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Posts posted by favonius18

  1. 1. The Galt strike was only reasonable in the novel because the USA had turned a parody of the Soviet Union. People are treating this Obama-mania thing too seriously. We have reality on our side. He'll do quite a bit to discredit himself anyhow. The only reason people are gunning for him in the first place is because the democrats have positioned him as the right man to clean up the mess made by the conservatives during Bush's two terms. I'm pretty sure by the end of his four years liberals will be dropping him as fast as conservatives have dropped Bush in the last few years.

    2. A few people dropping out won't have any effect. The only reason it even worked in the novel is because Galt got almost everybody of talent to join him.

    I agree. But I still struggle a lot when I look at the world I'm going to have to spend the next seventy or so years in knowing that it is totally contrary to everything I try to live by... More than anything I'd like to be able to "shrug" off everything opposed to me and not take life so seriously. But at the same time, like Michael said, it hurts and I feel like I'm being pulled down by my surroundings. This quote has often summed it up for me: "Life is a comedy for those who think... and a tragedy for those who feel." -Horace Walpole

    It's not the world, it's the United States. Unless you earn more than about $87,600, you are not stuck supporting the system here right now. Stay liquid and think global. Some parts of the world are enjoying an unprecedented renaissance.

    World GDP from 2001-2008 grew at a 4.7%. That's the second highest for an extended period this century.


    Thanks for the insight. It's good to hear some positive things. :)

  2. 1. The Galt strike was only reasonable in the novel because the USA had turned a parody of the Soviet Union. People are treating this Obama-mania thing too seriously. We have reality on our side. He'll do quite a bit to discredit himself anyhow. The only reason people are gunning for him in the first place is because the democrats have positioned him as the right man to clean up the mess made by the conservatives during Bush's two terms. I'm pretty sure by the end of his four years liberals will be dropping him as fast as conservatives have dropped Bush in the last few years.

    2. A few people dropping out won't have any effect. The only reason it even worked in the novel is because Galt got almost everybody of talent to join him.

    I agree. But I still struggle a lot when I look at the world I'm going to have to spend the next seventy or so years in knowing that it is totally contrary to everything I try to live by... More than anything I'd like to be able to "shrug" off everything opposed to me and not take life so seriously. But at the same time, like Michael said, it hurts and I feel like I'm being pulled down by my surroundings. This quote has often summed it up for me: "Life is a comedy for those who think... and a tragedy for those who feel." -Horace Walpole

    You need options. Learn Mandarin and Spanish. If that's too much, learn Mandarin. Get a business minor.


    What if I'm not a fan of Asia? smile.gif I'd have to settle for like... Swedish or Finnish... or something cool like that.

    Or learn to sew.


    lol, sewing is definitely not cool.

  3. The Nazis are a clearer example, the Nuremberg laws were concerned with parentage, not religious belief.

    So if your parents "were jews" then you are as well? But how to determine the "jewishness" of the parents then? This simply shifts the issue from you to your parents. There is no such thing as a "jewish race" however there is certainly a jewish culture/religion.

    Our whole first class was trying to determine who are Jews, and what is meant by the term 'Jewish'. It's not very easy to pin down. Some people view it as a religious categorization, while others a ethnic categorization. Like General Semanticist said, mostly on a whole, it's viewed as a religious/cultural term and can refer to anyone practicing Judaism.

  4. 1. The Galt strike was only reasonable in the novel because the USA had turned a parody of the Soviet Union. People are treating this Obama-mania thing too seriously. We have reality on our side. He'll do quite a bit to discredit himself anyhow. The only reason people are gunning for him in the first place is because the democrats have positioned him as the right man to clean up the mess made by the conservatives during Bush's two terms. I'm pretty sure by the end of his four years liberals will be dropping him as fast as conservatives have dropped Bush in the last few years.

    2. A few people dropping out won't have any effect. The only reason it even worked in the novel is because Galt got almost everybody of talent to join him.

    I agree. But I still struggle a lot when I look at the world I'm going to have to spend the next seventy or so years in knowing that it is totally contrary to everything I try to live by... More than anything I'd like to be able to "shrug" off everything opposed to me and not take life so seriously. But at the same time, like Michael said, it hurts and I feel like I'm being pulled down by my surroundings. This quote has often summed it up for me: "Life is a comedy for those who think... and a tragedy for those who feel." -Horace Walpole

    You need options. Learn Mandarin and Spanish. If that's too much, learn Mandarin. Get a business minor.


    What if I'm not a fan of Asia? :) I'd have to settle for like... Swedish or Finnish... or something cool like that.

  5. I don't know how much this pertains to what you guys are talking about but my one Jewish prof made the point that anti-Semitism is a prejudice against a certain race/ethnicity. And Anti-Judaism is a prejudice against a religion. Therefore, he said, one can't really be anti-Semetic unless they're openly against the ethnicity of Jews. I don't know if Joseph Campbell was overtly critical of Judaism (I haven't read any of his books) or if the accusation was saying he was against the 'race' of Jews... Someone might not be the biggest fan of Judaism as a religion, but that doesn't necessarily make them anti-Semitic...

    It's a distinction without a difference. Anti-Judaism would merely be a way to have and eat one's anti-Semitism by use of a smokescreen. Probably used by academics and self-hating Jews. Take a walk off campus and try to find it.


    You're probably right. I've been trying to figure out the whole anti-Semitism thing for a while now (the main idea or concept fueling the hatred) and I thought my prof made an interesting point that I'd never heard before... But like you said, in the real world it's probably not that realistic.

  6. 1. The Galt strike was only reasonable in the novel because the USA had turned a parody of the Soviet Union. People are treating this Obama-mania thing too seriously. We have reality on our side. He'll do quite a bit to discredit himself anyhow. The only reason people are gunning for him in the first place is because the democrats have positioned him as the right man to clean up the mess made by the conservatives during Bush's two terms. I'm pretty sure by the end of his four years liberals will be dropping him as fast as conservatives have dropped Bush in the last few years.

    2. A few people dropping out won't have any effect. The only reason it even worked in the novel is because Galt got almost everybody of talent to join him.

    I agree. But I still struggle a lot when I look at the world I'm going to have to spend the next seventy or so years in knowing that it is totally contrary to everything I try to live by... More than anything I'd like to be able to "shrug" off everything opposed to me and not take life so seriously. But at the same time, like Michael said, it hurts and I feel like I'm being pulled down by my surroundings. This quote has often summed it up for me: "Life is a comedy for those who think... and a tragedy for those who feel." -Horace Walpole

  7. I don't know how much this pertains to what you guys are talking about but my one Jewish prof made the point that anti-Semitism is a prejudice against a certain race/ethnicity. And Anti-Judaism is a prejudice against a religion. Therefore, he said, one can't really be anti-Semetic unless they're openly against the ethnicity of Jews. I don't know if Joseph Campbell was overtly critical of Judaism (I haven't read any of his books) or if the accusation was saying he was against the 'race' of Jews... Someone might not be the biggest fan of Judaism as a religion, but that doesn't necessarily make them anti-Semitic...

  8. @Ninth Doctor: I've been into discussing Comparative Religion quite a bit so I'm familiar with Joseph Campbell, but I've never actually read any of his books. A friend I have is pretty big into Mithraism so I've been stuck talking about that in relation to Christianity a lot. :)

    @Selene: lol. The sequel to Boondocks just came out. I heard that it wasn't that great. I'll give it a go eventually but you can't go wrong with the first one! :) Yep, I'm a sophomore right now at the University at Buffalo studying history.

    Nice to meet you all,


  9. Hi my name is Jen... obviously. I'm joining this group in an attempt to meet and interact with other individuals who value personal responsibility and individualism. Everyday I'm surrounded more and more by people who just believe what they're told without thinking anything through... it gets really draining. I read Atlas Shrugged this past summer, and LOVED the ideas presented. I hope I'll be able to learn and share ideas with everyone here! :)