This is John Galt speaking...

Barbara Branden

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This is indeed a good go at visualizing the speech and adding some modern references to it. It's interesting to compare it with the "trailer" that MSK posted some time ago -

. Both seem to be the work of clever people working with available, limited, resources.

One caveat about such exercises though. Galt's speech occurs towards the end of AS - perhaps 75-80% of the way in? Rand prefaced the speech with a whole lot of narrative and action which brought out and illustrated themes which the speech then summarises and brings together. Readers of this site are almost certainly familiar with that material. Perhaps we need to be a bit careful about unleashing the speech onto unprepared new readers who have not been through the earlier material. I guess it might then seem rather abstract and make less sense - a bit like playing the big tune from the finale of a symphony without going through the earlier movements first. A similar issue might arise with Roark's final courtroom speech in TF, also available on YouTube -

- a pretty good performance if you ask me (some disagree), but will it make real sense to someone who doesn't know what went before?

So perhaps the idea of a "trailer" - a teaser, a taster, something which may be intriguing if not fully comprehensible first time round - is a good one.

Best regards


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  • 2 weeks later...

These high school guys do an uneven job.

The first two, Hank and Philip in Hank's office near the end, are pretty good.

The second scene, from earlier in the book, with Taggart, Boyle, Larkin and Mouch is not so well acted.

Generally, no one is going to stumble on one of these YouTube trailers and be struck by the lightening. Only Objectivists are going to make them and view them, as we did. That said, I expect to see more of this over time, as video production becomes a new form of writing, just as writing superceded public recitation in ancient Athens.

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I strongly recommend that you go to Youtube and listen to a video of the first part of Galt's speech.


Good find, I am glad to see some people doing some productive things out there. I dislike the reader though, he seems to be reading it like "hmm, this is interesting" I've listened to a few different audio version of Atlas Shrugged and Kate Readings version is superb.

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Eric, I am always impressed even by the bad work in that it all takes so much effort. Viewers do not realize what is required to produce any video. Thanks for your efforts.

I am also a bit surprised that no one else has commented. I saw this message yesterday the 7th and watched Part 2 a couple of times through. Either no one else did, or no one else found it worth commenting on and I wonder about that, too.

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