please sign the Firearms Freedom Survey the National Association for Gun Rights has prepared for you.

    Your survey will put you squarely on the record AGAINST Barack Obama’s Gun Ban.


    And along with your signed survey, I hope you’ll send a generous contribution of $250, $100, $50 or even just $35 to help finance this battle.

    With your generous contribution, the National Association for Gun Rights will continue contacting Second Amendment supporters to turn up the heat on targeted U.S. Senators.

    Not only that, but they’re preparing a massive program to launch that is designed to force President Obama to reverse this ban.

    Direct mail. Phones. E-mail. Blogs. Guest editorials. Press conferences. Hard-hitting internet, newspaper, radio and even TV ads if funding permits. The whole nine yards.

    Of course, a program of this scale is only possible if the National Association for Gun Rights can raise the money.

    But that’s not easy.

    So please put yourself on record AGAINST Barack Obama’s Rifle Ban by signing NAGR’s Firearms Freedom Survey.

    But along with your survey, please agree to make a generous contribution of $250, $100, $50 or even just $35.

    And every dollar counts in this fight, so even if you can only chip in $10 or $20, your help will still make a difference.

    Thank you in advance for your time and money devoted to defending our Second Amendment rights.

    For Freedom,
    Rand Paul
    United States Senator

    P.S. In a move unprecedented in American history, Barack Obama secretly banned the re-importation of nearly a million American made M1 Carbine rifles and 1911 pistols.

    The M1 rifle, developed in the 1930’s, carried the U.S. through World War II, seeing action in every major battle.

    So please put yourself on record AGAINST Barack Obama’s M1 Gun Ban by signing NAGR’s Firearms Freedom Survey.

    But along with your survey, please agree to make a generous contribution to the National Association for Gun Rights of $250, $100, $50 or even just $35.

    And every dollar counts in this fight, so even if you can only chip in $10 or $20, your help will still make a difference.


    The National Association for Gun Rights is a nonprofit, nonpartisan, single-purpose citizens' organization dedicated to preserving and protecting the Constitutionally protected right-to-keep-and-bear-arms through an aggressive program designed to mobilize public opposition to anti-gun legislation. The National Association for Gun Rights' mailing address is P.O. Box 7002, Fredericksburg, VA 22404. They can be contacted toll-free at 1-877-405-4570. Its web address is www.NationalGunRights.org/

    Not produced or e-mailed at taxpayer expense.

    To help the National Association for Gun Rights grow, please forward this to a friend.

    To view this email as a web page, please click this link: view online.

    Help fight gun control. Donate to the National Association for Gun Rights!


  5. 1.jpg
    Gotham Tea Party: Going Forward!
    While the 2012 election results were disappointing, we can't
    stand still. And won't. The holidays are behind us. The year is
    young -- and we have work to do.
    It's a new beginning.
    Our first meeting of the year has a speaker who knows about
    new beginnings. After almost a decade working as a labor
    union activist, Peter List had an epiphany about what the labor
    movement really means for America.
    He left the union movement for good.
    Now List has a greater concern: What's happening to America.
    He sees challenges. "What happens next depends on us,"
    he says.
    Join us to find out more!

    DATE: Monday, January 28th

    TIME: 6:30 - 9:30 pm
    TOPIC: "Tea Party 2.0: What Will Help Win America's Future?"
    SPEAKER: Peter List, former Communications Workers of America
    chief shop steward (among other leadership positions),
    is a regular front page contributor to RedState.com and
    is a consultant specializing in labor union issues.
    Thanks to his deep knowledge of unions, List has
    persuaded tens of thousands of employees across the
    country to reject unionization.

    VENUE: Connolly's Pub and Restaurant

    14 East 47th Street

    COST: Pre-paid $10* (includes snacks); $15 at the door

    Click to pre-pay: www.gothamteaparty.com/jan13-pae

    Questions? Email info@gothamteaparty.com


    * We cannot refund prepaid admissions if you can't make it.

    Gotham Tea Party's mission: Help elect representatives who believe in our Founders' timeless principles of constitutional and limited government, fiscal responsibility, and free markets.

  6. Allow me to jump in, simply because I was not invited.

    Back in 1966, I was a member of Young Americans for Freedom founded by William F. Buckley but since gone to seed. As I was entering algebra class and another math class was leaving, a friend of mine handed me Anthem. After that, I read The Fountainhead and Atlas Shrugged and took a Basic Principles of Objectivism course on tape from the Nathaniel Branden Institute. That was 1966-1967. So, I have been at this a while...


  7. Michael -

    Well, I disagree with your advice about how I should live my life with policies of the kind of transparency you recommend; it is for such problems that develop when one does that that the behaviors and concepts of general privacy, discretion, and exercising proper judgement about what rationally to say to whom in what contexts exist. However, I see how you are handling things on this site, and for now it is my plan simply to chat with people here.

  8. I left Who-dom after Tom Bakers was no longer The Doctor.

    Ba'al Chatzaf

    Oh, you should come back, at least to watch the David Tennant episodes, possibly the Christopher Eccleston ones too. They are both fun just like Tom Baker. Tom Baker was super as The Doctor, but David Tennant was slightly more super in the same way, believe it or not! Great acting, *great scripting*. Check it out on Netflix or something and let me know, ok?

  9. I am kicking off an official Doctor Who fan thread here. Who else loves it? Ever since it was brought back, I have been a huge fan, particularly of David Tennant's intelligent, life affirming, heroic portrayal of The Doctor. Christopher Eccleston was good too.

    Favorite Companion: Rose Tyler. Billie Piper is SO GOOD.

    Now, we all know that Russell T. Davies etc likes to stick in some one liner now and then in the show approving Karl Marx, but that is not what this thread is about. So please do not comment on that, or any related issues, that are minor ones in the overall context of the show, which is Hero worshipping, life affirming, pro action, and life positive.

    So - who's a fan? smile.png Alons-y! Molto Bene!

  10. Ok, Ladies and Gentlemen, here-we-go! Hollywood Stock Exchange, HSX.com, is a website, an online game, where you can invest virtual money in virtual securities of the movies and actors you love, and watch them go up and down and make money for your virtual portfolio. It's free and so much fun, I know there are tons of movie fans here, so, everybody join and let's post tips and how you are doing on this thread.

    Make a lot of money, and have fun!

    Darrell Cody


  11. Hi, I am new to the Forum and want to introduce myself; I am hoping to meet enthused, active practicioners of all the good ideas and make friends. I am hoping to meet a nice young woman here too. I am 33.

    Please message me if you are the vital type, ladies and gentleman. And keep recommending Atlas Shrugged to everybody! smile.png

    Darrell Cody