How Fainting Goats Work

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How Fainting Goats Work

Here is a highly practical article for OL readers who have fainting goat problems in their everyday lives and want to know what to do about them. The article is appropriately written by one Robert Lamb.

Let's get the controversy out of the way right at the start. You can rest assured, your goats don't really faint. From the article:

... fainting goats don't actually faint or lose consciousness at all during these episodes. Due to an congenital (present from birth) medical condition known as myotonia congenita or Thomsen's disease, the goat's muscles tense up when the animal is startled and don't immediately relax. Think of it as a full-body charley horse, except without the pain.

John Foxx/Getty Images
Fainting goats, when startled,
tense up and fall over. It
could take several seconds
for them to regain movement.

Whew! That's great to know.

I can't think of anything more useful or critical these days.


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How Fainting Goats Work

Here is a highly practical article for OL readers who have fainting goat problems in their everyday lives and want to know what to do about them. The article is appropriately written by one Robert Lamb.

Let's get the controversy out of the way right at the start. You can rest assured, your goats don't really faint. From the article:

... fainting goats don't actually faint or lose consciousness at all during these episodes. Due to an congenital (present from birth) medical condition known as myotonia congenita or Thomsen's disease, the goat's muscles tense up when the animal is startled and don't immediately relax. Think of it as a full-body charley horse, except without the pain.


John Foxx/Getty Images

Fainting goats, when startled,

tense up and fall over. It

could take several seconds

for them to regain movement.

Whew! That's great to know.

I can't think of anything more useful or critical these days.



Ah, I discern a malevolent sense of life in MLK. Observe the preoccupation with FAINTING GOATS - not with goat as goat. Where in this post is there to be found the heroic goat, the ideal goat?

Alfonso (smiling)

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Michael, I have to say this: You seem to have a rather extensive interest in goats. Please tell me you don't have a pet one tethered up outside your swanky digs.


Cross-species lovin' is never good.

Edited by Rich Engle
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Michael, you have once again lost your marbles, and I'm still shaking my head...but at least I got to see Nora the piano cat... so some good came of it. Anyhoo, I think I will need to start posting real tips in this forum.


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Kat seems to imply that we are experiencing quality issues:

"Anyhoo, I think I will need to start posting real tips in this forum."

Whudya meen? :huh:



Because Goats are People, Too.

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