Perigonian Eloquence Redux

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Perigonian Eloquence Redux

Perigo has been chomping at the bit for some attention during the recent Valliant flare-up. I pity the poor creature, so let's feed him at least a crumb.

How about a quote from him about Ayn Rand?

From here?

She would hate me and hate SOLO, of that I'm certain. Her loss.

Perigo finally waxed eloquent, like a reflection off the rusted chrome bumper of a broken down car in a junkyard remembering the unfullfilled promise of his youth.

Finally I can take this dude at his word, at least on the cognitive part. How's that for horse's mouth stuff?

As to the normative part, let's look and imagine. What do you think Rand would think if she saw the words "Her loss" in that context? What would she do?




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Perigonian Eloquence Redux

Perigo has been chomping at the bit for some attention during the recent Valliant flare-up. I pity the poor creature, so let's feed him at least a crumb.

How about a quote from him about Ayn Rand?

From here?

She would hate me and hate SOLO, of that I'm certain. Her loss.

Perigo finally waxed eloquent, like a reflection off the rusted chrome bumper of a broken down car in a junkyard remembering the unfullfilled promise of his youth.

Finally I can take this dude at his word, at least on the cognitive part. How's that for horse's mouth stuff?

As to the normative part, let's look and imagine. What do you think Rand would think if she saw the words "Her loss" in that context? What would she do?




Declare bankruptcy.


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Well let's help them out with some testimonials. As you know I have been studying Internet marketing, so I came across a testimonial automator that just sent tears of laughter down my face: Testimonial Generator.

For those who are not aware of the controversy, I am at odds with the owner of the Solo Passion site and some of his minions for all the cussing, bigotry and nastiness they have (and do) promote in the name of Objectivism. They got away with a lot over time, basically because of a lot of bullying, but that getting-away-with-it-for-free has come to an end.

Their own behavior has relegated the site to a dark corner of the Internet where Objectivists rarely go, unless they are following some stink like they would, say, in the National Enquirer. Because of this isolation, I made a recent quip about the site being called Siberia Passion, but I kinda like the name. And, don't forget, this is the humor thread.

So let's run Siberia Passion through the Testimonial Generator and see what pops up. Maybe we can hep ole Prigo out a tad. (I changed some of the words because Siberia Passion is a site, not a product.)

Keep up the excellent work. Your site is great to learn from. Thanks to Siberia Passion, we've just launched our 5th website!

--Robert Sanders

I go to Siberia Passion often. Siberia Passion is exactly what my philosophical understanding has been lacking. Thanks for all your help and advice.

--John Taylor

I have gotten at leat 50 times the value from Siberia Passion than the time I spent there. It's incredible. I don't know what else to say. Thank you for making it painless, pleasant and most of all hassle free!

--Mary Jones

I didn't even need training in Objectivism to apply it. This site is the best investment of time I've made this year. I'm good to go in life. Siberia Passion is awesome!

--James Perry

I am so pleased with this site. I like Siberia Passion more and more each day because it makes my moral choices a lot easier. This is the most reliable forum on Objectivism I've ever visited. I will refer everyone I know.

--Julie Rogers


With reviews like that?



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I want to make an addition to the last post. There are some fine people, especially young ones, who do not yet know the nature of where they are on Solo Passion. My lampoon is not intended to include them. Sorry about that, but I cannot do otherwise than lampoon. :)

The people I am targeting know who they are. So does most everybody else.


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I have nothing special for this post. Just a repeat from another thread. But what a repeat!


I guess the question then is, why would someone only apply that method of thinking to Rand? Why would a person be willing to believe that PARC has shown him the light, and that people who point to all of the gaping holes in PARC could only be motivated by trying give Rand feet of clay? Neil and others have provided a hell of a lot of criticism of PARC that Rand's admirers could try to refute. Yet they don't do so, but instead prefer to ponder why everyone is being so mean to their hero.


I am only speculating, but I am working on an idea. In psychology there is a concept called emotional hijack. It is put in terms a layman can understand by Daniel Goleman in Emotional Intelligence. Look at the following diagram from p. 19:


Thanks, MSK. My own hypothesis is similar, only not quite so technical. My view has been that there's something in the brain that I like to call the "Cocoa Puffs Lobe" which makes people, and Cocoa Puffs Birds, go "cuckoo" for certain things.


In the case of the Cocoa Puffs Bird, it's actual Cocoa Puffs that he goes cuckoo for. Others go cuckoo for things like Ayn Rand, Pigero, or Jesus, or maybe Mario Lanza, Firefly or the band Rush.


P.S. In case there's any potential for misunderstanding, let me say that I think that Cocoa Puffs are crunchy, munchy, chocolatey and delicious, but I also think that there are breakfast options which are much more nutritious and healthy. So, if anyone reading this is cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs, I want you to know that it's not important for me to "find fault" with Cocoa Puffs and to try to "pull them down." Okay? I like them, and it's okay for you to like them. I just think that they're too sugary to eat every day.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 months later...

Speaking of crap......

I just tryed out the testimonial generator!!!

I typed in "doo doo!" Great fun!!!!

Oh lordy...I am so juvenile, I know, but hey I be chillin' and diggin' life!

Oh and just so ya know, I typed "tryed" on purpose fer all the anal retento's out thar! [dragonfly] Where I be we make our own rules fer de Angleesh!!!

Yep! I be ju-vee-niiiiiiile!



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