Private posting?

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I thought I saw a facility here for creating a private group. If so, how does one set it up? Thanks!


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Do you mean you want a thread that the public will not have access to? Who would decide who gets in?

We have a private messenger for private communication and there is a blog feature that the public does not normally go to. Other than that, the purpose of OL is to be a public discussion forum. My interest in setting up a restricted access forum would be if I started charging for specific content or if there were a group of moderators or something like that.

Even in this last case, I would probably set up an email group like was done for the old SoloHQ forum. I was invited back then to be a member of an ad hoc email group the owner set up called "Solo Under Seige" during the time many people were leaving it. I have a bunch of emails on file from that group.

This is very easy to set up and needs no forum bells and whistles.

Still, let me know a little bit more about what is on your mind and I will see what can be done within this purpose.

EDIT: Also, I believe there is a "friends" setting in your profile that works like normal Web 2.0 friend tags.


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