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Posts posted by Russell

  1. Note from MSK: Proven plagiarist. Content removed from all other posts by this poster and he has been banned. See below.

    Let me try to explain this one more time.

    A government is a conceptual description for a group of people (who claim and possess the moral right to initiate the use of violence against others within a specific geographical area").

    Again: *government is a conceptual description for a group of people*—in that the word "government" is a conceptual description that has no more existence in reality than "numbers" do.

    Actual individual people exist - a "government" does not.

    Are you following me so far? Good.

    Given the above, it is erroneous to illuminate on the actions or ethics of "governments" per se; we can only explain the actions and ethics of people—concrete specific individual people.

    And now we get to the hub of it:

    If morality is to have any Objective meaning--it must be universal, consistent and reversible. For example, it cannot be considered ethical for me to propose that "Action X" is perfectly moral for me, but perfectly immoral for you - or that this action is perfectly moral today, but perfectly immoral tomorrow.

    What is right for one must be right for all and what is wrong for one must be wrong for all.

    Why, can I compete with this government doing exactly as they do? By what right do they bar me or others in a given society to offer the services "governments" off? Perhaps they were sprinkled with some magic Philosopher King exclusive dust? THIS is what I mean by *opposing moral principles* ascribe to one set of human but not to others! It is a blazing contradiction. This cancels the whole concept—morally and epistemologically—of "government".

    Now you can see, logically, where the contradiction exists when it comes to the citizenry and the so-called "government".

    You can't ascribe opposing moral principles to different sets of human beings!

    The logic is blazingly clear.