Shakespearian Sonnet


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My last post (in Sex and OPAR) directed my train of thought to remember this one poem I wrote back in ninth grade, when I was going through an extremely odd relationship (or lack thereof). We were studying Shakespeare in English, and our teacher gave us the assignment to write a sonnet preferrably resembling his style, and preferrably on the topic of love. I turned this in, obviously centered around my then-current crazy situation, since I couldn't get my mind off it. Oh well, weird feelings produce cool poetry. I guess that's all they're good for. :D

The Sustenance of Fancy

The suffocating grayness ne’er disturb’d

(Inertia shot in tendrils of cold steel)

Can yet be lifted at a passing word,

Or rather, drifting voice, to hear. (To feel?)

No hop’d escape can be so entertain’d:

To flee diurnal practicality;

Fancies will leave one mourning, shell’d and maim’d,

If puzzle-like, fit not reality.

Thus treading misty waking hours curs’d

To dull, to dim, stifle that which did thrive

In rippling dreams - just recently immers’d -

Of that one voice, one face which makes alive.

Identity’s ign’rance cannot dismiss

This one luxury’s insubstantial bliss.

~Elizabeth Nonemaker~

Edited by ENonemaker
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You handle meter and rhyme well!

Your sonnet reminds me of one of my own, which I am looking for on my computer. It’s in sonnet form, except that I only use two rhymes. If I find it I’ll post it.

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Rodney to Elizabeth:

You handle meter and rhyme well!

Yes, indeed. I'm impressed.

Also, I like the imagery very much. It echoes frequent preoccupations of mine with the fleetingness of strange internal realms, though the particulars engendering your poem are different.

For instance, these lines strongly resonate for me:

Thus treading misty waking hours curs’d

To dull, to dim, stifle that which did thrive

In rippling dreams - just recently immers’d -

Of that one voice, one face which makes alive.

Identity’s ign’rance cannot dismiss

This one luxury’s insubstantial bliss.

"waking hours [...] stifle that which did thrive

In rippling dreams - just recently immers’d"


"This one luxury’s insubstantial bliss."



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You handle meter and rhyme well!

Your sonnet reminds me of one of my own, which I am looking for on my computer. It’s in sonnet form, except that I only use two rhymes. If I find it I’ll post it.

Thank you!! And try to find your sonnet - I'd like to read it if you do.


Aaaaah hooray! It's a very nice feeling to know that something you wrote "spoke" to someone else.

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