The Simpson's episode on May 16th.

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A google search indicates it will be a three part episode, with one parodying The Fountainhead. I don't know if it is reliable, but some posts say Jodie Foster will voice Maggie as Dominique.


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A google search indicates it will be a three part episode, with one parodying The Fountainhead. I don't know if it is reliable, but some posts say Jodie Foster will voice Maggie as Dominique.


Return of The Simpsons

"Sometimes we do these trilogy episodes, and this one has powerful women through history and we do a parody of The Fountainhead, the Ayn Rand book," said [producer Al] Jean. "Maggie Simpson is in a preschool where she’s trying to build these beautiful block buildings and the preschool teacher keeps knocking them down because it’s too creative. At the end, she goes on trial, like the end of The Fountainhead and Jodie Foster does Maggie’s voice."

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

It wasn't the first Rand tribute to appear on The Simpsons, and it most likely won't be the last.

I actually caught it quite by accident. I don't watch The Simpsons, but my sister does. She was watching it in the living room the day this episode aired. I wasn't paying much attention at first, but by the time a preschool teacher named Ellsworth Toohey was informing parents that there was absolutely nothing special or remarkable about their children and walked around knocking down skyscrapers made out of blocks, I was heavily amused and thoroughly engaged.

It was a parody of The Fountainhead, but not a mean-spirited one like you'd find in most other TV comedies. It was a bow to Rand, not a pie flung at her face.

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Welcome to OL.

Yes the Simpsons is a funny show. I do not watch much TV at all anymore, but if I walk by and someone has it on, I will just stop and enjoy how good it is.

What brought you to our international objectivist Casbah?


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Welcome to OL.

Yes the Simpsons is a funny show. I do not watch much TV at all anymore, but if I walk by and someone has it on, I will just stop and enjoy how good it is.

What brought you to our international objectivist Casbah?



If I was living by myself, I wouldn't even have cable. :lol: Too many reality and talk shows, and too little truly original programming.

Three things: 1. Geography: I live in Wayne Country, TN. So, I relate to nobody out here. The land is gorgeous. I'd call it God's Country, if I believed in God. But the people are incomprehensible to me. 2. Rand: I've been a fan of her writings for years now. This'll give me a chance to discuss them without having to tolerate boorish jeers from vexed leftists. 3. Necessity: Other political/philosophical communities tend to be intolerable. Republican communities are full of traditionalist half-wits who only like capitalism because it's nice and old and we don't want any atheists or intellectuals exposing our delusions, thank you very much! Liberal communities are full of people who hate success and happiness and try to find racism everywhere they look. And, anyhow, I have no sympathy for any group of people that tiredly croons on about how great Hugo Chavez is and how socialism would work fine if people just weren't so gosh-darned greedy! The libs seemed like a natural choice, then, until I realized what Libertarianism actually is is a group of people who just don't like government for some reason. This means the wild-eyed anarchist, the conservative who merely wants taxes lowered, and people who want to privatize EVERY service now provided by our government (including police protection, national defense, the courts, etc.) are ALL considered Libertarians equally. How could they not be? It's too unprincipled for a consistent and principled defense of its values. As proof, I submit the fact that this nutjob is a Libertarian REPRESENTATIVE:

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Lol. We will get along fine. I was an original organizer of the Libertarian Party in NY City, [yes a 7-1 Democratic Registration to RINO Republicans] in the late 60's - lots of Randians were brought by myself and others.

We got a permanent ballot line in NY State and I got about life.

I then was stunned to find out that Howard Stern was the Libertarian Party candidate for Governor and he was for the death penalty!

So I jumped back in in Suffolk County in NY and was appalled to find the exact blend of miscreants all huddled together at the local PUBLIC LIBRARY SUPPORTED AT THE POINT OF A GUN BY TAXPAYERS!

We no longer had a ballot line - all the good foundation that had been set up had been destroyed and the party was, basically, a joke.

I would still prefer to be with country folk even with the blemishes.

Welcome again.


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Lol. We will get along fine. I was an original organizer of the Libertarian Party in NY City, [yes a 7-1 Democratic Registration to RINO Republicans] in the late 60's - lots of Randians were brought by myself and others.

We got a permanent ballot line in NY State and I got about life.

I then was stunned to find out that Howard Stern was the Libertarian Party candidate for Governor and he was for the death penalty!

So I jumped back in in Suffolk County in NY and was appalled to find the exact blend of miscreants all huddled together at the local PUBLIC LIBRARY SUPPORTED AT THE POINT OF A GUN BY TAXPAYERS!

We no longer had a ballot line - all the good foundation that had been set up had been destroyed and the party was, basically, a joke.

I would still prefer to be with country folk even with the blemishes.

Welcome again.


:lol: Sounds awful. I always thought the Libertarian Party sounded too good to be true. Now I know why it seemed that way to me: because it is.

Last year was my first opportunity to vote (having not turned 18 until after the 2004 election), but I felt a kind of paralysis when I realized what was being asked of me. I was being asked to choose between putting a fascist and a socialist into office. Now, you might say this is true of most recent elections, but it seems to me that not since Nixon have we been asked to choose anybody so unprincipled as McCain and Obama are. What sort of choice is that? It is like being asked which of your arms you want to be cut off. And the practical results wouldn't be all that different. Just two people who intend to spend and spend and spend and spend and spend. I can't believe the day has come that I actually wish Bill Clinton was back in office.

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Not if you had my 19 year old daughter as an intern!

Because if she missed the sexual predator who used to occupy the White House I would not lol.

However, I understand your quandary in this last electoral suicidal choice.

I always liked Ayn's haughty, bitch like hand on hip, looking down her nose, eyes afire look, with that awed chuckle on her mouth as she would say:

"Show me the compromise between food and poison!" It was the pure beauty of that either or as the reality that just absolutely captivated me when I read Atlas at 14.

I am assuming that you are a student at some tax supported re-education camp masquerading as a center of higher learning?


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Welcome to OL.

You sound exactly like you do the type of independent thinking I admire.


And you have a fine forum here!

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Not if you had my 19 year old daughter as an intern!

Because if she missed the sexual predator who used to occupy the White House I would not lol.

However, I understand your quandary in this last electoral suicidal choice.

I always liked Ayn's haughty, bitch like hand on hip, looking down her nose, eyes afire look, with that awed chuckle on her mouth as she would say:

"Show me the compromise between food and poison!" It was the pure beauty of that either or as the reality that just absolutely captivated me when I read Atlas at 14.

I am assuming that you are a student at some tax supported re-education camp masquerading as a center of higher learning?


Was. I had been attending a community college in Colorado until we got situated here. So I'm going to save up some money so that in a year or so I can finish at a school here, where I'm planning on transferring over to a four-year. But why a community college in the first place? Because, in High School, I chose to rebel against the irrationality around me in the wrong way. I blew off my classes and spent days in the library reading. Royally screwed up my GPA, as you can imagine, which is why I'm paying for it now. This resulted in the bizarre situation of me both having a lousy GPA in High School and having teachers/Senior students coming to me whenever they were having problems understanding something. I refused to do work for them, but I won't refuse to help a person understand something.

I plan on making fiction writing my life work, but I'm not naive enough to think I'll be able to support myself on that for a long time. Not sure what I'll study in the mean time to help support myself in the long run. Something I enjoy, at least.

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