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Posts posted by shahram_n

  1. Micheal

    please be polite.

    My name is Shahram...

    I am Iranian and Jewish,and I live in London..and I am a man, What else do you want to know?

    I said my opinion.

    I admire McCain, He is a good guy I think he could be a president, but I think Obama is smarter than him..

    and I beleive in the current situation of the world he is better.

    I am surprised by is intelligence....

    I dont think Palin is a bad woman or very stupid but she is not at the level of a vice-president...She can not accept herself at vice-prisdent..Look at her when she speaks she doesnt have any confidence.....

    The issue is President of USA....Leader of most influent country in the world.

    McCain in his first decision he was wrong he did the worse he could do. How can american trust him.

    Will he continue doing the same errors?

    A good leader is the one who choose the best.

    If I am saying that why it makes you angry?

    If this election wqas eight years ago. I would prefer McCain.

    Now Bush has destroyed a lot USA...There is a need for change...

    And Obama he understood this very well so he start to show himself as a man of change.

    And I dont worry about his foreign policy...

    What I saw in past, is Mollah and fundemantalist in Iran they suffer froma a Democrat president,aand during Republicans they become powefull...

    Please becarefull I am not at all in favor of Democrats, or against Republican.

    For me what matters most is Iran and Israel the 2 county that I love.

    Bush made a big mistake instead of Irag he should change Iranian Goverment...

    His father didnt finish the Job correctly....and Reigan he talked to Mollahs in hide..

    For me Obama is the man who could stop Iran because he has a BIG IQ......

    Lets imagine McCain is my father and Palin is my mother I tell you again if Iwere american I vote for Obama

    because he can do this Job better than McCain


  2. Hi,

    I can not believe that How some people listen to Prank Call From Fake French President

    and then don't ask themselves who I am voting for?,,,,,I am sorry but a minimum IQ is necessary sometimes.

    And I am surprised how McCain could be so careless to choose her?

    Michael really you don't worry about McCain will repeat these type of errors and carelessness.

    I am wondering How easily you close you eyes to reality. Closing eyes to reality is not Objectivist Living..

    Judging from emotions is not Objectivist Living.

    I wonder how some people call themselves objectivist...


  3. Hi Michael,

    Fo me it is very hard to see Sara Palin as Vice President. And I cant understand How McCain choose this lady,

    and that is why I think he has a really less IQ comparing to Obama.Also shows that he lacks also self-confidence.

    Because people with lack of self-confidence they look for people similar to them.

    I understand your point about "spread of wealth"....But I dont think Obama can or want(it is not in his interest) to transform US to a socialist conutry.

    I want to comapre also regarding 2 issue.(Econimical growth and foreign policy against Iran) the Republican and Democrats.

    me as a non-american what I see is

    1..During Clinton presidency US was only growing econimically. while as during Bush presidency(also his father) you know better.

    2..Historically and paradoxically I would prefer to say why Mollah suffer much much more during Demcrat presidency.

    For all respect that I have for Reigan but it was a shame his policy with Iran.

    and I dont know why(I say in in this way) why Mullah had a lot of confidence during Bush presidency?!!!!!!!!!!

    I think it is time to look at everything deeper.

    I dont have really any preferance about Republinan and Democrats...

    I prefer Reigan to Carter but Clinton to Bush and now I think in this period 2008 to 2009 at least McCain is out of question.
