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Posts posted by jac1216

  1. You need empirical evidence that matter heats when compressed? That is basic high school chemistry .

    As far as Tachyons go (which I spelled incorrectly before) there is no empirical data that supports the existence of tachyons. In fact there is no evidence whatsoever. There is just as much evidence for tachyons as there is for God.

    My pseudo-scientific explanation involving tachyons is just as absurd as someone claiming that God is the force behind all creation. So, to counter the minister's conclusion that God must exist (because no one can prove that he can't) one can also assert that tachyons exist. And in this way the claim that there is no other explanation, other than God, can be proven false.

    I was not Actually making the claim that these particals exists, I was demonstrating the absurdity of saying that because there is no rational answer at this time, one must conclude that "God did it."

  2. 1) Heat occurs when molecules are compressed or excited. If all matter was at one point compressed into one source, the heat would invariably come from that compression and the subsequent excitement of molecules after the Big Bang. This is the most logical explanation that I can think of. God does not need to exist for this to happen.

    New theories pertaining to gravitons and taceons interacting in 4-d space can easily explain how mass gets concentrated by the gravitons and expanded by the taceons. One theory would go something like this:

    A mass of Gravitons develops in 4-d space (this is easy to understand since Gravitons would attract each other. The mass of gravitons then starts attracting taceons as well (which would repel eachother). Eventually this mass of gravitons would amass so many taceons that the mass of gravitons begins to destabilize and explode. This would create our universe. A slightly higher number of taceons than gravitons would explain why the universe would be expanding.

    This over-simplified explanation would sufficiently counter the minister's God theory.

    For the record, I am no physicist, I am a data analyst with a Masters in Security Management and a BA in Intelligence Studies. However, using reason and logic, I would say that the above explanation is just a plausible as God, if not more so.

    2) There is clearly NOT a universal moral code in this world. There IS a rational moral code that I believe most decent people would accept. Do not murder, do not steal, do not lie... blah blah. If one looks at the Ten Commandments, you can see that most of them refer to how humans interact with each other. This would seem to indicate that they were derived from reason and not from God.

    The ten commandments protects individuals, property rights, the right to live, the nobility of earning your own living, etc... These are not universal, because not all humans act rationally. But those who do would find that most of these "commandments" are perfectly rational ways to interact with other humans.

    I would say that reason is the core source of such commandments and the "universal moral code" that the minister speaks of. This is more plausible than God being the source of a universal code which is clearly not universal as evidenced by totalitarian governments, murders, theft, and other heinous acts committed by humans.