Holiday Decorating!

Rich Engle

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Oh, if there is a Hell, I'll hit it for this one alone. But not really, I still remain convinced that my moral compass is intact; at least as good as one of the better Chinese ones you get at the flea market.

Decorating is a pretty big deal at my place (my wife is an ex-interior designer with bizarre tendencies). She has lots of the Really Big Stuff when it comes to Xmas, although she complains often these days, saying she used to have so much more. But then there are those cruel things that happen when you put things in storage, rely on or loan things to relatives, etc. It can get ugly.

I mean, what kind of sick fuck would steal the Baby Jesus from a collection of creche figurines? I did some informal polling on this and discovered that it seems to happen with a greater degree of frequency than I imagined. And, someone did it to her. She has all these different cool pieces, and of all of them (including some very cool, commissioned Wise Men figures that look like G.I.Joe) they had to take the infant.

This created a smallish crisis as far as the local design team went, and they subbed in a little stuffed teddy bear. But, a seasoned man has that eye for fit, colour, and finish, so I jacked a Halloween leftover in there.

Yes, I know. And he's even talking on his cellphone. There was no RESISTING that kind of a move--it was a wrong that couldn't be made right, so cutting and running seemed like, at the least, decent pragmatism.


Edited by Rich Engle
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Oh for Christ's sake!

Ba'al Chatzaf

Well, it is going to make for some nice spin-off products. Right now, I'm thinking necklace. . .

The Scene of the Crime (perpetrated at ~ 5:30a.m. EST--a quick Switcheroo)


I mean, at least I left this one alone (so far):


Edited by Rich Engle
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