Holden Kempf

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Posts posted by Holden Kempf

  1. Michael,

    You're correct, I don't respond to "yo's". But I thank you for the apology.

    But as to the rest of your post: are you serious, or is this some kind of inside joke I'm not understanding?

    Otherwise, I have to believe that you went to another website, to read a hello message of a total stranger, to then compare it to a cut and paste of slightly revised version of that same message on another website? Is that normal ettiquette on internet forums? And what on god's earth does that have to do with "first impressions cutting both ways"? I'm sorry, Michael, but you'll have to forgive me if I find that just a little bit odd and bordering on creepy. I'm not trying to offend, and perhaps there is something here I'm totally missing, so I'll just drop it.


  2. Hello,

    My name is Holden Kempf, and I currently reside in North Carolina. Just a little bit about me: I'm currently the owner and manager of my own small buisness and a 12-year veteran of the US Marine Corps. Let's see, ok, also I'm a middle-aged African American whose the father of a perfect daughter, a widower, avid bass fisherman and a lover of art and music.

    On Objectivism, I'm fairly famliar with the works of Ayn Rand, as well as some of the related literature on Objectivism done by other authors. Online forums like this are a brand new expierence for me, but I thought it might be fun to try my hand at it. I found this website by searching the google listings for sites of this type and decided to sign up for 2 of them, this one and Solo passion.

    Once again, hello
