A Thought About Manmade Climate Change

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A Thought About Manmade Climate Change

Finally I found something where I can agree with the progressives.

Man does affect the climate.

Whassthat you say?

Me, MSK, said that?

A reversal?

Well... I did say that and I will say it again.

Man does affect the climate.

Here's a perfect example.

Out in California right now, the woods are burning and burning bad. The fires are even burning up everything where the rich folks live.

And how did this happen?

The answer is simple:


Er... I mean humans.

The despicable greedy uncaring homo sapiens.

You see, when one runs powerlines through the middle of the forest on overhead posts, one has to keep a clearing underneath in case a strong wind or lightening damages a power line. In other words, if a live wire falls on a bunch of kindling, a fire erupts.

The environmentalists in California would have none of it, though. They wanted their power and by God the greedy uncaring bastards were going to give it to them. But they also had to save some worm or whatever from extinction because it lived among the kindling (or something like that). So they passed laws to protect that wildlife thing and prohibit the greedy uncaring power company from making clearings.

They sure showed 'em, they did.

Then the inevitable happened. A downed power line fell on a bunch of wood just ripe for a Sunday barbecue and off it went. Massive forest fires in California. The Californians are now getting their power shut off to keep the fires from spreading and new fires from starting.

What's more, this got so big, it is affecting the climate over there.

You see? Manmade climate change. Man really does affect the climate.


We can even call this territorial anthropromorphic global warming.


Now think about this. The same boneheaded intellectual Lilliputians who made the laws that caused the Brobdingnagian forest fires in California are the same ones who want to save the planet through more laws because they have expertise in all things nature, especially climate and the weather, and you don't.

It's science, baby. Peer reviewed and everything.

They're smart and you're stupid and they have to save the planet from you. God knows what damage you would cause without them in charge.

I mean. If California would only stop that goddam burning for awhile so they can think and eat their quinoa and tofu salads in peace, they will save the planet. They are certain of it.



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17 hours ago, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

But [environmentalists in California] also had to save some worm or whatever from extinction because it lived among the kindling (or something like that). So they passed laws to protect that wildlife thing and prohibit the greedy uncaring power company from making clearings.

Can this be verified?

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18 minutes ago, william.scherk said:

Can this be verified?

Wow, it's really cool to see Billy expressing curiosity, doubt, and critical thinking. Of course, the same question wouldn't occur to him if MSK had claimed that Global Warming Doom caused the fires, but selective curiosity is better than no curiosity.


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1 hour ago, william.scherk said:

Can this be verified?


I got the basic information from Rush Limbaugh here:

Liberals Root for Environmentalist-Caused Fire to Burn Reagan Library

Here's the section:


Now, let me ask you a question, ’cause I want to share something with you that happened many times to me when I moved to California in 1984.

When I’ve flown over the country or when I’ve driven around it, I have seen massive power lines that have been run up and down forest hillsides, and next to the power poles — the towers, the structures — they clear-cut the forest in a very wide swath (like 10, 15 yards) on both sides of the tower on which the electricity wires are strung. I looked at that and said, “This is ugly,” you know, before I knew what was going on. “This is ugly. How in the hell can anybody…?” Now I know why.

They clear-cut the forest so in case a downed power line falls, it’ll fall on nothing that could turn into a fire, nothing that could catch fire. Well, this is what California has not permitted to happen. The environmentalist wackos are the reason for the fire, not PG&E, and not anybody else. The environmentalist wackos have prevented the clear cutting of any wood — deadwood, waste wood. They won’t permit it on the basis that it’s au natural. “It’s the way it was intended by nature. There could be unknown, unnamed species living in that deadwood!

“You can’t touch it.” So in California, you can’t touch it. So Gavin Newsom says that a downed power line started the Getty Fire. A tree branch from a eucalyptus tree fell on a power wire, and that caused the wire to go down. He called it “an act of God” in one of the most recent, rare expressions of the existence of God by a California government official. God? You know, God exists in California when you can blame Him! Uh, Her, It, They. (I’m trying to be woke.)

This is serious, folks. Here in California, if you want to know how to control a population, don’t clear-cut, do not allow forests to be managed properly, do not allow land to be managed properly. Get government bureaucrats who don’t know what they’re doing in charge of everything. Now they’re telling us that the new norm in California is to expect blackouts. Expect interruptions in electricity. Expect it for days at a time, because of what we know is gonna happen every year: Winds. Santa Ana winds and fire.

So guess who’s getting the blame? Guess who’s having to take and suffer consequences? The citizens of California!

Rush didn't give his sources this time, but he is always well-sourced when checked. His style is to simplify and clarify the fake news gobbledygook so it can be understood in plain English. Because of that, he sometimes does not mention his sources and other times he does. Every time I've checked when he hasn't, I've found easy-to-come-by sources. Also, when he misspeaks or gives out wrong information, he always corrects himself the moment he finds out.

At any rate, what Rush describes sounds exactly like what happened in Atlas Shrugged where bureaucrats and their whims were the cause of massive destruction.

Except this time it's in reality.

But what about the worm? The worm! The worm!


Like I implied ("wildlife something"), it might be a life form other than a worm. There are all kinds of creepy crawly and flying things.

In order to get at what species is (or are) being protected, one needs to go down a long wormhole of reports, laws and regulations. I don't have time for that, but if you are interested in following up on it, here is a good place to start (from about a year ago):

Examining Jerry Brown’s veto of California wildfire legislation and the criticism of it

Find the texts of the legal documents and reports talked about in the article, then start running down the references.

At the bottom of the wormhole will be the worm or worms (or whatever else our intellectual superiors are protecting from us dumbass rubes).

Incidentally, I enjoyed the following quote from that article by my intellectual superior who is protecting helpless nature from greedy stupid me:


Earlier this week, we rated False Trump’s recent claim "there is no reason" for California’s deadly fires except for poor forest management. The president ignored other key causes such as urban sprawl and climate change.

If this expert is not in California right now, he can go back to his quinoa and tofu salad and feel good about himself.



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[I'll update this over the next couple of hours; posted at 11:46 Pacific]

2 hours ago, Michael Stuart Kelly said:
3 hours ago, william.scherk said:
21 hours ago, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

But [environmentalists in California] also had to save some worm or whatever from extinction because it lived among the kindling (or something like that). So they passed laws to protect that wildlife thing and prohibit the greedy uncaring power company from making clearings.

Can this be verified?

I got the basic information from Rush Limbaugh [...]


They clear-cut the forest so in case a downed power line falls, it’ll fall on nothing that could turn into a fire, nothing that could catch fire. Well, this is what California has not permitted to happen. The environmentalist wackos are the reason for the fire, not PG&E, and not anybody else. The environmentalist wackos have prevented the clear cutting of any wood — deadwood, waste wood. They won’t permit it on the basis that it’s au natural. “It’s the way it was intended by nature. There could be unknown, unnamed species living in that deadwood!

“You can’t touch it.” So in California, you can’t touch it. So Gavin Newsom says that a downed power line started the Getty Fire. A tree branch from a eucalyptus tree fell on a power wire, and that caused the wire to go down.

Rush didn't give his sources this time [...]

Here's a quite useful Oct 29 explainer from the Los Angeles Times: How do wildfires start and spread? 


But what about the worm? The worm! The worm! [...]

In order to get at what species is (or are) being protected, one needs to go down a long wormhole of reports, laws and regulations. I don't have time for that, but if you are interested in following up on it, here is a good place to start (from about a year ago):

Examining Jerry Brown’s veto of California wildfire legislation and the criticism of it

I'll head down the stacks and report back if anything supports the notion that vegetation clearing from power-line corridors is prohibited. Headsup, worms!


Incidentally, I enjoyed the following quote [...]


Earlier this week, we rated False Trump’s recent claim "there is no reason" for California’s deadly fires except for poor forest management. The president ignored other key causes such as urban sprawl and climate change.


The first year I worked in the bush in northern BC, we experienced the effects of a massive province-wide May windstorm. In our tree-planting area, far from any electricity lines, our workers were quickly surrounded by a raging fire and needed to be rescued by helicopter. Crazy times. The proximate cause of the fire was  slumbering embers beneath a 'slash burning' pile left over from the previous year. Slash (unusable remnants from logging) is burned after a cut to reduce the amount of dry fuel available on a cut-block. Not fully extinguishing subterranean coals ...

What I remember about the windstorm was the sound at our camp. Imagine the sound of a thousand heavy-fabric rips a minute. This was all around us, the sound of near and distant trees being snapped.  

Edited by william.scherk
Minor edit for grammar. Not yet finding support for Rush's contention ...
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2 minutes ago, william.scherk said:

I'll head down the stacks and report back if anything supports the notion that vegetation clearing from power-line corridors is prohibited.


To keep this honest, make sure that corridor is not just under the power-lines, but includes a good swath to the right and left. You know, acts of God include things like strong winds, jumping live power-lines, etc.


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  • 2 months later...
On 10/31/2019 at 1:14 PM, Jonathan said:

Wow, it's really cool to see Billy expressing curiosity, doubt, and critical thinking. Of course, the same question wouldn't occur to him if MSK had claimed that Global Warming Doom caused the fires, but selective curiosity is better than no curiosity.

What’s more likely to be severe? Due to global warming, invasive species attacking our family pets, or Lil Kim of North Korea blows himself up? Or maybe war with Iran whose vast majority of people like America or dem Russians? Are we going to invade Cuba? Yogi, is it deja vous all over again? The whole concept of us being only minutes away from doomsday is moronic to me. What is worrisome is democratic meddling in the 2020 election and those socialists messing with our “economic boom.” Peter

Fox News' Andrew O'Reilly, Jennifer Earl and James Rogers contributed to this story. The Doomsday Clock moved to 100 seconds to midnight  – the closest symbolic point from an “apocalypse” since 1953. The decision was made on Thursday by The Bulletin of Atomic Scientists, which announced it from the National Press Club in Washington, D.C. on Thursday.

"We argued that the global situation was abnormal," Rachel Bronson, president and CEO of the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists, said during the press conference of the decision to keep last year's Clock the same, but noted that nuclear and climate situations are "worsening." Astrophysicist Robert Rosner, who also sits on the Science and Security Board of the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, said "the fact that the clock is now a mere 100 seconds from midnight signals really bad news. What we said last year is now a disturbing reality in that things are not getting better."

Rosner added that a particular concern is the undermining of the public's ability to understand what's true from what's false. "Past experience has taught us that even in the most dismal periods of the Cold War, we can come together. It is high time we do so again."

Provided by FOX News Sharon Squassoni, Georgetown University professor and member of the Science and Security Board of the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists, noted how extreme the nuclear weapons situation has become. She cited the recent collapse of the Iran nuclear deal, the reemergence of North Korea's nuclear capabilities and the continued buildout of weapons from the U.S., Russia and China. "In sum, the situation is extremely dangerous and demands an emergency response," Squassoni said.

Sivan Kartha, a senior scientist at the Stockholm Environment Institute, noted that time is running out for the planet to get to the emissions goals set at the 2015 Paris Climate Agreement. "Emissions need to head towards zero," Kartha said, adding, "there's no question this is an emergency."

The Clock, which warns of impending disasters and takes into account nuclear weapons, rising geopolitical tensions, as well as changes to the environment, was created in 1947 at the beginning of the arms race between the U.S. and the then-Soviet Union.

Since 2007, climate change has been a factor in the groups' decisions. In 2018, BAS moved the clock to two minutes to midnight, citing President Trump’s proactive rhetoric toward fellow global powers, North Korea’s continuing nuclear weapon and ballistic missile tests and heightened tensions between the U.S. and Russia. The clock remained at two minutes to midnight in 2019, though Bronson said the lack of change "should be taken not as a sign of stability but as a stark warning to leaders and citizens around the world." The clock was farthest from midnight in 1991, when it was moved back to 17 minutes after the U.S. and Soviet Union signed the first Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty. Although the picture is bleak, not all hope is lost, former United Nations . . . 

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  • 2 years later...

It takes 30 years of data to describe climate change compared to the weather which is forecast with accuracy just over days or at most, weeks. And there have been several volcano eruptions that have cooled the earth for years. It is interesting that Europe is so hot right now. London was 104F degrees yesterday. I wonder how many people in England have air conditioning? Since it is generally cooler climate wise I bet few have AC.

From NASA: What Climate Means. In short, climate is the description of the long-term pattern of weather in a particular area. Some scientists define climate as the average weather for a particular region and time period, usually taken over 30-years. It's really an average pattern of weather for a particular region. When scientists talk about climate, they're looking at averages of precipitation, temperature, humidity, sunshine, wind velocity, phenomena such as fog, frost, and hail storms, and other measures of the weather that occur over a long period in a particular place. For example, after looking at rain gauge data, lake and reservoir levels, and satellite data, scientists can tell if during a summer, an area was drier than average. If it continues to be drier than normal over the course of many summers, than it would likely indicate a change in the climate.

From Bing: When did air conditioning become common in homes? Post WWII, air conditioning became something of a status symbol. Window units were a hot commodity, with over one million units sold in 1953. In the 1970s, central air conditioning systems made their way into homes, using Freon-12 (also known as R-12) as coolant.

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56 minutes ago, Peter said:

It takes 30 years of data to describe climate change compared to the weather which is forecast with accuracy just over days or at most, weeks.


This is an observation promoters of manmade climate change (meaning people who want more and more political power over others and can't figure out how to get it) use when their predictions of doom and gloom go to shit. As they have done over and over since last century.

They still want to sound like they are intellectually superior to the dumbass masses who don't know the difference between weather and climate. yawn... But it's a pose because they still make their own dumbass predictions of doom and gloom.


They are like a religious doomsday cult that makes excuses after their announced day the earth will end doesn't happen. The true believers will believe the blah blah blah excuses. The rest of the world always thinks it's bullshit.

Notice that the promoters of manmade climate change never talk about 30 years or whatever whenever there is a hurricane or something and they start yelling their asses off about climate change. They are pretty selective about when they deploy proofs of their own superiority.



Anyway, get ready for a new round of this bullshit. The pandemic, the Ukraine invasion, the overturn of Roe v Wade, and a few other mainstream stories have not been effective in getting people to stop looking at inflation and the trainwreck of this administration.

And it looks like any monkey-variations on viruses will not work for the government to impose new lockdowns during voting season so they can cheat. That is why they are dragging up the climate change bullshit again. And, from the looks of it, they are going to try to milk it for all it's worth and pound it to death in the mainstream.

Just watch the public yawn and vote the bums out as the bums get more and more hysterical.


Liars lie.

The public knows that, but now it realizes that they are the liars.

Sit back and enjoy the hollering. This is going to be fun... 


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8 hours ago, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

Anyway, get ready for a new round of this bullshit. The pandemic, the Ukraine invasion, the overturn of Roe v Wade, and a few other mainstream stories have not been effective in getting people to stop looking at inflation and the trainwreck of this administration.

And it looks like any monkey-variations on viruses will not work for the government to impose new lockdowns during voting season so they can cheat. That is why they are dragging up the climate change bullshit again. And, from the looks of it, they are going to try to milk it for all it's worth and pound it to death in the mainstream.


Everybody knows.

I wonder if Charlie Chester sleeps well at night.

I mean, he knows what he is doing is wrong and he sounds like he doesn't even believe the upcoming party line.

Oh well, he's just doing his job, right?

Where oh where have I hear that before?



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  • 2 months later...

 "Listen to your doctor. Trust The Science."

The Science: "We OWN the science:" (and hence, we own YOU...)

NEW - UN Secretary for Global Comms says they "own the science" on "climate change," and opposing viewpoints have now been pushed down in search results through their partnership with Google.

(Anyone who still urges others to unquestioningly trust their doctors/science on anything at this point is simply NOT being objective.)

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  • 3 months later...

Al Gore is a carnival barker.

That's his schtick and that's all he knows how to do.

It's too late for him to change, even when he's the only one barking.

btw - Storytelling-wise, meaning technique-wise, this is a perfect anecdote.

And the theme? Hell, that's easy.

The difference between what Predator Class assholes say and reality.



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  • 1 month later...
4 hours ago, Guyau said:


When all the ice in the world has melted, the sea will have risen about 230 feet.

Our property will then be only 400 feet above sea level.

It will be a closer drive to get to the ocean from here.

A thought on mass extinction resulting from drastic and rapid climate change..

Adaptation will be most difficult for those species particularly well adapted to the specific current conditions and likely could not change quick enough if there is rapid and drastic change.  I think any mass extinction of those well adapted species will be a great opportunity for less well adapted species to shake things up and establish a new creaturearchy… the more everything is brought low the more diversity and the greater chances for the disenfranchised species.  Some species should be rooting for us to burn it all down and start over… down with the established evolutionary hierarchy!  Only conservatives, traditionalists and those already in power want to keep the status quo!  Bring on climate change!

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  • 2 months later...

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