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Posts posted by SteveWolfer

  1. 5 minutes ago, PDS said:

    Anybody who thinks this is good for Trump is drinking some strong Kool-Aid. 

    Very true.

    There are some very bright people (twisted maybe) who sit around in the Hillary campaign gaming tactics... and progressives like to demonize and they are good at putting out bait, anticipating responses, then closing the trap.  This is what they do.  They have a goal, they marshal resources, they plan out moves, and they know that a theme, like a marketing campaign, needs lots of hits for it to become a meme, then a deep belief, than a viewing prism.

  2. 23 minutes ago, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

    But the father saying Trump has made no sacrifices is the epitome of maturity?

    Come on...

    If I wanted to snark, I would say your altruism is showing. But I won't snark.

    So, if the father says something that is immature, it is okay for the candidate for president to say something immature?

    You say, "If I wanted to snark..." you then do snark and then you say you won't snark.  What kind of argument is that.

    I'm not altruistic.  If you disagree, and seriously think I made some point that arises out an altruism that you believe I harbor, then man-up and make an intelligible argument to that end.  I don't mind condescending, which is what that seemed like (I don't like it) but I'd sure rather have arguments that can be addressed and not sneak attacks.

    Clearly this is not an environment for saying anything negative about anything Trumpian.

  3. 13 minutes ago, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

    The Neocon support of Johnson that is starting is raising its ugly head

    If Johnson is courting anyone, for money or votes or to get into the debates, by advocating the appointment of a Supreme Court justice who is big government, then he has sold out - lost his integrity.  Or he has eaten so many brownies that he mind doesn't make enough connections anymore to see where he is relative to where libertarian principles are.

    I still think that Neocons would only support him in hopes of throwing the election to the house, or to Hillary if they think she will fight the wars they favor.  In the later case, that is but another sign that politics is now a train that has left the tracks - "principles!  I don't need no stinking principles!"

  4. 1 minute ago, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

    Man, does that come off as condescending

    Michael, I didn't have you in mind. 

    But I have to say that I see an emotional intensity in many Trump supporters that appears to drive their arguments.  I see emotion first, then use of the reason to create some justifying rhetoric.

    They seem to almost never see anything negative about Trump.  They are all on the Trump train as opposed to saying something like, "I wish Trump would do this, or not do that, but I'll vote for him anyway" - instead they appear to see every single thing he says in a favorable way, they have endless explanations for what they think Donald will actually do when elected.  They always explain what he has said when others say it is vague and their explanations are sometimes so out of thin air as to be embarrassing.  Most of the arguments and explanations are justifications rather than principles.

    I don't know Dr. Hurd, or who he is, or what he has written.  I just know what I took out of his explanations of Trump's way of dealing with the Muslim mother and father.  I didn't see his explanation of that incident as coming from an objective place.  And I was clear about how I thought it could have been handled.

    Consistent, on-going disagreements between parties, neither of which are 'retards,' will mean something.  One side is likely to be ignoring some glaring error in their processing.  Phrasing may or may not  become heated, or condescending, or off the top, but there is still that likelihood that at least one side isn't thinking critically.

  5. 5 minutes ago, Peter said:

    Rush and Mark Levin have both commented that allowing immigrants or undocumented Americans to vote allows the Progressives to have an advantage.

    Judges around the country have been overturning state laws requiring voter ID.  In Virginia, the governor, a long-time Hillary operative and former chair of the DNC has issued an executive order to let felons vote.  Not enough time to get any of these reversed by the tattered remains of the Supreme Court (as if that would happen).  The progressives are on an all out push to get undocumented aliens to vote, felons to vote, and even get some of the base to vote two or three times.  They are targeting key swing states.

    All in all, I think we are living in that period of history where a great transition takes place.  Liberty had been fought for and won with emancipation and suffrage, but then it was going the other way and slowly taken away law by law, regulation by regulation, and now I think we are at a pivot point where the democratic election of representatives and the president and the application of law will all become a farce - a façade.  Then open tyranny shouldn't be far down the road - easily assembled behind the facade.

  6. 4 minutes ago, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

    From that web site: “If you look at his wife, she was standing there. She had nothing to say. She probably, maybe she wasn’t allowed to have anything to say. You tell me,” Trump said, in an interview with ABC’s “This Week.”

    This is not an “attack.” It’s simply a question. Trump was probably referring to the fact that in Islamic culture, women are denigrated and required to play a passive role, compared to men. How is that an attack?

    It is a subtle attack,  better called a "deflection" with some negative overtones.  People who insist on seeing some of his attacks as "questions" or, saying he was attacked first, are just showing that they no longer look at any given incident objectively, regardless of their decision of who to vote for.

    The fact that Islamic culture is totally screwed up is so NOT the subject, that this must be seen as a deflection.  There are only two issues here.  There son's death, and Trump's "sacrifice" and he could have hit them head on.  No deflection needed.  I'm all for attacking Islamic traditions that force submission (on women, on gays, on non-believers, on all but fundamentalists), but not as the response to their son's death.

    12 minutes ago, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

    From the web site: "The father said that Trump has never made sacrifices, like his family has. How can he know that, and what does he define as a sacrifice? Presumably, a sacrifice consists of giving up your life in battle. But nobody in Hillary Clinton’s family has done that."

    That is like a child's argument.  "Nobody saw me take any cookies.  How do you know I took cookies.  Besides, Tommy takes cookies all the time, why aren't you after him?"

  7. 7 minutes ago, Brant Gaede said:

    Was it an attack or not?

    Lots of Trump's "attacks" are indirect.  Sort of a "just saying" or "reports are" type of attacks - National Enquirer stuff.  For him, or at least his base, the unstated reference to that couple being Muslim is enough.  It works as a deflection. 

    He should have shown sympathy for them, ignored the guys attack on him, and turned it against Hillary.  Their son was killed by terrorists and Obama and Hillary are the ones who have made the terrorism worse with their incompetence and failed policies.  Hillary is politicizing this poor couple's grief.  He will prevent this from happening in the future.  He could have shown warmth and compassion, picked up women's votes, showed clear reasoning, and lashed Hillary.

    The Dems are good at baiting.

  8. After showing that Johnson is either NOT really a libertarian or will say anything, the author writes one of my favorite lines: "Is Hillary Clinton the only candidate running this year who’s actually a member of her own party?"  Well, as a progressive, she is, but at her level of corruption I'd say she is party of her own.  Maybe historians will look back and say that this is the year that political principles were totally abandoned and it was visible in the way that parties broke down and fractured.
    The article's author attempts to make sense of Johnson saying he'd appoint a Stephen Breyer type to the Supreme Court.  The author asks if maybe it is a strategic ploy by Johnson-Weld, and they are trying to attract votes that would otherwise go to one of the major party candidates. What?  That just doesn't make sense.  Or, maybe they are trying to look like the nice guys where Hillary and Donald are looking like the mean ones.
    "Nothing says 'reasonable' to independents and low-information voters quite like a moderate Republican turned libertarian endorsing Democratic justices."  Seriously?  What says "integrity"?
    What will happen is that about 12 people who were GOP will vote for Johnson as a nice guy, and about 13 registered Democrats will decide that Johnson has the right idea on the Supreme Court, and about 100,000 Libertarians will decide "Fuck it! I'm not voting for him."
    "If you’re #NeverTrump, your dilemma here is this: Do Johnson’s flirtations with the left make it impossible to vote for him, even though everyone understands that he’s never going to be in a position to act on those flirtations? If you’re thinking of casting a vote for a guy who can’t win, it doesn’t matter what his positions are, really. All that matters is whether he’s gone too far in muddling the message you want to send with that vote."
    Put a bit more straight forward: it isn't totally throwing your vote away as long as the vote represents the principles you demand.  But, when that's not the case, the reason for heading to the polling booth is gone.
    "Johnson is, in theory, the candidate of smaller government; in practice, if he’s willing to entertain the idea of appointing another Breyer to the Court, then maybe he isn’t."
    I see only two explanations.  Johnson has become someone who will say anything for a vote or for attention, or Johnson has been into the cannabis way, way to much and has come adrift.
    Simplifies my vote.  Trump or stay home (actually, I'd go vote the down ticket)
  9. 17 minutes ago, wolfdevoon said:

    baffled ... You know this how?

    You don't think he wants to expand the boundaries or current Russia?

    18 minutes ago, wolfdevoon said:

    Separately, I think it's likely that Russia could blackmail Hillary with emails and other media like voice recordings. Vote Trump!

    Russia has lots of choices with Hillary - blackmail, bribe, or threaten force.  I am a NeverHillary person.  Still not a vote Trump person.

  10. 6 minutes ago, wolfdevoon said:

    what particularly upsets you about Russia?

    Putin and his intentions are upsetting.  He wants to reinstitute the USSR.  I don't have any great answers to these problems.  As long as there are people like Islamic fundamentalist with regional power and money, as long as an ex-KGB thug like Putin wasn't to make Russia into another USSR, there won't be any easy answers.  If there was a thug in a neighborhood that kept mugging people and robbing them, they wouldn't be tolerated.  If most of the governments of the world were mature and rational they wouldn't tolerate the Islamic Theocracies, North Korea, Putin, etc.  And it isn't our government's job to fix the world - only to protect us.  Protecting us means deciding when and where to intervene.  If it were up to me I'd intervene in Iran at this point. The rest... not sure.

  11. 34 minutes ago, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

    you are certain the Koch brothers have integrity. That, to me, sounds like an evaluation based on very little evidence, much less reasonable evidence. I cannot make that evaluation or the contrary.

    I didn't say I was certain, I said, "I think the Koch brothers have integrity" - That's based upon watching an hour long interview with Charles Koch, reading their Wikipedia page, knowing where they put their political support money, and about some of their political campaigns - what evidence I do have says they have integrity.  I have zero evidence to the contrary and I've already seen that the slur about supporting Hillary is phony. 

    You've already participated in making a negative evaluation of them without evidence when you passed on that statement about them being globalists and cronies.  I don't know why I'm the one trying defend men who aren't guilty of anything worse than not wanting to give money to Trump.  This business of treating them like bad guys and suggesting that if the research were done it would prove them bad is not how I roll.  I get the evidence first.

    Sorry, Michael, but this feels to me like the kind of argument I want no part of.


  12. 4 hours ago, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

    Globalists (one of the worst forms of crony capitalists)...

    You asked "Who's slurring them?"

    Globalist - cronies - is a slur, and there was the twisted report about Charles Koch supporting Hillary.

  13. 17 minutes ago, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

    Trump wants to stop the escalation. That's why he's not bashing Putin right now. This is one thing I am sure he will fix post haste once he is sworn in. 

    Putin is a bully and there is never going to be a way to tell when he is bristling to stop others from stopping him, versus when he really feels threatened.  If he is just pushing, and bullying and keeping his eye on re-establishing the old USSR borders the question is how to deter him, but at the same time, not get into a relationship that invokes a new arms race.  Obama is an appeaser.  Clinton is untrustworthy, corrupt, incompetent and no one knows which way she'd break.  She could even get too militaristic to prove that despite wearing pants suits that she has balls.  NATO could be encourage to put troops instead of upgradable missiles in place.  Or use the kind of missile defense system that can't be upgrade to use nukes.  That pushes back in a way that doesn't require taking his threats seriously (unless he a totally loose cannon and if he is, might as well deal with now then later).  The best long term position is to pressure the oligarchs with massive harm to their financial interests if Putin makes serious threats against NATO countries.  (Or we can get out of NATO which tells Putin he can do what he wants with the Baltic states and tells NATO countries to defend themselves.)  With bad actors on stage there are no good answers.

  14. 38 minutes ago, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

    I don't spend my time trying to gotcha the Koch brothers and, frankly, don't want to spend a lot of time doing it. I think they are excellent businessmen and entrepreneurs. I like that they fund conservative politicians and think tanks. I just don't expect them to practice their ideology except loosely when push comes to shove regarding their companies. I've read too much in the news over time.

    I'm not getting into bed with the Koch brothers but it is annoying enough to see them attacked from the left.  To see people who are anti-Hillary, GOP, or libertarian slur them is too much.

    If someone who, just to make up an example, builds schools and lots of that money is from the government and that person has a choice to vote on a state referendum that make all schools private, that is where they have integrity, if they are libertarians, as opposed to having sold their political souls.

    I think the Koch brothers have integrity.  I don't know them well, but I'm definitely fed up with our world is filling up with people throwing out accusations that have no more substance than, "Hey,  they might be just like others who are cronies."  That means and end to all principles in passing judgment.

    45 minutes ago, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

    But to pretend they are free market saints whereas Trump is the devil is naive. Facts tend to be stubborn once you look at them.

    Some hyperbole in that.  Angels?  Devil?  That is kind of like using some hyperbole to set up a straw man (me, naïve?) I'm just saying that we see nothing going on about them but their support which mostly aligns with libertarian principles and, unlike Donald, they aren't running for president, and I'm not the one making comparisons.

  15. 35 minutes ago, wolfdevoon said:

    160 million get government checks + 20 million federal, state, local government employees and contractors = landslide for Hillary

    Yeah, it ain't good.  But subtract out the social security recipients that worked for an entire lifetime.  Also subtract out those who receive Medicare as opposed to SSI or Medicaid.  Subtract out all of the federal, state, and local employees that are doing work that is appropriate (law enforcement and military for example).  Subtract them out, since they aren't all voting because they've been bought.

  16. 4 minutes ago, wolfdevoon said:

    People dislike the fact that Koch Industries is privately held.

    And progressives hate them because they are capitalists, because they have money and don't feel guilty, and who are active in politics and don't have positions that are easy to ridicule.

  17. 11 minutes ago, wolfdevoon said:

    Naw, don't be silly. A vote for Hillary is venal and they know it, not a micron of goodwill among the Free Shit Army.

    That's a kind of all or nothing logic that I don't think applies.  There are well-to-do people who are going to vote for Hillary and do so out of bad understandings on the environment, regulations, fear of big business, etc.  Not to line their own pockets.