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Blog Comments posted by pbmaltzman

  1. After seeing your story, I'm beginning to think that posting anything personal on any website on the Internet at any time is, unfortunately, an invitation to certain loonies to abuse you. Certainly, it seems at times as if anything you say can be misunderstood (intentionally or not) and later be used against you.

    I endured some abuse in childhood as well... stuff which definitely went beyond "correction" all the way to sheer meanness, and I too get upset when people abuse their kids in public... but on the other hand, I've also seen people who do nothing to correct their offspring's obnoxious behavior in public (screaming just for the hell of it, for example).

    Have also been on forums where there are people who take advantage of the Internet's relative anonymity to flame anyone at any time. Don't know what the answer is. Much of the time I feel that the Internet is just one more opportunity for people to treat each other like crap.