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Posts posted by DeeVee

  1. Hello,

    I attended an anesthesiology conference where the Dalai Llama listened to the presenters, and was then asked to speak. To say the least, the Dalai Llama was "astounded"...and stated that he was leaving the conference with new ideas, one of which was to encourage Buddhists to study the sciences, and especially cosmology.

    I am not religious, but am in a couple of forums with Mazdayasna Zoroastrians, whose "prophet" spoke some 3500 year ago, from what appears to be a position of logic and reason. The Zs are divided, with the Mazdayasnins being the intellectuals promoting "science, logic and reason", but some in the Zoroastrian faction, especially "converts" are attempting to weld Zism into a Left Wing socialist and "collectivist" ideology.

    There are Ayn Rand Objectivists and Atheists in this forum...and the battle rages on. However, the "truth" is on the side of the Objectivists, because "Good Thoughts" (Science Reason and Logic), Good Words (Active problem-solving expressions), and Good Deeds (Living a life with Reason and Logic) is what Zarathustra taught some 3500 years ago. Zoraastrians, now primarily living in India as Parsis, and in the US and Canada have more PhDs, and physicists per capita than all other religions, because that is what this particular religion or philosophy teaches and creates a happier, fulfilled, life.

    Ergo...the battle rages on inside and outside of religion...for Objective Logic and Reason....May the best thinkers win.

    Hugs, DeeVee


    This first mover argument can drive the human mind to create a God, who always was, is now and always will be, as I believe the Catholic litany goes.

    However, existence always was, is now and always will be as, I think, our litany goes.

    The cause and effect imprint that we carry in our hard wiring will not permit us to escape this "logic".

    The Dalai Llama book I just finished attempts to blend the concepts.

    I do not have an answer, but the "question" as to what came before existence/God and the corollary which is what will follow the non-existence of existence/God remains THE question?

    Maybe the rapture...69.gif

    An eternal question? Wondrous being a human.
