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Viva is one of the most balanced people I follow. He's a Canadian and the partner in a YouTube venture with lawyer Robert Barnes (who is one smart cookie).

One of the characteristics of Viva is that he always treats government involvement in areas it should not be involved in as something normal and often beneficial. I find that part maddening, but I've tolerated it because I like what Barnes says.

Well, it looks like the coin finally dropped in Viva's head. He's furious about the vaccine passport. And the issue is over taking his kids bowling, of all things.

He's at the point where he says he no longer knows if he loves his country anymore. And he doesn't know what to do about it. But he's sure of one thing. He loathes the government.

And what coin dropped?

He finally became aware that he needs permission from the government to go bowling because they are "protecting" the population against the virus.

That's what happens when the government gets involved in things it should not get involved in.

The power-mongering does not go away or diminish. It grows until it becomes the master of one's entire life, even recreation like bowling alleys.

Viva is a really smart dude. I wonder where his squishiness on government power will go in future videos.



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A private org. named PANDA has been at dedicated work over a year in South Africa under the auspices of the local libertarian Free Market Foundation. And who knew we had this locally? Not until a friend linked me to it a week ago, did I know the name and where to find it. Another half-silenced voice going against the conformist narrative. Nick Hudson is the thinker, writer and speaker. He has impassioned insight into the driving forces and much of the scientific angles behind the pandemic, the wholly unnecessary, brutal response-measures and its reign of fear aimed to totalitarian ends. Recommended, other articles in the series and the follow up articles and speeches listed at the bottom.


Nick Hudson looks at the forces at play which, he believes, are 'driving the world in the direction of centralist totalitarianism.'


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I'm repeating a post I just made on another thread ("Definition of Power"), since the post pertains to the PCR procedure.




   17 hours ago,  william.scherk said: 

If this is not utter bullshit, you should be able to provide this "public information."

Considering the amount of internet snooping you do, it's quite an indication of the degree of censorship and suppression on the subject of Covid that you weren’t aware that the PCR procedure (which was never intended as a test) lacks specificity.

Here are some quotes from the article Dglgmut linked to: You are being redirected...


I don't know anything about the people being quoted except that what they say is accurate.


According to Jason Hommel, a prolific writer and researcher and also the author of the very important article regarding coronavirus testing entitled “Scientists Say the COVID19 Test Kits Do Not Work, Are Worthless, and Give Impossible Results”:

“PCR basically takes a sample of your cells and amplifies any DNA to look for ‘viral sequences’, i.e. bits of non-human DNA that seem to match parts of a known viral genome. The problem is the test is known not to work. It uses ‘amplification’ which means taking a very very tiny amount of DNA and growing it exponentially until it can be analysed. Obviously any minute contaminations in the sample will also be amplified leading to potentially gross errors of discovery. Additionally, it’s only looking for partial viral sequences, not whole genomes, so identifying a single pathogen is next to impossible even if you ignore the other issues.The idea these kits can isolate a specific virus like COVID-19 is nonsense.”


[…] from an article also by Celia Farber, David Crowe, “a Canadian researcher with a degree in biology and mathematics and host of “The Infectious Myth” podcast, also the president of the think-tank Rethinking AIDS, also clearly explained the problems with the PCR based coronavirus testing, “revealing a world of unimaginable complexity, as well as trickery”:

“The first thing to know is that the test is not binary. In fact, I don’t think there are any tests for infectious disease that are positive or negative. What they do is they take some kind of a continuum and they arbitrarily say this point is the difference between positive and negative.”

He continued:

“PCR is really a manufacturing technique. You start with one molecule. You start with a small amount of DNA and on each cycle the amount doubles, which doesn’t sound like that much, but if you, if you double 30 times, you get approximately a billion times more material than you started with. So as a manufacturing technique, it’s great. What they do is they attach a fluorescent molecule to the RNA as they produce it.  You shine a light at one wavelength, and you get a response, you get light sent back at a different wavelength. So, they measure the amount of light that comes back and that’s their surrogate for how much DNA there is. I’m using the word DNA. There’s a step in RT- PCR test which is where you convert the RNA to DNA. So, the PCR test is actually not using the viral RNA. It’s using DNA, but it’s like the complimentary RNA. So logically it’s the same thing, but it can be confusing. Like why am I suddenly talking about DNA? Basically, there’s a certain number of cycles.”

Regarding Kary Mullis’ intention for the PCR, this is what he said:

“I’m sad that he isn’t here to defend his manufacturing technique. Kary did not invent a test. He invented a very powerful manufacturing technique that is being abused. What are the best applications for PCR? Not medical diagnostics. He knew that and he always said that.”





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Here is something that threatens to blow up the vaccine narrative of the establishment.

The Department of Defense has an Artificial Intelligence unit called JAIC (Joint Artificial Intelligence Center) and an AI data analysis program called Project Salus. 

They turned this AI data crunching capability on the records of 5.6 million people in the US over 65 who got the coronavirus vaccines. They wanted to find the hotspots of infection so they could deploy resources in a more effective manner.

What came back, though, was a total mess in terms of the vaccine narrative. The opposite of the narrative got revealed. The following two articles go deeper into it.


DoD Analysis 1


An AI-powered Dept. of Defense program named "Project Salus," run in cooperation with the JAIC (Joint Artificial Intelligence Center), has analyzed data on 5.6 million Medicare beneficiaries aged 65 or older...



The Department of Defense (DoD) in conjunction with Humetrix, JAIC, and Project Salus, has released new data showing that Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) "vaccines" are hardly the miracle that they are...


DoD Analysis 2

The short version is that they found out that the vaccines are causing harm, including (Antibody-Dependent Enhancement). And the mainstream media is in chaos about this.

I will let those interested read the articles and follow the links, but for ease of this post, here is the link to the PDF from the Department of Defense's weekly update on the program. 

Effectiveness of mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines Against the Delta Variant Among 5.6M Medicare Beneficiaries 65 Years and Older


Alex Jones

Now here's a surprising complement to this news: a video of the Alex Jones show.


Renowned scientist Dr. Richard Fleming visits Infowars to give a powerful, in-depth Power Point presentation exposing what's really happening with Covid-19 and vaccine induced ADE...


Alex and Robert Barnes

I have never seen a show like this one from Alex.

In the beginning, he's plain old Alex. He talks mostly about the fake news going around that a jury found him guilty in the Sandy Hook case and he will have to pay the parents of the killed children. (For the record, an activist judge did make that ruling, but it was not by jury. And her ruling will get thrown out shortly.)

Then Alex interviewed one of the best lawyers in America, Robert Barnes. They discussed this case and the vaccine mandate abuse. Robert even invited people who are at risk of losing their jobs for refusing to get vaccinated to use a letter he authored (but said he found in a bottle :) ) that he released to all. He said there are no guarantees and no liabilities to him (and, by extension, to OL :) ), but this letter has been seeing a lot of success by people who use it. The letter is called Employer Letter Example: Vaccine Mandate Objection. Here is the text should the link ever go down:


Employer Letter Example: Vaccine Mandate Objection
No authorship claim or copyright asserted...A letter that also came to me via a route like a letter in a bottle.

Dear Boss,
First, I request a religious exemption. "Each of the manufactures of the Covid vaccines currently available developed and confirmed their vaccines using fetal cell lines, which originated from aborted fetuses. ( ) For example, each of the currently available Covid vaccines confirmed their vaccine by protein testing using the abortion-derived cell line HEK-293. (

ovid-19-vaccine-programs/ ) Partaking in a vaccine made from aborted fetuses makes me complicit in an action that offends my religious faith. As such, I cannot, in good conscience and in accord with my religious faith, take any such Covid vaccine at this time. In addition, any coerced medical treatment goes against my religious faith and the right of conscience to control one’s own medical treatment, free of coercion or force. As fellow governments recognize: "Religion includes all aspects of religious observance and practice, as well as belief. Religious beliefs are not only those beliefs held by traditional, organized religions, but also include moral or ethical beliefs as to what is right or wrong which are sincerely held with the strength of traditional religious views." ( Please provide a reasonable accommodation to my belief, as I wish to continue to be a good employee, helpful to the team.
Equally, compelling any employee to take any current Covid-19 vaccine violates federal and state law, and subjects the employer to substantial liability risk, including liability for any injury the employee may suffer from the vaccine. Many employers have reconsidered issuing such a mandate after more fruitful review with legal counsel, insurance providers, and public opinion advisors of the desires of employees and the consuming public. Even the Kaiser Foundation warned of the legal risk in this respect. (
Three key concerns: first, informed consent is the guiding light of all medicine, in accord with the Nuremberg Code of 1947; second, the Americans with Disabilities Act proscribes, punishes and penalizes employers who invasively inquire into their employees' medical status and then treat those employees differently based on their perceived medical status, as the many AIDS related cases of decades ago fully attest; and third, international law, Constitutional law, specific statutes and the common law of torts all forbid conditioning access to employment, education or public accommodations upon coerced, invasive medical examinations and treatment, unless the employer can fully provide objective, scientifically validated evidence of the threat from the employee and how no practicable alternative could possible suffice to mitigate such supposed public health threat and still perform the necessary essentials of employment. As one federal court just recently held, the availability of reasonable accommodations like accounting for prior infection, antibody testing, temperature checks, remote work, other forms of testing, and the like suffice to meet any institution’s needs in lieu of masks, public shaming, and forced injections of foreign substances into the body that the FDA admits we do not know the long -term effects of.
For instance, the symptomatic can be self-isolated. Hence, requiring vaccinations only addresses one risk: dangerous or deadly transmission, by the asymptomatic or pre-symptomatic employee, in the employment setting. Yet even government official Mr. Fauci admits, as scientific studies affirm, asymptomatic transmission is exceedingly and "very rare." Indeed, initial data suggests the vaccinated are just as, or even much more, likely to transmit the virus as the asymptomatic or pre-symptomatic. Hence, the vaccine solves nothing. This evidentiary limitation on any employer's decision making, aside from the legal and insurance risks of forcing vaccinations as a term of employment without any accommodation or even exception for the previously infected (and thus better protected), is the reason most employers wisely refuse to mandate the vaccine. This doesn't even address the arbitrary self-limitation of the pool of talent for the employer: why reduce your own talent pool, when many who refuse invasive inquiries or risky treatment may be amongst your most effective, efficient and profitable employees?
This right to refuse forced injections, such as the Covid-19 vaccine, implements the internationally agreed legal requirement of Informed Consent established in the Nuremberg Code of 1947. ( ). As the Nuremberg Code established, every person must "be able to exercise free power of choice, without the intervention of any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, overreaching, or other ulterior form of constraint or coercion; and should have sufficient knowledge and comprehension of the elements of the subject matter involved as to enable him to make an understanding and enlightened decision" for any medical experimental drug, as the Covid-19 vaccine currently is.

Second, demanding employees divulge their personal medical information invades their protected right to privacy, and discriminates against them based on their perceived medical status, in contravention of the Americans with Disabilities Act. (42 USC §12112(a).) Indeed, the ADA prohibits employers from invasive inquiries about their medical status, and that includes questions about diseases and treatments for those diseases, such as vaccines. As the EEOC makes clear, an employer can only ask medical information if the employer can prove the medical information is both job-related and necessary for the business. ( An employer that treats an individual employee differently based on that employer’s belief the employee’s medical condition impairs the employee is discriminating against that employee based on perceived medical status disability, in contravention of the ADA. The employer must have proof that the employer cannot keep the employee, even with reasonable accommodations, before any adverse action can be taken against the employee. If the employer asserts the employee’s medical status (such as being unvaccinated against a particular disease) precludes employment, then the employer must prove that the employee poses a “safety hazard” that cannot be reduced with a reasonable accommodation. The employer must prove, with objective, scientifically validated evidence, that the employee poses a materially enhanced risk of serious harm that no reasonable accommodation could mitigate. This requires the employee's medical status cause a substantial risk of serious harm, a risk that cannot be reduced by any another means. This is a high, and difficult burden, for employers to meet. Just look at the all prior cases concerning HIV and AIDS, when employers discriminated against employees based on their perceived dangerousness, and ended up paying millions in legal fees, damages and fines.

Third, conditioning continued employment upon participating in a medical experiment and demanding disclosure of private, personal medical information, may also create employer liability under other federal and state laws, including HIPAA, FMLA, and applicable state tort law principles, including torts prohibiting and proscribing invasions of privacy and battery. Indeed, any employer mandating a vaccine is liable to their employee for any adverse event suffered by that employee. The CDC records reports of the adverse events already reported to date concerning the current Covid-19 vaccine.( )

Finally, forced vaccines constitute a form of battery, and the Supreme Court long made clear "no right is more sacred than the right of every individual to the control of their own person, free from all restraint or interference of others." (

With Regards,

Employee of the Year,
Thomas Paine"

I did not know that Robert Barnes was the lawyer of Alex Jones, but now that I know, I understand how the jackals have not eaten him alive.

A funny part of the video is that Alex was a lot more respectful and polite when he was interviewing Barnes. Also, this interview was extremely informative about the law without exaggerations or histrionics. I have rarely seen Alex act this way.


Dr. Richard Fleming on the Alex Jones show

The second part of the video is not an interview at all, but a PowerPoint presentation by Dr. Richard Fleming going into vaccine induced ADE (Antibody-Dependent Enhancement) and calling for holding accountable the people who are behind forcing others to take the vaccines. And how does he envision this accountability? He wants them charged with Crimes Against Humanity and he's dead serious.

It's a technical presentation, though. One I personally need to see more than once to fully understand (and even then... :) ). What's worse, Dr. Fleming tries to put this in layperson's language and it is still over my head at first blush.

What I saw, though, was damning as all get out to the Big Pharma firms and government officials. The technical coronavirus and vaccine stuff came directly from scientific papers published by the Big Pharma firms. As for government, he examined parts of treaties and laws and showed how the current government policies break all of them.

It's an impressive presentation.

I know it's a long video, but this one is worth it. You will never seen an Alex Jones show this normal and packed with information. :) 

Enjoy, all ye who dare to tread on these waters...


But enough.

You would think I have nothing better to do than blab on all day...







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4 hours ago, Ellen Stuttle said:

If this is not utter bullshit, you should be able to provide this "public information."

Considering the amount of internet snooping you do, it's quite an indication of the degree of censorship and suppression...

What's happening is an extreme asymmetry of burden of proof. I can imagine a future where an ordinary person asks another, "Do you have any evidence that men can't get pregnant??"

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24 minutes ago, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

Here is something that threatens to blow up the vaccine narrative of the establishment.

The Department of Defense has an Artificial Intelligence unit called JAIC (Joint Artificial Intelligence Center) and an AI data analysis program called Project Salus. 

They turned this AI data crunching capability on the records of 5.6 million people in the US over 65 who got the coronavirus vaccines. They wanted to find the hotspots of infection so they could deploy resources in a more effective manner.

What came back, though, was a total mess in terms of the vaccine narrative. The opposite of the narrative got revealed. The following two articles go deeper into it.


DoD Analysis 1


An AI-powered Dept. of Defense program named "Project Salus," run in cooperation with the JAIC (Joint Artificial Intelligence Center), has...



The Department of Defense (DoD) in conjunction with Humetrix, JAIC, and Project Salus, has released new data showing that Wuhan...


DoD Analysis 2

The short version is that they found out that the vaccines are causing harm, including (Antibody-Dependent Enhancement). And the mainstream media is in chaos about this.

I will let those interested read the articles and follow the links, but for ease of this post, here is the link to the PDF from the Department of Defense's weekly update on the program.

That's the great thing about computers, you have to start from first principles.... there's no way around it.

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NEW YORK (Reuters) - Jennifer Bridges loved her job as a nurse at Houston Methodist Hospital, where she worked for eight years, but she chose to get fired rather than inoculated against COVID-19, believing that the vaccine was more of a threat than the deadly virus. Bridges was among about 150 employees who were fired or resigned rather than comply with the requirement at Methodist, which was the country's first large health system to mandate vaccinations. About 25,000 other employees at the hospital system complied.

"I have never felt so strong about anything," said Bridges, 39, who lives in Houston. She was terminated from her $70,000 per year post on June 21, the deadline for employees to get a jab. "I did not feel there was proper research in this shot. It had been developed very quickly."

Houston Methodist is one of a growing number of private employers that have made vaccinations a requirement of the job. New York and California are among the states that have required vaccinations for healthcare workers. Mandates have proven to be effective in boosting vaccination rates in healthcare. In New York, for example, Governor Kathy Hochul on Thursday said 92% of the state's more than 625,000 healthcare workers were inoculated, up from 73% on Aug. 16 when former Governor Andrew Cuomo laid down a Sept. 27 deadline for vaccinations. Then-Health Commissioner Howard Zucker said the mandate would "help close the vaccination gap" and reduce the spread of the highly contagious Delta variant.

Even so, there are pockets of resistance in the healthcare field. Those interviewed by Reuters said they had been immunized for other diseases, but said a lack of long-term data on the three COVID vaccines available in the United States was reason enough for them to step into an uncertain future after years of job security. Speaking in support of the vaccines available in the United States, medical experts have said they had received emergency use authorization from the Food and Drug Administration in less than a year, instead of the usual several years, due to factors including ample funding and test subjects, piggybacking off earlier research, and international collaboration. Many of the workers who walked away had enough financial wherewithal to allow them to stick to their convictions.

For Bridges, the high demand for nurses meant she could refuse the shot without sacrificing financial security. On the same day she was fired by Methodist, she started training for her next job at a private nursing company that has no vaccine mandate. Nurse Katie Yarber also found a job after leaving Houston Methodist but only after going 12 weeks without a paycheck and depleting "a big chunk" of her savings. Still, she said she does not regret her decision to depart after 14 years of service. Yarber, 35, said she would not get the vaccine because of her religious convictions, a stance that the hospital rejected. She is also wary of possible long-term side effects. "I kind of felt like it was a slap in my face," said Yarber, who began working at the hospital as a medical records clerk before earning a nursing degree. "I went to work, I did my job, I did it with a smile. I was a really good employee." Yarber, who said she has already had COVID, is now a work-from-home nurse case manager. She had a brief stint at Texas Children's Hospital but that ended when it too required vaccinations.

Euart is one of about 175 workers dismissed last Monday after refusing vaccinations at Novant Health, a North Carolina hospital network. She is now considering a new career. With 24 years as a patient services coordinator, Euart, 56, had planned to retire from Novant, but is now exploring opening a dessert restaurant and sweet shop. After battling cancer since 2008, she felt the risk of a vaccine was greater than COVID, which four of her family members have had. "I needed the job, but I didn't think that my job was worth my life," she said.

A Novant spokeswoman said on Tuesday that 99% of its more than 35,000 employees have been vaccinated against coronavirus. Nationally, more than 77% of adults have received at least one vaccine dose, according to data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The country's COVID death toll has surpassed 700,000, according to a Reuters tally.

In upstate New York, Andrew Kurtyko said he is ready to be fired from his $90,000 nursing job at Mount St. Mary's Hospital in Lewiston for refusing the shot. He knows he could earn more by working as a "travel nurse," taking temporary jobs around the country. "Certainly with my years of experience, I'm pretty marketable," said Kurtyko, 47, a divorced father of a college student who has a mortgage to pay. Like some other medical workers, Kurtyko questions the efficacy and safety of the vaccines. He is also seeking a religious exemption from the Catholic Hospital. If he is denied, he expects to lose his job on Oct. 12.

Bob Nevens, 47, Houston Methodist's top risk manager for 10 years, also prefers to take his chances with COVID over a vaccine. As a consequence, he became one of the country's first workplace mandate casualties in April. Besides a lack of long-term data, Nevens said he refused Methodist's mandate because it did not acknowledge "natural immunity" for those who had already contracted COVID and because vaccine manufacturers are shielded from liability. He said he was not worried about money. "Financially, I'm fine," he said. "Mentally, it's exhausting, because I didn't want to make that decision. I had planned on retiring from Houston Methodist." (Reporting by Peter Szekely and Barbara Goldberg in New York; Editing by Frank McGurty and Daniel Wallis)

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Talk about an Australian boomerang.

Big Pharma tried to fuck Australia because it would not grant non-liability for their vaccines.

Man, did that not weather well.

It wasn't just the New South Wales Premier who sank.

Her major peeps just went down with her over Big Pharma corruption.

1 hour ago, Michael Stuart Kelly said:


It got to be a lot more.


A total of six officials have resigned in the span of three days following tyrannical New South Wales Premier Gladys Berejiklian’s difficult resignation on Friday.  Berjiklian announced her ‘difficult decision’ to...

Talk about taking out the trash.


Imagine if this inspires whistleblowers in governments the world over. Believe it or not, that's how this stuff starts.

The Aussies may be the start of the upcoming worldwide big Big Pharma crash and burn show.



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Something I haven't heard anyone point out is that virtually every dispute regarding "the science" is actually about statistics. Nobody is talking about science, everyone is just pulling up data that supports their stance.

Most of the scientists being interviewed and put on podiums should instead be statisticians, who likely have a better understanding of systems and data reliability.

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On 10/3/2021 at 6:35 AM, anthony said:

A private org. named PANDA has been at dedicated work over a year in South Africa under the auspices of the local libertarian Free Market Foundation. And who knew we had this locally? Not until a friend linked me to it a week ago, did I know the name and where to find it. Another half-silenced voice going against the conformist narrative. Nick Hudson is the thinker, writer and speaker. He has impassioned insight into the driving forces and much of the scientific angles behind the pandemic, the wholly unnecessary, brutal response-measures and its reign of fear aimed to totalitarian ends. Recommended, other articles in the series and the follow up articles and speeches listed at the bottom.


Nick Hudson looks at the forces at play which, he believes, are 'driving the world in the direction of centralist totalitarianism.'


Thanks, again, Tony, for a recommendation.

Here's a chilling quote from Nick Hudson's article:


We are on the cusp of having our behaviour and speech “nudged” by our vaccine passport, the aim of which is to bring about a tyrannical system of social credit scoring.

If the WEF has its way, by 2030 we are to eat bugs instead of meat, own nothing and be happy, have our identity read at checkpoints by heart rate scanners so that we don’t have to take off our masks, not need vehicles as we’ll ‘never need’ to walk more than 15 minutes from our houses, connect to the internet only with government authorisation, benefit from a range of technological implants, and sacrifice bodily integrity to whatever injections authorities demand. Some say these are not goals, but predictions. Yet political agendas, as Marx showed us, are generally elucidated by way of predictions cast as inevitable outcomes to which the arc of history bends.

This techno-technocracy will apparently end not only viral pandemics, but all manner of perceived global threats, from climate change, gender-based violence, and toxic masculinity, to systemic racism, top soil erosion and other catastrophes du jour. A close working relationship between mega-corporations and a government of the global elite threaten to make it less important whom we elect at home than who is funded from abroad. 

Our rights and liberties are in grave danger of being constrained in the interests of preserving the earth’s rights, as enshrined by the Terra Carta, squashing the Magna Carta back in its liberal box after eight centuries of escape. 

Third, there is a background of financial unravelling, as decades of monetary mismanagement come home to roost, foreboding a financial crisis to make the last one look trivial. Central bankers are pushing for resolution by way of central bank digital currencies (CBDCs), which, in their ‘programmable’ form, allow for unprecedented state control of transactions and hence society.

Covid measures are a first taste of what a detached class, truly enamoured of these ideas, would like to impose upon you and me. Permanently. 

Repeating the link:


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Remember, if you are doubly or triply vaccinated you won’t catch the Covid. Right? WRONG!! The latest lefty to succumb to the false assurances from Biden and his team of medical mediocrities is...

Some excerpts:


That is not how a genuine vaccine is supposed to work. If you take the vaccine for measles, polio or smallpox you do not get measles, polio or smallpox. But the number of people getting Covid notwithstanding having a couple of jabs is growing and it is alarming.



Israel and the UK, two of the countries with the greatest percent of vaccinated citizens, are battling a new wave of Covid infections. Most of these new cases are people with jabs.



Here’s the UK data: [See the article]

And here is Israel: [See the article]



Contrast what is happening in the UK and Israel with India. Only 18.2% of Indians are fully vaccinated. But India has not been ravaged by a new wave of Covid infections. One of the big reasons is the widespread use of Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine. India is not known for great sanitation, clean drinking water or social distancing. Here is its chart of daily cases: [See the article]



The VAERS data is a flashing red light that should alarm health care professionals (VAERS is the acronym for Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System)

  • Almost two times as many people have died from Covid affects world wide in the last eleven months as died from all other vaccines in the 31 years that VAERS data has been collected (14,925 vs 9,001).
  • There have been 701,561 adverse reactions to the COVID vaccines in eleven months. All other vaccines combined since 1990 reported 820,671.

The figures given are maybe a third or so lower than the actual number of reports, since the CDC has periodically slashed figures.


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This guy, Dr. Bryan Ardis, is everywhere on the Internet and he constantly speaks out against hospital protocols that are not safe.

In this video, he mentions supplements people can take if they have had the vaccine. According to him, these should help to eliminate the more glaring side-effects the vaccines cause. No guarantees, of course. But for those who are interested, here it is.


Mel welcomes the incredible Dr. Bryan Ardis to dig into the facts about Covid, Fauchi, NIH and much more. His mind blowing research into Dr. Fauci’s twisted NIH deadly protocol proves the crimes we know and...

His daily dose stack is as follows (and this, as I understand it, is only for a few months, that is, no need for this quantity or even supplements after the vaccine has weakened):

Vitamin C - 5000 mg
Selenium - 200 mcg (micrograms)
Magnesium - 500 mg (or better, 10.6 mg for every 2.2 lbs of body weight)
Apple pectin - 700 mg

Watch the video to see his explanations for these elements and doses. Once again, no guarantees.

At least this stuff doesn't hurt you.


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Something has destroyed most institutions and ‘collective sense making ‘. As evidenced by the fact that ‘revealing’ the fact that  having cleared a ‘wild’ infection means your immune system has/had the ability to overcome the pathogen , and with all things being equal is /will be able to clear the same pathogen the next time it is encountered. It is basically the description of immunity. 

The idea that an mRNA vaccine based on one or few proteins can stimulate the same immunoresponce , or at least a comparatively protective response is the question being tested, and the testing doesn’t appear to be as safe as a test could be. And that is to say nothing of the particular formulas of the current slate of covid ‘vaccines’. 

I’m not a scientist , but the mass use of leaky novel vaccines during a pandemic , makes me question whether this is in fact good science being done by good scientists. This whole clusterfuck sure seems like other  than ‘ good science’ , but like I said I’m no scientist.

The fact that employees of ‘sciency’ Big Pharma companies are not free to discuss science in the ‘open’ doesn’t buoy my confidence in all this fucking ‘science’.

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2 hours ago, tmj said:

Something has destroyed most institutions and ‘collective sense making ‘. As evidenced by the fact that ‘revealing’ the fact that  having cleared a ‘wild’ infection means your immune system has/had the ability to overcome the pathogen , and with all things being equal is /will be able to clear the same pathogen the next time it is encountered. It is basically the description of immunity. 

The idea that an mRNA vaccine based on one or few proteins can stimulate the same immunoresponce , or at least a comparatively protective response is the question being tested, and the testing doesn’t appear to be as safe as a test could be. And that is to say nothing of the particular formulas of the current slate of covid ‘vaccines’. 

I’m not a scientist , but the mass use of leaky novel vaccines during a pandemic , makes me question whether this is in fact good science being done by good scientists. This whole clusterfuck sure seems like other  than ‘ good science’ , but like I said I’m no scientist.

The fact that employees of ‘sciency’ Big Pharma companies are not free to discuss science in the ‘open’ doesn’t buoy my confidence in all this fucking ‘science’.

I don't think this is about science, I think it's about systems. Biology is about science. Physics is about science. It's hard to imagine those fields ever becoming politicized. If physicists could somehow convince society that gravity was running out, they'd be the rock stars doing big pressers. Then you'd have people you know have never been interested in anything remotely analytical telling you how they follow the physics and you should do X, Y, and Z, for society....

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1 hour ago, Dglgmut said:

I don't think this is about science, I think it's about systems. Biology is about science. Physics is about science. It's hard to imagine those fields ever becoming politicized. If physicists could somehow convince society that gravity was running out, they'd be the rock stars doing big pressers. Then you'd have people you know have never been interested in anything remotely analytical telling you how they follow the physics and you should do X, Y, and Z, for society....

Wait ,didn’t they just confirm gravity wave detection ? Don’t waves dissipate? :) OMG we need to conserve gravity for future star clusters !

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12 hours ago, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

His daily dose stack is as follows (and this, as I understand it, is only for a few months, that is, no need for this quantity or even supplements after the vaccine has weakened):

Vitamin C - 5000 mg
Selenium - 200 mcg (micrograms)
Magnesium - 500 mg (or better, 10.6 mg for every 2.2 lbs of body weight)
Apple pectin - 700 mg

Watch the video to see his explanations for these elements and doses. Once again, no guarantees.

At least this stuff doesn't hurt you.


Please check the figure for Selenium.  Did Dr. Ardis say 200 mg or 200 mcg?  200 mg is way above the potentially toxic level.



Selenium toxicity (rarely: hyperselenemia) is caused by excessive intake of the non-metallic element selenium (Se) in the diet. Epidemiology It is less common than selenium deficiency. It is most frequently seen in...


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3 hours ago, Ellen Stuttle said:

Please check the figure for Selenium.  Did Dr. Ardis say 200 mg or 200 mcg?  200 mg is way above the potentially toxic level.


You're not the only one who got on my case about this. I was corrected offline, also.

btw - I corrected it in your quote of me just now to make sure nobody will use that by mistake.

btw - I screw up cooking at times, too.



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According to Dr. Carrie Madej, she found bug-uglies in three batches of vaccines: 2 from Moderna and 1 from Johnson & Johnson.

She shows them on this interview with Stew Peters.


Dr. Carrie Madej joined Stew Peters today and appeared obviously shook by what she had seen after examining Moderna and J&J "vaccine" vials. Go Ad-Free, Get Exclusive Content, Become a...

Note: This video is on Rumble, not YouTube, and it has over 1.8 million views as of this posting.

I've taken some screenshots from it.

Dr. Madej put a sample from a Moderna vial under a powerful microscope (400 times magnification) and after about 2 hours, bright colors started appearing (leaving her to speculate there was some material in the vaccine that was interacting with the white light from the microscope), then fiber strands like this one appeared.



Some of the fibers had cube structures on them and she doesn't know what this is.



Opaque metallic fragments also appeared that she said are not like ones she is used to seeing in examinations like this.



She said these things started moving to the edge of the glass slide and started self-assembling as if growing.

And here's the granddaddy. This thing with tentacles appeared and started moving as if alive.



Here's another view. Dr. Madej said this thing manages to lift itself from the glass slide. She has shown this to other colleagues in the field and nobody knows what it is.



This one came from a sample from a different Moderna batch. Dr. Madej said it was stationary because it was under the cover slip and not on the edge like the first one.



The Johnson & Johnson sample she examined also had garbage (er... she said "synthetic structurers) in it: graphene, sticky fatty substances, colors (different than the colors in the Moderna sample). There were spherical structures in the Johnson & Johnson sample.



And this:



And this:



This is what they are injecting into the bloodstreams of people and now they want to inject it into children.  Dr. Madej said this stuff is not supposed to be in vaccines.

Stew grilled her on chain of custody, cleanliness of operation, etc. and she vouched for all of it. She is now looking to do this in real time with video of the entire examination and, presumably, outside experts monitoring it.

Watch the video and come to your own conclusions.


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Incidentally, this reminds me of the Jane Hawk novel series by Dean Koontz.

The villains inject nanoparticles in people that pass the brain brain-blood barrier and self assemble into something larger in their brains. This new thing allows them to communicate telepathically with other people so injected and all of them obey a central controller without being aware of what they are doing.


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It's just a matter of time before all this shit comes out.

They planned COVID-19 at several levels.

Fauci should be under investigation at the very minimum.


Alex Jones of Infowars made a special broadcast on Monday night regarding an explosive video of Fauci with HHS officials and other health experts discussing how to enforce Universal Flu Vaccination in...


And more information here:


Last night Alex Jones of did a special broadcast regarding an October, 2019 video that they had just become aware of that was a panel discussion hosted by the Milken Institute discussing the need...


Wouldn't it be something if, after all the mocking, censorship and BS, Alex Jones was the guy to take Fauci and/or some of the others down?



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Oh boy. Mine your own damn coal. Now Indians will be coming to the southern border.

From BBC News: India is on the brink of an unprecedented power crisis . . . The country's power consumption in the last two months alone jumped by almost 17%, compared to the same period in pre-pandemic 2019. At the same time global coal prices increased by 40% and India's imports fell to a two-year low. The country is the world's second largest importer of coal despite being home to the world's fourth largest reserves of coal.

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