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Posts posted by howenlink

  1. In addition to joining Campaign for Liberty, I attended the Rally for the Republic events this week in Minnesota. How I'd have liked to see a Objectivist booth among the others. It was a huge missed opportunity to promote Rand's philosophy.

    As far as I can tell, Objectivists object to Ron Paul on the issues of Foreign Policy and Abortion. On Foreign Policy, may I suggest that you read The Creature from Jekyll Island about the Federal Reserve. Michael Kelly has made a related post. Once you understand how banking works in America, you will understand why the government wants us all scared of terrorists and Islamic Fundamentalists. It's all about giving money--your money--to banks and governments who have not earned it. Bombing Iran is not about defending our country.

    Regarding abortion, while I favor a woman's choice, I understand there is a spectrum involved here. To make an analogy, are people truly adults when they turn 18? No. Some teenagers are mature sooner, and others die in their twenties as a result of never growing up. Ron Paul's position is that the issue of Abortion should be left up to the states to decide. Ron Paul is far more against Big Government than he is against Abortion. And he is a physician who is entitled to his professional opinion about when life begins. You think life begins in the last trimester or at birth; he thinks it begins sooner.

    I challenge any Objectivist to tell me an Objectivist who has promoted free-market capitalism more this year than Ron Paul?

  2. I too have been uplifted by Ron Paul and the Campaign for Liberty this year. It has been two decades since I first read Atlas Shrugged, and I consider myself an Objectivist. And, I can no longer remain silent while this socialist/fascist two-party system destroys our country.

    Unfortunately, my Objectivist friends have not taken up this cause, a fact that I find very disturbing.

    The founding fathers did not have philosophy 100% correct when they gave us the US Constitution and the freest, most prosperous country in history. Yet they recognized the value of it.

    So what if I am fighting side by side with Libertarians, John Birchers, and conservative Republicans? Is it not worth fighting for?

    If you think you will live long enough to "educate" everyone on the virtues of selfishness, do you think you will still be living in a free county when you accomplish your goal?

    Would it harm your cause to mingle with other libertarians to spread your message of philosophy and their message of freedom?