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Posts posted by herculepoirot

  1. Barr was the real last chance for the LP to break into "the big game". His failed Presidency will set back the LP a few decades. I don't believe we will be seeing a strong LP candidate who can gain media coverage again in quite a few years. As it stands now the only real chance that Capitalist have in altering the political debate is by taking over the Republican Party.

  2. I have a small wondering if the longshoreman bit was a pose.

    I'm not so sure. I think he honestly hated the New Left, and despised the idea of being an "intellectual". I believe somewhere he said something along the lines of "I'm not a intellectual I work for a living". He claimed to be much prouder of his work, and labor as I longshoreman because it was I sign of his labor. In my opinion he is the perfect example of a "working class Randian hero" if there ever was one. He was self educated, did his work and took pride in it, and wasn't afraid to challenge his supposed "superiors" in the Ivory Tower when he believed they where wrong. I think he personifies what the true "common man" is (not the future of our labor union controlled labor force, but the true men and women of the past who worked for a living not for a constant wage) and that is a man who takes pride in his work and has no time for such things as communism, because they love the fruit of there labors and know that they aren't "oppressed".

    Unless a man has talents to make something of himself, freedom is an irksome burden. Of what avail is freedom to choose if the self be ineffectual? We join a mass movement to escape individual responsibility, or, in the words of the ardent young Nazi, "to be free from freedom." It was not sheer hypocrisy when the rank-and-file Nazis declared themselves not guilty of all the enormities they had committed. They considered themselves cheated and maligned when made to shoulder responsibility for obeying orders. Had they not joined the Nazi movement in order to be free from responsibility? - Eric Hoffer
  3. Hi everyone! It's nice to meet you all. I'm a 23 year old white male, the would most likely be called "an average joe". I am not a Objectivist, and truth be told if I had ever meet Rand she would probably have hated me (I am told she hatred Libertarians in general and Conservatives specifically). I would call myself a "Thomas Sowell Conservative" for those of you interested in labels.

    With that said I love Rand and many of her ideas. I see Objectivist ultimately as a sister movement that is trying to reach many of the same goals I am. So I am hoping the you guys don't mind talking with a member of the right, and having a good intellectual debate along the way!

  4. So how many decades do you think we will have to hear the Democrats using George W Bush as a club against any anti-leftist? I see him being used as the new "Herbert Hoover". My guess is even in 2020 we will be hearing Democrats warning against "a return of greedy capitalist and George W. Bush's policies". Any thoughts? Suggestions?

  5. Hello, one and all. I'm a new member to this board. I am not a Objectivist, although I do see the movement as a sister who ultimately have many of the same goals I do. So I am asking what I see as the greatest minds of this movement a question.

    I am a 23 year old white male. I have been a worker in basically manual labor jobs at the moment since high school, but my dream is to change my course by starting a career in radio. My question is do you think I should attempt to get there through college, or through apprenticeships through local radio stations, and "make my way up the ladder".

    One thing that I must say though, is I once did go to a local community college after graduating high school which I hated. I dropped out then, because quite honestly I had no interest in college. Since that day I have been following the Eric Hoffer model, and I like to sell myself as a self educated man. So ultimately I wonder what you people believe would be the right course or action?