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Blog Comments posted by ThatGuy

  1. For those still following, there have been 5 new Q "Drops" since November 6th, the most recent one today:

    Nov 06, 2022 11:18:56 AM EST
    Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 000000 No. 17724555 
    What groups are financing Ukraine?
    Why are they financing Ukraine?
    Why was Hunter in Ukraine?
    What did 'Pop' threaten to withold from Ukraine?
    A billion dollars? Who benefits?
    What did 'Pop' receive in return?
    Why is Hunter not in jail?
    How do you control a 'leader'?
    How do you control a country?
    Are you ready to take back control?
    Your vote matters.
    You have all the tools you need.



    Nov 07, 2022 7:20:19 PM EST

    Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 000000 No. 17728969 

    Why do some elections take more than a day to count? Can cheating be done after the polls are closed? Who controls the pollbooks? Who controls the databases? Who controls the elections? Why are extra ballots printed? If someone doesn't vote, can bad actors hijack their vote? How? Why did the National Guard activate cybersecurity teams? Who gave the order to 'activate' the cybersecurity teams? Why? To protect the elections? To claim the midterms are 'safe'? Safe from what? Setting the stage? Watch carefully. White hats have secured many systems, but problems still remain. You have all the tools you need. Vote. Q



    Nov 08, 2022 11:01:48 PM EST

    Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 000000 No. 17734020 

    Endless lies. Endless wars. Endless inflation. Endless 'printing'. Endless oppression. Endless subjugation. Endless surveillance. Who will put an end to the endless? Taking control. Q



    Nov 11, 2022 8:45:15 AM EST

    Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 000000 No. 17751801 

    Who are the Silent Thieves? Why are they manipulating you? How are they stealing your wealth? Bubble. Crash. Steal. Lie. Repeat. What is inflation? Monetary manipulation. Taxation without representation. PUT AN END TO THE ENDLESS. 1913. Q


    Nov 18, 2022 7:21:01 PM EST
    Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 6e51ef No. 17788718 
    Runbeck. Dominion. SOS Offices. Investigators. Researchers. Whistleblowers. Patriots in trusted positions. Trust yourself. You have seen the truth. Time to show the world. Focus. FOCUS. Ascension. Q
    • Like 1
  2. Hmmm..."they named names"...

    Color me skeptical, but let's see if this has legs...

    "QAnon founder may have been identified thanks to machine learning"

    "With help from machine learning software, computer scientists may have unmasked the identity of Q, the founder of the QAnon movement. In a sprawling report published on Saturday, The New York Times shared the findings of two independent teams of forensic linguists who claim they’ve identified Paul Furber, a South African software developer who was one of the first to draw attention to the conspiracy theory, as the original writer behind Q. They say Arizona congressional candidate Ron Watkins also wrote under the pseudonym, first by collaborating with Furber and then later taking over the account when it eventually moved to post on his father’s 8chan message board."

    There's more, mainly concerning the methodology, and pointing to success of previous "unmaskings", namely the disparate cases of HARRY POTTER author J.K. Rowland writing under a pseudonym and The Unabomber:

    "People have previously used machine learning software to identify Harry Potter author J.K. Rowling as the secret writer of Cuckoo’s Calling, a 2013 crime fiction novel Rowling wrote under the pseudonym Robert Galbraith. More broadly, law enforcement agencies have successfully used stylometry in a variety of criminal cases, including by the FBI to show that Ted Kaczynski was the Unabomber."

    The people named as "Q" deny it, of course. The article concludes with this (making it clear that the intent is to ruin "Q" for the anons, while attempting to paint the idea of a  "Deep State" (meaning, continue the cover-up) as conspiracy:

    "What happens next is unclear. The researchers who worked on the identification told The Times they hope unmasking Q will loosen QAnon’s hold on people. Spreading like wildfire on social media, the conspiracy theory has had a profound effect on politics in the US and other parts of the world. And while Q hasn’t posted a new message since the end of 2020, that hasn’t dampened people’s enthusiasm for conspiracies about the 'deep state' and its involvement in their lives."

    Read full article here:



    With help from machine learning software, computer scientists may have unmasked the identity of Q, the founder of the QAnon...


  3. 2 hours ago, Marc said:

    Barbara B always told me that her and Betty W were good friends.


    So, what you're saying, then, is that Barbara B was Deep State, too?
    How deep does this go? Was Ayn Rand part of the Illuminati, after all? Alan Greenspan's involvement with the Federal Reserve makes more sense, now...
    (There are no coincidences...)



    Isto é fora dos curriculums escolares, mas ..... por que barrar o inquérito da verdade? Ayn Rand - Philip Rothschild's Mistress? « on: April 29...





    • Upvote 1
  4. Ah, geez, Louise...

    Now anons are claiming Betty White's death was not a "coincidence";  executed  "17" days until her 100 Birthday, a "deep state" handler for Hollywood, was the sister of Barbara Bush, and the  adrenochrome-guzzling daughter of Alistair Crowley...

    Rubbish, I say! Absolute Rubbish!!!
    (Then again, she did live to 99...and had joked that she has "been around the block, I've seen a lot of things, I've done 1 or 2, I know a few things...not much, but some..." 😉 )

    Lighthouse Keepers on Facebook with "corroborative" Q posts...


    Patriots supporting each other and POTUS and his administration. We research and confirm here, we pray here, we dig here and we love one...


  5. 1 hour ago, caroljane said:

    Antifa must be losing their touch. If the assertions made here that they somehow succeeded in causing all the killings and assaults of Jan.6 , surely they could have got Mr. Ngo on their first try? 

    This "Carol Jane" person keep making light of Antifa vs. Ngo, despite all that's been shown here about their goals and motives?
    Okay. I see.
    I hope the rest of the readers here do, as well.


  6. 21 minutes ago, Peter said:

    What a thing to say. How is that bad word spelled? T R E A S O N. Until it is PROVED there was a stolen election and nothing is done about it he should not be saying something like that. I think Biden is over in Rehoboth today, temperature 71 and not all that warm. Remember the Secret Service, you donkey, ex general Flynn. 




  7. Pro-Trump Objectivist and psychologist Dr. Michael Hurd weighs in on the matter of Q:

    "Why Conspiracy Theories Steered Us So Wrong"


    "Consider the events of 2020 and early 2021. Conspiracy theories told us the Chinese Communist Party and the Democratic Party (same thing) plotted and brilliantly carried out a scheme to impose coronavirus on America, to destroy America’s economy and divide the country. While there’s no doubt Communists in China and America WANT to do this, they’re not nearly that brilliant. If they were that brilliant, they wouldn’t be Communists. What’s much more likely is coronavirus came on the medical radar, just as similar viruses had in the recent past, and they decided to create a panic. They gambled that the American public would buy it, and then they’d have control over the citizens they never dreamed of getting in Obama’s terms of office. You know the rest."
    "Conspiracy theories also give the good guys too much credit. How many counted on Trump to “do something” to stop the obvious — and first — political  coup d’état to take place in the United States of America? Trump is very smart and amazingly courageous. If anyone COULD have pulled it off, I’m sure it’s him; but it simply wasn’t possible. The bad guys, while irrational and not very smart, could count on the fear and ignorance of millions of people, something that people on Trump’s side obviously underestimated. America is no longer America; we know that because if it was, we wouldn’t be in this situation. Nobody can overcome that...."
    "Bottom line: You can’t fix stupid. If too few Americans are enlightened or courageous enough to embrace liberty and reject totalitarianism, then no grand conspiracy — orchestrated by Donald Trump, or anyone else — can rescue us."

    • Smile 1
  8. 2 hours ago, Michael Stuart Kelly said:


    Please excuse me taking this discussion over to a different thread. Right now we are in a section of OL called blogs and I know for a fact that some readers refuse to read them. (Their choice, so whatever.)

    I post on William's blog at times, but when a discussion starts going deep, I want to expose it to a wider audience. The best way I have found is to continue it on a normal forum thread and link back to the blog thread it came from, which is what I am doing here. You will find a response from me here. I am pretty sure you will find it food for thought.


    No worries! I am just grateful for a place to be able to verbalize some things I have to hold back during the daily grind.  ("I got the Blue State blues...") And your response was helpful.  Seeing someone like Tim Pool change gives a sense that there's "a method to the madness."

  9. One other thought about "war" in this context that crossed my mind: the blurred distinction between civilian and combatant, in the sense that the civilians are not mentally prepared as the soldier is. If combat gives even seasoned warriors PTSD, what of the civilians watching their streets being taken over in a scene they've ever only seen in movies? Watching their business get looted and burned down. The economic hardship that came with the unemployment of the shutdowns was bad enough to cause "suicides of desperation". They weren't psychologically prepared for this. Hence, my concerns about strategy crossing over into sadism.

    I know, life isn't "fair". And far worse happens overseas in middle eastern countries to civilians. Still, for most of these people, they've been sheltered from that kind of "life during wartime", and I worry about those "suicides of despair" among people unprepared for this. (It can be said that they SHOULD have been prepared. But still...I'll make moral allowances for the uphill battle most probably faced in this culture to do so. ) That's the most heartbreaking thing to me of all.

    (It also angers me that this infliction of despair is the goal of these terrorists in response to injustices experienced by others, out of a perverted sense of justice.)

    • Like 1
  10. 29 minutes ago, Michael Stuart Kelly said:


    And one reality is that a war is far more important to win than any single battle for solidifying a system of government.


    "War." The word on the tip of my tongue, but didn't want to speak. Because once it's clear that it IS war, the whole context changes, doesn't it? And expectations have to change along with it.


    29 minutes ago, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

    But never guilty. Never feel guilty for something wrong you did not do. Accept the reality that in a situation like Seattle, you did nothing wrong.

    If you accept that frame, and you believe in law and order based on individual rights, you will opt for permanent solutions, not temporary appeasements and gestures that are easily undone just to stop the suffering of someone you did not attack, but someone else did.


    Admittedly, there is a pang of guilt. Not in the sense of doing something wrong, but in not have done enough, in the sense of, "What more could I have done?" "What could I have done differently?" Shouted louder? Begged, PLEADED for sanity before it was too late?

    But I think it's ultimately something besides guilt. An emotional reaction? A way to try to keep control over things out of our control? Perhaps we're going through the "five stages of grief" in witnesses the death of what use to be, because once it's accepted that this is INDEED a war, there's no going back.  "Denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance." And "guilt" is part of the "bargaining" stage, before accepting what's to come. "Does it have to be this way? Was this the ONLY way? What else could we have done? What more can I do?" Bargaining.

    29 minutes ago, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

    Sometimes reality is a bitch to swallow. But swallow it we must. Nature to be commanded must be obeyed.


    (I still mourn for Eddie Willers.)

  11. 5 hours ago, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

    Seattle is out of whack, but there is no real threat.


    I think you're right, in the long run. (POTUS has already made clear he'll intervene if the mayor and governor don't step up, and since they're flipped him off in response, he most likely will.) But I admit that I personally can't just casually dismiss the short-term threats, if the reports are true about businesses being "shaken down", the property damage, etc. I'm also thinking about how it's affecting people psychologically, having to witness this, especially the potentially innocent people caught in the cross-fire.

    (And now, there's someone acting as "warlord" already edging out Antifa?)

    The O'ist conception of government's legitimate function is to protect people from the initiation of force, and in Seattle, government has not only abdicated that function, it's aiding and abetting in that initiation. This  headline says it all: "Antifa Deserves a Military Response"

    And yes, I know Trump is letting the leftists state leaders expose themselves before he steps in, to "show" the people, and maybe that's necessary. But for HOW long? How long do people have to watch and endure other's suffering before it crosses the line from strategy to sadism? When is it enough?  "Trust the plan", I hear. Still, it chafes against the O'ist impulse in me to stop the initiation of force.

    (Yes, maybe those people aren't so innocent, ideologically speaking, etc. Or, regarding the innocent, the Q explanation "you can't just tell the people, they have to be shown." Perhaps. Still isn't easy to watch. Like the Taggert Tunnel disaster scene. Even Dagny had to be told, upon leaving New York to the darkness, "don't look down!", lest she turn into a pillar of salt...)

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