tom ploszaj

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Posts posted by tom ploszaj


    A member of the Free State Project who migrated to New Hampshire has started sharing his cartoons on line. Check them out especialy his "easter eggs". If you like his art send him some kudos and "Digg" his posts. Dale also started a online store for his art. He will be at PorcFest 2008

  2. Free State Project’s Porcupine Freedom Festival

    PorcFest 2008!

    When: June 9th – 15th

    Where: Gunstock Mountain Resort in Gilford, New Hampshire

    Who: Hardcore liberty activists who are considering moving to NH or already here

    Why: Socialize, learn about NH, join our freedom fight for a week, have FUN

    How: Registration Details are at

    PorcFest 2008 is to showcase New Hampshire and the FSP community.

    Attendees will be able to choose from events in several categories:

    * Bus Tours: organized trips to various parts of NH

    * Outdoors: planned hikes and events exploring the environment of NH

    * Activism: engage in pro-liberty activism in NH

    * Entertainment: bands, open mike, movies, dancing, bonfires, Geo-cache, games

    * Training: learn the basic skills needed to be an effective organizer and/or activist

    CPR / First Aid, Gun Safety, NRA Don’t be a Victim, Video taping

    * Speakers: early movers, FSP leadership, in-state activists

    * Sports: volleyball, ultimate Frisbee, shooting, fishing, Road Rally, crafts

    There are story tellers, BBQs, camping, paddle boats, skate park and fun activities for seniors, couples, families, singles, and kids alike.

    The liberties enjoyed by New Hampshire citizens of shall-issue concealed-carry permits, open carry, the constitutionally protected right of revolution, no income or sales tax, their interactions with local and state legislators and 101 other great pro-liberty reasons are impressive.

    I am hoping you will make PorcFest 2008 one of your outings this summer.

    Have you ever missed events before that you wish you’d attended? This is one event you will remember. Don’t let PorcFest 2008 and the FSP be another historical event missed! Come and meet other non violent activists and learn about their latest activities of non compliance and future plans. Check out the links, forums and email activists to see that we are here and need others to witness the advances made. You will be convinced that even though New Hampshire may not be Gault's Gulch this is the closest we have have found and will become stronger once believers in personal liberties and freedoms make the migration to be with friends and accomplish deeds that has only been written about.

    If you believe in the Objectivism, smaller government and are looking to achieve liberty in your lifetime, you definitely need to check this out. I had watched the Free State Project grow and its members’ activism. The quality and quantity of successful liberty activists I met, and the community they enjoy with The Free State Project and their legislators are amazing.

    There’s a good video from PorcFest 2007 produced by Free Minds TV (one of two libertarian TV shows in NH….how many of these are there where you live ?) discussing the FSP and the festival at


    There's an FAQ page at for questions and information about the event or the FSP. Feel free to post as well to the PorcFest forum at and join the forums.

    Friends that have made the move to New Hampshire now have their own TV and radio programs, documentaries, newspapers, homes and websites. Start your search with these sites for a glimpse of what the Free State Project and its participants are about and have accomplished in the first 4 years since New Hampshire was chosen as the Free State. I ask you to view some of the videos such as Rep. Dan Itse’s, who has instructed New Hampshire citizens on their Constitution and trains citizens how to give testimony to state committee on legislation

    ( where other than New Hampshire can you find state representatives that will teach you your rights and how to challenge bills?).

    Among other positive developments, New Hampshire has recently passed a Constitutional amendment restricting eminent domain, passed a law prohibiting the Real ID and has outlawed the seizure of lawfully borne firearms during a Katrina-style crisis. - FTL Radio's Ian -Dale - Russell/Kat Kanning - Denis Goddard’s coverage of various NH politics and FSP activities.