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Posts posted by Nehaita

  1. I have never edited Wikipedia - it always seemed wrong. I have not Wikipediaed Objectivism :P

    Someone earlier mentioned 'Moral Objectivism' which got me thinking. A few words to describe Objectivism would be - individualist, and no contradictions. If you are a true Objectivist(which to me constitutes as someone who only does things for himself, has an excellent thought process, and only bases his decisions on reason), then isn't the Moral Objectivism just a repetitive phrase?

    Something that actually has made me sick to my stomach is the phrase 'Social Responsibility' A couple of years ago I saw it pop in some obscure place, now it seems to be everywhere. What does that excatly mean? How are we socially responsible for others? Doesn't that mean to give up something you have, or make a sacrifice? If this is where it starts(by just doing a littlle for the fellow man), how will it end? I have no problem with helping others, I just want to make sure that the person I help deserve it and that my help will go somewhere.


  2. Funnily enough, I seem to be the last person my age that hasn't checked out Pineapple Express yet.

    Gerry, You are not the only one. I too have not seen the Pineapple Express :P

    One of my friends wants to be a director and is into all the Marvel comics (though he has not quite found objectivism yet). He really likes the old Batman Animated series. You remimded me of that when you were talking about the Ditcko (even though I think Batman is not marvel). :huh:

    I just finished reading the Fountainhead and it was great, you should most definately read it, especially if you thought Atls Shrugged should have been longer :P .

    Oh and um... WELCOME!


  3. One of my flaws is that I always just assume that I am the the oldest one in the group (or that several other members are my age). So, I agree with you all about age being a huge factor in video games. I could also never get into chess. My boyfriend is REALLY good tho :rolleyes: .

    Shane, you should convert to horde. From what I have heard, it is much better than alliance :P .


  4. Shane, excellent points. One of the things that I have been thinking about lately is financial aid. My boyfriend's dad actually brought it up one day when we were all talking about welfare and different forms of it. It is a type of welfare. For example, one of the reasons the comminuty colleges are cheap is because of the subsidized cost of tuition. But then if I choose to attend a college which uses this subsidized cost isn't the agreement between myself and the college. How the college funds itself is totally upto them. As you can probably tell I need to think more about it and come to a conclusion that I can live with :mellow:

    Chris, I have had several different arguments with my dad about taxing the sucessfull people. I am opposed to it and he loves it. I am not rich but I don't want to take money from other people's income. Everything I own I have worked very hard for. Not to mention, my 'stuff' means a lot more to me because I earned it. I think I have mentioned it here before, but I spend my time at work listening to people who are my age and are on welfare talk about how good it is and how easy it makes their lives. I think we need to take a closer look at the welfare system of this country. I think the soultion is easy, the transition will be hard and people like Toohey will need to be corrected( Yes I finished the Fountainhead today :D )

    I think when he first told me this I was on my way to school and could not even believe that he would say something like that. So, sadly, I was speechless. But now I am prepared to have this discussion with him B)


  5. Tearing the wing off flies and burning ants with a magnifying glass is also a lot of fun.

    Lol my cat likes to do that as well, except for the magnifying glass part. He also gets scared by people knocking at my door and likes to answer my phone (only to realize that he can't and therefore meows at it :lol: ). Maybe thats why I tell him that we will make chinese food out of him if he causes trouble :rolleyes:

    I taught my boyfriend and a couple of other friends how to play tennis. I also taught myself how to swim about 4 yrs ago. Yes, I am tooting my own horn right now :P

    Between the boyfriend and I we have 2 horde 70s on Korgath. We actually just went to this thing where a bunch of people who where in our guild got together in western Maryland. I must say that we expected to see either some little emo-punk kid or someone who is older and creepy but we were pleasently surprized to find out that these people were actually smart and fun to hang out with.

    Shane: what kind of fantasy did you read?

  6. Yeah, I know I am really that bored right now....

    So, I was having a conversation with my dad and he was telling me about how some lawmakers are talking about putting a salary cap on the CEOs of umm.." big oil companies." To this I responded by first going WHAT! NO THATS WRONG and then I asked him what he thought. Sadly he agreed with the lawmakers. Which made me want to throw up a little. I us taxing these big industries is enough. I do not think we should put a salary cap on anyone! This is a slippery slope to go down. I mean whats next. The vice presidents? board members? managers? Ideas, thoughts, anything will be helpful and beneficial in my half an hour of slacking off :D


  7. I was way to lazy to search through the forums to see if you guys have done this already, so I will start a new topic B)

    I have seen a trend that most objectivists I know tend to be 'crazy' about only a couple of video games or other hobbies. So my (obvious) questions to you:

    1)What do you guys do for fun?

    2) If applicable what type of video games do you play and why?

    Here are my answers:

    1) I love playing tennis and swimming. I also enjoy reading ;)

    2) I play Rock band :rolleyes: , Star Wars battlefront ( I know an old game), and World of warcraft ( but i swear I am not one of those weird guys who are on ALL the time )

    Answer away........

  8. Getting back to the original post :P

    I am so glad that fall is here. It is the best season ever!


    PS - I know a guy who is half Italian and half El Salvadorian - funest combination ever! I love his parents :D

    PPS - 12 hours of school makes me silly and super hyper. Hence, the weird random posts you might see pop up :rolleyes:

  9. Hi, Neha. I like the screen name Hallow. How did you pick it?

    I am curious, is there a thread here about how people first found Rand? I actually had an ex-friend who had heard of her through the band Rush. (To think Rand c onsidered suing them!) He had been a close friend in seveth grade, and then had turned some friends against me in eighth grade, ostensibly because I was Catholic, but I think really due to personal issues of his. He one day between classes at highschool simply came up to me and tossed The Virtue of Selfishness at me. I don't know if it was an attack, or an attempt at apology. Any way, it was the nicest mean thing anyone ever did to me! I was 16, and had never heard of her, In one week I had read all her non-fiction except ItOE, and was hooked, and an outright atheist.

    Out of curisoty, how old are you now?


  10. I love the Terry Goodkind books with a passion. My boyfriend actually introduced me to them. I must admit that I have not yet read the last book. I want to re-read the whole series before reading the last book.

    I have the Virtue of Selfishness and The objectivist Epistomology. The next book I was planning on reading was The Omnious Parallels. Somebody above refrenced to Objectivism being a life choice. I have actually been thinking about it a lot lately. People have always told me that I ask too many questions. Since I actually started reading and thinking about Rand/Objectivism, my questions have changed drastically. For example, before my questions would be vague and most of the time when I realized that someone was getting weird I would make a joke or something- so they would feel comfortable. Now, however, I don't stop or give them an easy way out of the conversation. I ask questions which demand my listeners to think and answer carefully. The sad part is that because of where, I get responses like "What i don't want to think right now" or something along those lines. Luckily, I have some good friends who I can go and actually have a decent conversation with.

    On the lighter side, the name hallow is from 2 things 1) Harry Potter obviously (now I feel like a huge dork :rolleyes: ) 2) The root for the word halloween. I thought it was different, and my boyfriend actually helped me with it as well.


  11. My name is indian and I had no idea that India is #2 in the Ayn Rand searches. It actually makes me really happy to know that. Also, who is #1? is it US or some other country?

    I use to mainly talk to my best friend about Ayn Rand and objectivism but he moved to NYC and, obviously, we can not have long philosophical conversations on the phone or online. This is why I am looking for another outlet. As most of you probably already know, it is very hard to find people who actually have read Ayn Rand and like it. So, I really look forward to talking with all of you.


    PS I read Atals Shrugged and loved it. Now, I am reading the Fountainhead and I think I actually might like it better than Atlas Shrugged. Also, has anyone here read the Terry Goodkind series?

  12. Hello,

    I am a 24 year old college student. I was introduced to objectivism about 3/4 years ago. I love everything about it and try to read everything I can about it. Other than that I think you will learn more about me through my posts :)
