The Upcoming Election: My Take

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As a former libertarian I am thouroughly enthused to see so many signs for Ron Paul for his domestic libertarian support and it's good to see a legitimate 'third' option (even though he is officially republican) getting so much attention. However, as that same 'former' libertarian, I despise Ron Paul's foriegn policy ides, and to me this trumps all his domestic libertarian stances. Also, his popularity is not coming from his libertarian stance, it's coming from his abandon iraq now stance, he is the only major truly anti-war candidate, so again my enthusiasm for Ron Paul signs is significantly reduced.

well, that's your take on it. I find nothing wrong with getting out of Iraq. We had no reason to be there, and libertarians should never be pro-war. (pro-defense is something else, and invading Iraq was never pro-defence).

Yes I am aware that is my take on it. I find everything wrong with pulling out of Iraq, this is not the 1700's, we don't need an Iraqi Battleship steaming up the Hudson to act in self defense. In an age of nuclear terrorism, bio terrorism, and rapid technological growth, it perpetually takes fewer and fewer resources to kill more and more people. It is in the long term rational best interest of the US to promulgate the spread of constitutional market based democracies, allowing murderous despotism to become entrenched will always come back to bite you in the end and to a much worse degree than if you had acted earler. The greatest enemy we face right now is not just Al Qaeda but murderous fundamentalist Islam in general, where Al Qaeda is only one face of hundreds. This murderous fundamentalist is fed and promulgated by the plethora of murderous dictatorships which dominate the middle east, of the 22 nations of the middle east 20 were totalitarian hell holes. You must always deal the best blow you can against the worst enemy possible, creating a more progressive market based democracy in the middle east is the best long term thing we can do right now.

Consider that in South Korea, a nation went from not even having a word for personal individual freedom, to being one of the wealthiest, freest, and most progressive democracies on the planet in about 30 years with NO directed international support in that direction.

They all like him for the wrong reasons. His stance on Roe V Wade, stem cell research, and affiliation with the pro-south evil lincoln libertarian contigent is rather dispicable as well.

While I don't agree with him, I don't find his stance on Roe vs Wade as 'dispicable'. Its clear where he's coming from on RvW.

It's not clear, it's foolish and relates to his pro south lincoln evil stance, he is part of the libertarian contigent which elevates states rights over individual rights. If it is up to the states to decide if abortion is murder, why don't we let individual states decide if slavery is just as well? Why not let individual states setup their own gulags and criminal justice systems, ignoring our constitution? His stance on RvW is either a pathetic cop out or a disgusting mis-prioritization of valus. It is never right for part of a nation to withdraw and form an even more oppresive nation.

And there is no such thing as a "pro-south evil lincoln libertarian contigent". That's a bit of BS spread by the compolian beltway 'libertarians'. Lincoln is not the great man that people want to believe he is. And not believe that myth doesn't make one 'pro-south' or 'pro-slavery'.

Well... that's your take on it.

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