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Posts posted by sbeaulieu

  1. (If I sound biased against formal education, I guess I'm guilty as charged. Not completely, but I believe you have to look both at school and at the market--with emphasis on the market.)


    Checking out the link now. I'm with you on the bias, and probably more going to a college in Canada. However, my academic approach is pure mechanics. I have difficulty putting my thoughts into words. I have more difficulty being concise. And my grammar could really use some polishing. Do I want to learn what's out there? Certainly. It's why I try to read as often as I do. It helps me sit on the sidelines and watch some great plays.

    I think that book will definitely help, but I'm also no mainstream high school graduate. Those teachers are going to be hit with questions infused with the word "why?" haha! I'm going to get under their skin, or be their best friend. I don't see a middle ground here ;)

    Thanks again for having my six, Michael.

    ~ Shane

  2. Tony, Adam and Michael - Thank you! It's great to be back. It'll be in trickles. Lots of things have changed. Namely, I'm now retired as of 1 Feb. I recently separated from my wife (amicable split) and have found a new love in my life who happens to live in Canada. I intend on going to her and attend college for majoring in English (with a focus on writing novels) and minoring in Philosophy.

    To the discussion at hand...

    Tony - I haven't read any follow-ups, but whether or not she feels remorse didn't come across. She does have to live with it, but I wonder how much guilt she feels now, or what she'll feel down the road. System or no system, she didn't act.

    Adam - Reminds me of the book I read (suggested by Michael), Influence: Science and Practice by Robert Cialdini. Your situation differs a bit than that of the nurse. Your event was like the book, in that people put in certain situations don't know how to act and will wait for someone else to act first. Then the group mentality kicks in and it's like ants at a picnic. The nurse knew what was going on and chose not to act.

    Michael - I abhor how schools manipulate the masses in that way. Definitely takes good parenting to have your children aware of that so they can practice free will. As for the military aspect, we are taught to lead, not manage. Leadership, in that context, means following your gut instinct on what is the right orders to follow and which to contest.

    ~ Shane

  3. Back after a long hiatus... life getting in the way.

    I read this recently. Sad. It's one thing to not know how to administer first aid; it's another to stand idly by and watch anyone perish (especially with a 911 operator directing CPR). Legality/policy BS.

    I'd rather go to jail trying to save someone's life than the opposite. It's a matter of conscience... of getting a good night's sleep after the event transpires. But when someone's mulling what the consequences are going to be for assisting one in need, there's something wrong with the system.

    Good or bad, that woman will have to live with the knowledge that her inaction eliminated any chance of life for that poor woman.

    ~ Shane

  4. Excellent piece, Adam. I'm sure there are thousands of such stories in our corner of the world. It amazes me that people put their hearts and souls to become self sufficient, don't complain, and for years keep marching the same tune to support their families. And though it is the American dream, we're waking up to a terrible reality. I hope this gets good circulation.

    ~ Shane

  5. It all circles around to the DC gun case in that only law-abiding citizens will abide by any such gun laws, thereby eroding our Second Amendment rights. This will effictively remove guns out of the hands of those who will be victimized by criminals that keep theirs. Good thing is that the treaty on such measures has to pass the Senate with 2/3 votes. If senators want to keep their seats, I doubt that many would dare vote yay.

    ~ Shane

  6. I've done jury duty once and was part of the jury for the trial. Interesting stuff. I don't remember much other than I was the youngest one. There was a certain piece of evidence that we saw that I was on the outs with everyone else based on testimony, that for me didn't sum up. But there was other evidence beyond that that saw him go to the slammer.

    ~ Shane

  7. Bob,

    I hope I didn't come across as a religion hater. I am not. There are a many good things, when practiced so, that are beneficial in the way you pointed out. My title does say "One of many reason I loathe religion." That doesn't mean there aren't things I like. I hope that came across. It's extreme acts like the one in article, that in today's age, still baffle me. It's old ideas recylcled into the new days that merit valid consideration of being changed to avoid cases like this one.


    Thanks for your clarification on the patriarchal angle. From my understanding, China's views are towards population control. But I guess no matter what branch this sort of thing falls from, knowing what tree it belongs to helps :)

    ~ Shane

  8. So I'm browsing articles this morning and come across this...

    Afghan woman killed, apparently for bearing girl

    It reminded me immediately of all the Maury Povich episodes where the dads were upset with their wives/girlfriends having a girl when they wanted a boy. Most of the educated people know that the male determines the sex of the child when the egg is fertilized. But this article is the worst case of ignorance I've read, and a woman who had no determination in the outcome died because of it...

    ~ Shane

  9. Kat,

    I tend to use innuendo a lot, to spice up conversations at work and at home. It's a way to drive a message in a different format. If they get it, they get the underlying message. I'm sensing that's your reference in Ramsey's approach. If that's the case, I ride that wavelength all the time :)


    I agree about how hard the newbies have it. I'm one of the fortunate ones to have found OL first before any other site, and I can honestly say I've not had any confrontations, serious, or otherwise regarding subjects I've broached (like the supernatural phenomenon... the flying brick to be specific). I still have a lot to learn about the basics of philosophy in general. I feel at times that I've skipped a few chapters and jumped straight in. I chalk some of that up to the extensive reading I've done with Terry Goodkind's books over the years. In short, you have a great house here ;) And it's certainly helped in my critical thinking. Because I'm not dissed here, I can use responses constructively. That's hard environment to find.

    With regard to your response, to Xray on guilt-popping. I tend to think you could do both. The focus on #1 should be to bring them to the state of #2, or at least to become able.

    ~ Shane


    I only got to see about 20 mins of it. Most of that was focused on what Romney and Gingrich were speaking about. They seemed to have gotten the lion's share of the questions. I did see at a few points where Romney and Paul were both cheered and heckled. I did listen intently on the "killing" of our enemies, those that are enemies and targeting Americans. Ron Paul got booed on the prospect of capturing Osama vs. putting a bullet in his head. His counter arguement was that we captured Sadam, and he was tried. The same should have happened Osama, in my opinion. While I don't lose sleep over his death, a lot could have been learned from him. However, I strongly agreed with Gingrich's point that it was absurd to swallow Pakistan's assertion they didn't know Osama was a neighbor within a mile of their National Defense Academy. They had some good points, but the conservatives are real keen about putting bullets in people. To do that, they are putting soldiers, not themselves, in harm's way to accomplish that ideology.

    ~ Shane


    Well, I watched some of the debate last night, and most of the candidates were up there, minus Huntsman who dropped out. If they aren't on the ballot (presumption at this point), would they still use their time/money to debate for the benefit of other voters outside of SC?

    ~ Shane

  10. Michael,

    I'm coming to realize, whether money or politics, idealogy is a hard thing to climb over. Maybe the hardest. Like any good toolbox, you find your favorites and let the others collect dust. Doesn't mean the toolbox isn't good. You just have to find the right tool for the job. Sometimes it involves grabbing those metrics over the standards ;) Call me crazy, but I sometimes like using a flathead screwdriver on a philip's head screw... if it fits.

    ~ Shane

  11. Intuitively I should think Ron Paul would be a very bad Commander In Chief of the military.

    Something tells me the opposite. I think that if our borders were attacked, he would be rabid in employing the military. But his foreign policy stance would see that our approach was more tactful, strategic.

    I'm reminded of a few shows I've seen recently that wrongly portray the highest echelons of the military as being warmongers, constantly leveraging towards pushing red buttons and pulling triggers. These four-star generals are constantly thinking of one thing... the men and women they might have to put in harm's way. Every decision bears that in mind at the forefront. I would think Ron Paul would mesh well with his common sense approach, personally.

    ~ Shane

  12. I hold no illusions as to him gaining victory (as much as I would like him to... wishing doesn't make it so). However, I am pleased that he got the marks he did. To me, it encapsulated that his efforts and messages have hit damn near the same as the two above him. Many didn't expect that to happen. It's a small change, but a change none the less.

    We'll see how things play out during the rest of the campaign trail. But I think that those percentages are a good start for him. I'm cautiously hopeful that his consistancy on issues will factor in immensely in the coming months.

    ~ Shane