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Posts posted by Peri

  1. Kat:

    That one-legged gold digger ended up with a hundred mil? Let's just hope she takes his cash and then she goes back to where she came from and the public never hears from her again.

    I never had the dubious pleasure of making her acquaintance, but I got the feeling she was trouble a long time ago. He should have listened to his kids, who could barely tolerate her, from what I've read.

    If he ever decides to take a third trip down the aisle, I hope he gets a pre-nup. Too bad Jane Asher is no longer available.

  2. My goodness, I have received a lot of suggestions on what do watch and read to learn something about economics! You folks always come through for me! :)

    I'm afraid the reason that I don't understand much about economics thus far is that everything I've tried to read on the subject produces a reaction similar to MSK's--boredom...but I'm willing to revisit the issue!

  3. I just saw Greenspan on The Daily Show (Jon Stewart).

    Stewart led off asking why the Fed is needed in a free market.


    I noted that as well. Since the publication of his book, I've heard several interviews with Greenspan in various media--and Stewart was the most incisive interviewer of the lot. Scads of journalists interview the guy, and a former stand-up comedian and denizen of MTV proved to ask the most interesting questions...Which is another topic in itself....

    I will reserve comment on the Fed's necessity--or not--in a free market as I have not read enough nor know enough about economics to comment intelligently. I eagerly await comment from people more familiar with the subject.

  4. Well, maybe she is fine for some people who are fond of KASS and such nonsense to make fun of your opponents when preaching to the choir. But trying to convince other people who might be open to a rational argument by referring to this crazy rattlesnake, even if she may be right in a particular instance, is just the dumbest thing you can do. You Have Been Warned Twice.

    *stands up and applauds*

    When someone uses Ms. Coulter to bolster their argument, they lose me. Period.

  5. Judith; Thanks for all your information about alternate way of swearing or afirming your telling the truth. I have never been a witness in a court case. I can't remember if I took an oath as a juror. Eugene Volokoh has came up with some good information too. It is worth considering that when the founding fathers wrote the Constitution the United States was the only country in world that did not require a religious test to hold public office. It's absolutely mind boggling when you think about it.

    I served as an alternate juror in a federal case, and no, I didn't have to swear on anything, not even my mother's grave.

    But then, I was an ALTERNATE juror... :lol:

  6. Kitchen knives can be dangerous in the hands of the "wrong" me, who hasn't yet mastered the "professional" way to cut veggies..."dangerous" in that I might cut off my finger or dull the knife's blade. ;-)

    Otherwise, what else is there for me to do but join the amen chorus on stating that making kitchen knives illegal is clearly absurd?

  7. Honestly, if I can ever find an award that doesn't have an underlying political message to whatever it is giving an award for then I might take the time to watch. That's if I want to fall asleep. These things are so dull, last interesting thing that happened during a live musical performance was Timberlake ripping Janet Jackson's shirt off. (joke) And honestly, even that wasn't real suprising.

    The last interesting award show that I can remember were the Grammy Awards of 1998 when Ol' Dirty Bastard interrupted the presentation for Song Of The Year and Soy Bomb interrupted a Bob Dylan performance.


    I'm with Mick here; nothing has topped the 1998 Grammies for entertainment. Soy Bomb made the show, as you can see here.

  8. I was having fun on youtube this evening when I came across
    by one of the best bands no one has ever heard of, The Drive By Truckers. With all the debate going on about the war in Iraq, this video is a reminder of the real tragedy of war.


    Ok, I'll bite.

    This is a very moving tribute to someone who offered up their last and greatest measure of devotion.

    I know a lot of people on this board support the war in Iraq, and I don't wish to debate anyone over the issue; however, it's easy to support a war if you or your loved ones aren't the ones putting the ultimate gift on the line. I have a co-worker who lost her eldest son in Iraq (he enlisted in the Marines after 9/11); her youngest son enlisted in the Marines for the infantry in honor of his brother and now my co-worker is facing the fact that her youngest is being deployed next year in July. My co-worker is vociferously anti-war. She's not a nut like Cindy Sheehan; she's quietly diginfied and she supported and respects her sons in their decisions, but I can tell you that she has no love for this war or the Administration who launched it.

    I honor and respect our military and I'm not a pacifist; but I believe that governments should think long and hard before sending our children into harm's way--and if they DO send them, they sure as hell had better have an adequate plan to protect them as much as possible and get them in and out efficiently. In other words, don't lie about the reasons and don't do a lazy, half-assed job with the planning of it.

  9. Hey Peri, missed ya! I'm interested in taking a look at the other site, after all I did name my kid after that guy. I really haven't kept up with him at all or heard any of his music. Good stuff? Can you send me the url?

    Back on topic. Three ingredients intensify the mix.

    Stir the pot a bit and you will find a a recipe for a bit more than a split based on philosophical differences, (although there are some very basic philosophical differences at the heart of the Peikoff-Kelly split). Again, it basically boils down to sex, money and power. Reading "To Whom it May Concern" is very telling. Unfortunately, it cannot be posted online. As you read things over time, you will find that sometimes Objectivists aren't that Objective, just human.


    Including the original Objectivist herself. In some places, that's dangerous to say. Happily, this isn't one of those places. :lol:

    Kat, I love the way you boiled that down to its elements. Sex/Money/Power. The stuff that makes the world go 'round -- and why the *story* remains so potent, even today. Whatever else you may think of humanity, I think we are all are suckers for a good story. Which Rand obviously knew, since she chose to express some of her deepest thinking through writing fiction.

  10. That was a wonderful quote, Mick. Thank you.

    I can't wait till Christmas this year, and once again, the Statue of Liberty is the angel at the top of my tree.


    I like that idea. Michael honey, you listening?

    Where did you find a Statue of Liberty to put on your tree, Kat?

  11. Brave of Peri to roll that one out. But you can do that on OL. Yeah, I agree, you gotta wonder...


    Waits for the minions to start up with the ladders and catapaults. :puppeh:

    Well, whether Objectivists like it or not, history was greatly influenced by Christianity. I hold that this faith, delusion, supersition, irrational nonsense or whatever you want to call it , was really "invented" by Saul of Tarsus, obviously influenced by a lot of other "mystery" religions in the air at the time, and he deposited his various ideas on the itinerant rabbi Jesus of Nazareth. It would be fascinating to find what was his motivation. .

  12. If I could be anyone I would be Thomas Jefferson or Marilyn Manson.

    Now THAT's what I call a contrast. The mind boggles. :blink:

    If I could be anyone for a day? Only a day? If I had time, I'd like to be someone who was with Paul of Tarsus when he saw his "vision" of Christ on the way to Damascas. I'd like to know what he was on at the time--mabye he just ate some rye tainted with ergot? I am curious as to how all the mythology was deposited upon Jesus of Nazareth.

  13. Well, well,'re back. I missed you.

    Oh Victor, I am flattered. :) I was moonlighting on the internet board hosted by Lennon's kid, who's just put out a quite tasty new album called "Friendly Fire." Met a few Sean Lennon fans interested in Rand on that board, btw.

    That off-topic stuff being said, I would tell the original poster that Ms. Stuttle pretty much summed up 'the break' pretty well, and not to dwell on it too much. It might be interesting from a biographical or historical perspective, but I think you can be an Objectivist w/o aligning yourself to any particular "camp" but the only one that matters--your own.

  14. Now, now...why drag in Valliant? His book adds nothing to the practice of Objectivism as a philosophy at the end of the day, does it?

    Ok, so it made some noise amongst certain individuals, but most of the people out there in the world at large who admire Rand's philosophy remain untouched by it, because it quite frankly doesn't matter to them. They absorb what they absorb through Rand's work.

    Just my opinion....

  15. ART GOODS!

    I would like to present a grand opening of a “Victor Pross Icon and Idols” store for those who have taken an interest in my art. Images and prints are available on various goods at the link below.

    Remember, Christmas time is around the corner and it’s time to get gifts for others. Or maybe you simply want to get stuff for yourself. Why not, it’s good to practice selfishness everyday of the year.

    Enjoy :cool:

    You DID it, you actually DID it! Ok, I'm getting paid this Friday!

  16. This is such a knucklehead venture that I put it in Humor, but I think it is serious.


    It will happen on Friday, December 22, 2006. The idea is to create a mass orgasmic energy surge worldwide to stop the impending war with Iran (but targeting the erotic peace blast to all countries with Weapons of Mass Destruction). Here is a quote.

    WHO? All Men and Women, you and everyone you know.

    WHERE? Everywhere in the world, but especially in countries with weapons of mass destruction.

    WHEN? Winter Solstice Day - Friday, December 22nd, at the time of your choosing, in the place of your choosing and with as much privacy as you choose.

    WHY? To effect positive change in the energy field of the Earth through input of the largest possible surge of human energy ( a Synchronized Global Orgasm. There are two more US fleets heading for the Persian Gulf with anti-submarine equipment that can only be for use against Iran, so the time to change Earth's energy is NOW!

    Our minds influence Matter and Energy fields, so by concentrating any thoughts during and after orgasm on peace and partnership, the combination of high orgasmic energy combined with mindful intention will reduce global levels of violence, hatred and fear.

    Orgasm is something just about everyone can do and enjoy. And you can orgasm by yourself or with someone else. You don't even have to tell anyone you're going to do it!

    The article further gives a note about the "science" used.

    Here is the organizer's website: Global Orgasm. You can even sign up for an e-mail newsletter. On the site, it claims that the science is based on a network of worldwide Random Event Generators (REGs) run from Princeton University.

    I remember the Hippie days when people fought cannons with flowers (flower power and all that stuff), then there was Lennon singing about peace and posing nude with Yoko Ono, but these people... er... they really go... ahem... I mean...


    Ahmadinejad and Khamenei!

    You guys better shape up and stop the terrorism crap!

    We are coming in hoards to get you and sex you all to death!

    (wiping tears streaming down...)


    I doubt a massive worldwide orgasm will change anything, but who doesn't enjoy orgasms? Heck, I'll join the movement just for ME and MY pleasure!

  17. Anyone...

    What personality would you like to see painted? I have 2007 planned out to do many paintings ...>>

    Larry Flynt for exposing the puritanical and anti freedom feminist movement as having more in common with the religious right than those who advocate for liberty.

    Ooh, ooh, ooh, I've got one! I've got one! Camille Paglia! She helped make me what I am today--she's actually the one who started turning me away from the rather politically correct, leftist mindset I carried away from college! "Sexual Personae" changed my LIFE!

  18. Nobody Told Me There'd Be Days Like These...

    Strange Days Indeed...

    Most peculiar, mama...

    Lyrics from John Lennon's last recordings. You can't fool me, Peri! I'm a pop culture expert! :sorcerer:

    Oops, I guess I should have sourced it! I'm nothing but a plagerist now. :devil:

  19. Victor; It is a problem. Reagan in politics. He reached the highest post you can get. Arnold still in Hollywood. Arnold is the better actor.

    All right. Yeah, Arnold is the better actor. I can't watch "Kindergarten Cop" or "Twins" w/o having tears come to my eyes. <_<

    Good Lord, that man is now our governor.

    Nobody Told Me There'd Be Days Like These...

    Strange Days Indeed...

    Most peculiar, mama...

  20. Chris, there are pictures of Kant and he is a most worthy subject, especially to an Objectivist audience. [Kant can’t, but Ayn Rand did].


    Peri, come on. There is a world of difference between a famous penis and smoking one. LOL.

    Why, Victor, talk about smoking penises--that reminds me---(pause) Oh, never mind. I'll just close that door and move on.

    Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar. Or so Siggy would tell you.

  21. I split the thread for the politics art where it started talking about a website selling t-shirts. We need to keep the focus in the Victor Pross Gallery on the artworks of Victor Pross.

    I apologize for the inconvenience, but we have to remember that Victor's art gallery dedicated to his works and not post other images there. If the hottie were wearing a t-shirt with a Victor Pross design, that would be another story altogether. Angie!!!???!!!


    Man, I just nearly spewed coffee across my keyboard on that one.

    Of course you are correct, Kat.

    Although, I think you just came up with an entirely new way to market Victor's art. Victor, you listening? Tee Shirt sales featuring reproductions of your art. I'd buy them!