Major Persuasion Fail on Climate Change

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Major Persuasion Fail on Climate Change

The new thing for the Climate Change folks is the young girl Greta. The one who spoke at the UN and told everyone, "How dare you!"

This is turning out to be a publicity debacle because most people are seeing it as an emotional blackmail manipulation. However, the fail runs even deeper because the people behind this took out a principle from Ayn Rand, of all things, and reality is going to kick their asses for it.

But this mistake is understandable since the people behind this are crony corporatist globalists. And what was their mistake? They let Greta take out the individual.

Rush Limbaugh explained this here and did an excellent job, to let me quote him. He thinks they made this mistake because they are not thinking right, and this is due to their failure to take out President Trump. After all, Trump is dismantling their dreams and plans and coups and power cliques and so on, one by one and replacing it with rational nationalism. And the elitists are getting psychotic about it. (My bold below.)


I’ve said this over and over again, and I’m gonna keep saying it because it matters. If you’re trying to understand these people, you have to understand their psychology. And pardon me, those of you who are gonna recognize this when I go into this little mini-riff. Part of what’s driving them is their failure to date in getting rid of Trump. They can’t believe that they haven’t been able to yet.

They can’t believe that he won. They can’t believe that Hillary lost. They can’t believe that Mueller didn’t find something. They can’t believe they couldn’t prove collusion. They can’t believe Kavanaugh got confirmed. They can’t believe the unemployment numbers are as good as they are. They can’t believe the economy is roaring the way it is. They can’t believe that everything they are proposing is bombing. They cannot believe they haven’t been able to take out Trump.

They can take out any Republican they want any day they choose to. But they haven’t been able to even dent Trump. Now, they’ve been able to put roadblocks in the way of his agenda, but he still gets up every day and he’s still tweeting and he’s still taking on the media and he’s not affected by what they’re doing. Most Republicans cower in fear and resign and beg to be ignored, promise to never do it again. Trump just keeps hitting back. They are literally stymied by their failure to get rid of the guy.

And so they keep intensifying the effort, and as they do their psychology becomes more and more corrupt, and in order to pull this off they have 16-year-old teenagers they put forth as experts on climate change. And what have they done? They have destroyed — the climate change thing is very interesting. They had succeeded in making people think that they had an ability to change the fate of the planet. This was one of the secrets of the Democrat success.

Remember the bit. The Democrats know that most people’s lives are meaningless. They want to matter. So what do you do? You tell people the planet is being destroyed. But there’s a fix. You have helped destroy it by driving your SUV, by eating beef, whatever this cockamamie thing is. Then they come along and they offer redemption and they tell you, “You can save the planet. Your life can have meaning.”

People jump all over it. Then they bring in this 16-year-old. And what does she do? She says, “To hell with all that. To hell with your straws, to hell with this. Governments have to do it, corporations have to do it.” She just succeeded in taking individual involvement out of it. They’ve blown the climate change movement by bringing this 16-year-old kid front and center. They’re in the process of undermining, in a strategic way, all the things they want to accomplish.

Now, it doesn’t look like that, folks, because the media doesn’t tell you anything that I’m telling you. So you’re gonna hear me say the Democrats are shooting themselves in the foot as they do these things day in and day out, and you’re gonna think I’m crazy because it looks on TV like the Democrats are winning every day and Trump’s got nowhere to go.

But this climate change thing is important in terms of the Democrats’ psychology in getting people involved and supporting the effort because they were personally involved, personally they were gonna save the planet. Now this babe comes up and destroys all that by telling you that what you’re doing is irrelevant, that corporations are polluting and that governments have to make the corporations stop.

Well, guess who she just took out of the solution equation? Individuals. She essentially said, you can do everything, you can stop driving your car, you can stop using plastic straws, but you’re not gonna matter. The corporations have to do it. This is one of the biggest tactical errors they have made in the climate change movement. And they’re making them all over the place in everything else they’re trying because they’re so consumed.

Hatred’s a poison, folks. It is a poison. 

That is quite astute.

And to tie a bow around it from the perspective of Rand, it was not collectivists who took out the individual in this persuasion and propaganda blunder. It was elitists.

Propaganda-wise, they were using collectivism as a religion for individual redemption, but decided to replace planet worship with worship of the government (meaning them in their mind) and to hell with the individual.

What an odd vindication of a Randian principle of individualism as a metaphysical fact (with law of identity and so on)--that nature must be obeyed in order to be ruled, but there it is.

If you think this sounds like a Randian fundament, but also doesn't, I get that. I extend "nature" to include "human nature," especially the underbelly of the mind part that Rand had impatience with. 

But the way the mind exists, people need some kind of religion, even if only a secular religion, to feel their lives have meaning. (Make no mistake about it, Objectivism is a kind of secular religion and Rand's novels provide the foundational myths of it.)

That the elitists are flubbing it so badly is very good for the ones fighting the globalist takeover in the name of manmade climate change. May those idiots go even more nuts than they are and screw up the rest.


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Looks like a persuasion boost with some people:^google|twcamp^serp|twgr^tweet


Greta Thunberg @GretaThunberg

Here we go again...
As you may have noticed, the haters are as active as ever - going after me, my looks, my clothes, my behaviour and my differences.
They come up with every thinkable lie and conspiracy theory. (Thread->)


Chasten Buttigieg @Chas10Buttigieg - 14h
Replying to @GretaThunberg

You are giving much needed and welcomed hope to our nation’s youth. I hope you know how impactful your words and actions are. Millions of kids are watching and thinking “well maybe I, too, can help.” We’re so grateful for your advocacy and your strength.


Meg Fee @meg_fee - 14h

Much needed and welcomed hope to many adults too. I, for one, want - and believe I can - do better.


Joseph D. White @JosephDWhite1 - 13h

That was my immediate thought after I watched her speech.

Joseph D. White @JosephDWhite1 - 8h

I have been big on saving the environment for as long as I can remember. To this day, I have not swayed from that. However, when I watched Greta's speech, she inspired me to do even more. The biggest thing that I wish I could do is get rid of my truck and buy a Tesla truck.


alex g @alex_goldrich - 6h

Maybe the biggest thing you can do is get behind candidates for office who will support big, systemic changes away from fossil fuels and toward carbon neutrality. Vote, campaign, talk to folks. We need leaders with the will to make massive changes.


Joseph D. White @JosephDWhite1 - 6h

I probably should have mentioned that buying an electric truck, when released, is the biggest *personal* thing that I want to do. However, I really do appreciate the advice. Got any names in mind before I start looking into it?

1 more reply

Matthew Dowd @matthewjdowd - 13h
Replying to @GretaThunberg

You stand more for the ideals of America than nearly every member of this administration and nearly everyone at Fox News.


matthew sidford @GlosGreen - 11h

What area the 'ideals of America' that she stands for, pray tell?


Earth Legacy@EarthLegacy2 - 11h

Confronting reality, solving problems, innovating, being bold and fearless. America once stood for these. Not so much anymore.


matthew sidford @GlosGreen - 11h

Some good traits maybe, but trashing the planet to defend the 'American way of life' has long been a feature of your glorious nation. Not to mention destabilizing other countries through both overt and covert violence.  America is no better than many scores of other nations .


Alpheus Williams @AlphWilliams
Replying to @aurantiacoXI and @GretaThunberg

Donald Trump, Scott Morrison and Murdoch Media spread lies and misinformation.  They are cowards and bullies. Greta Thunberg speaks the truth with an urgent message to save the planet from greed and ignorance.  She is a leader.  She is a hero.

4:20 PM · Sep 25, 2019·Twitter Web App


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6 hours ago, Ellen Stuttle said:

Looks like a persuasion boost with some people:


I suppose intensifying the belief of the converted is a sort of persuasion.

Greta (meaning her handlers) sure did an interesting mix of the David and Goliath story with a victimization story and squeezed it for the boost. This last was a standard favorite of Palestinians for decades--taunt and insult their target in the most provocative manner possible, then cry, "Bully!" when their target reacts.

There is one negative reaction to Greta as regards weakening her Climate Change agenda I would like to add to Rush's observation (removing the individual). She went too far in expressing her emotions (or at least she performed quite poorly) and, I believe, this will also hurt the Climate Change agenda. She goosed her outrage into melodrama. From the comments I'm seeing, many people, even many persuadable people, are calling it bullshit.

Her melodrama reminds me of a soccer game I saw in Brazil during a championship. I can't remember who was playing, but one player grabbed his genitals and slowly fell to the ground, calling foul. He claimed he had been kicked if I remember correctly and, from the angle of coverage from the mainstream outfit broadcasting the game, it looked like that was exactly what happened. There he stayed on the ground for a couple of minutes writhing in agony as the medical team came out to examine him.

Then someone showed a video from a different angle from a camera that was not part of the mainstream coverage. No one and nothing had gotten near him. He was out there all by his lonely and just suddenly reacted as if attacked by an invisible man. It was all an act. A ballsy act, for sure, given the size of the crowd (many tens of thousands of people) but pure theater.

That's the way Greta is coming off to many.


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1 hour ago, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

Rush's observation (removing the individual).


I think that Limbaugh's remarks are astute regarding a U.S. audience.

However, Greta might play well in countries that aren't geared toward individualism and that are historically prone to  youth army movements.  An army of youngsters being heroic countering corporations' use of fossil fuel.  It might go over in the Scandinavian countries - with the probable exception of Denmark, where people are protesting exorbitant energy costs - and maybe in Germany and Austria.

We shall see.


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3 hours ago, Ellen Stuttle said:

I think that Limbaugh's remarks are astute regarding a U.S. audience.

However, Greta might play well in countries that aren't geared toward individualism and that are historically prone to  youth army movements.  An army of youngsters being heroic countering corporations' use of fossil fuel.  It might go over in the Scandinavian countries - with the probable exception of Denmark, where people are protesting exorbitant energy costs - and maybe in Germany and Austria.

We shall see.


I agree with this--with one addition. After all, European films are awful, so they are habituated to lousy acting over there. :) I detest much of Hollyweird, but even in the most authoritarian leftie corners, ya' gotta' act or get off the set.

Now the addition: I see growing youth army nationalism movements in many European countries. Even in France with the Yellow Jackets. These nationalism movements scratch the heroism itch. I am pretty sure the views on Climate Change are not homogeneous in these movements. I suspect the majority of individuals in them lean to the common sense clean up the garbage and pollution and messes, then live and let live version. So I doubt those people will be susceptible to Greta's poorly acted propaganda.


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2 hours ago, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

I see growing youth army nationalism movements in many European countries.

A stray thought/question about European youth army movements:  How far back does the history of such movements go in Europe?  In the U.S., were there such movements prior to the civil rights movement and then the '60s and '70s protest stuff?


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2 hours ago, Ellen Stuttle said:

A stray thought/question about European youth army movements:  How far back does the history of such movements go in Europe?  In the U.S., were there such movements prior to the civil rights movement and then the '60s and '70s protest stuff?


I'm no expert on this, but I do recall a chapter from, of all things, The Ominous Parallels by Peikoff where he talked about a youth movement in the Wiemar Republic that sounded an awful lot like hippies--flower power, free love, nature, folk songs and the like.

As to armed forces-related, The Hitler Youth, of course, were caught up in being heroes. If I remember correctly, there was quite a youth movement around him before he took real power. 

Off the top of my head, I don't know the history of other European countries well enough to talk about their past youth movements.


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German League Of Girls




In 1930 the Bund Deutscher Mädel (German League of Girls) was formed as the female branch of the Hitler Youthmovement. It was set up under the direction of Hitler Youth leader, Baldur von Schirach. There were two general age groups: the Jungmädel, from ten to fourteen years of age, and older girls from fifteen to twenty-one years of age. All girls in the BDM were constantly reminded that the great task of their schooling was to prepare them to be "carriers of the... Nazi world view". (1)


Members of the BDM later recalled that they welcomed the extra power they had over their parents: "As a young person, you were taken seriously. You did things which were important... Your dependence on your parents was reduced, because all the time it was your work for the Hitler Youth that came first, and your parents came second... All the time you were kept busy and interested, and you really believed you had to change the world." (22)

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Some of the "ominous parallels" between pre-Hitler Germany and the United States that Peikoff identifies are:

  • A student radical movement (from the 1960's through the violent anti-nukers and ecology fanatics of today) who are, Peikoff maintains, the "pre-Hitler youth movement resurrected." The radicals are nature worshippers who attack the middle class, science, technology, and business.

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58 minutes ago, Dglgmut said:

Persuasion's got nothing to do with it...

This is just another excuse for people with no outlet for their aggression to release it righteously (safely).

Look how indignant Greta is; and you can be too!

What about the Joker movie? Will it sway someone already dingy to go full throttle? I saw the FBI was warning us about it after a screening. 

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On 9/26/2019 at 12:32 PM, Ellen Stuttle said:

I think that Limbaugh's remarks are astute regarding a U.S. audience.


But wait!

There's more!


A 12 year old girl from Georgia called into the Rush show today.

Sharp 12-Year-Old Understands the Climate Change Game

Here is part of what she said.


CALLER: (chuckling) I would like to discuss how my geography teacher is brainwashing me and my classmates and making many feel uncomfortable by spreading her liberal political views.

RUSH: Geography?

CALLER: Yes, sir.

RUSH: The geography teacher is corrupting you with political news?

CALLER: Yes, sir.

RUSH: Like what?

CALLER: Well, for example, she showed a CNN clip about climate change when we were learning about oil conflict in the Middle East and she showed Greta Thunberg’s speech to the national assembly speech in Paris.

RUSH: Oh, Greta… (sigh) What did you think when you saw that?

CALLER: Well, I was kind of confused because I wasn’t really sure how it related to what we were studying, but I was kind of angry. I was —

RUSH: But it’s not. You were being either propagandized or indoctrinated which is what a lot of teachers do.


RUSH: Did Thunberg…? Just as another young woman, did she impress you, or were you suspicious? How did you react to what she was saying?

CALLER: Well, I think that… I mean, I think that many people today are thinking this, and I do not think that the people are causing climate change. I don’t think it has to do anything with human beings. I think it’s just how the world is, you know, with the ice age destroying dinosaurs (chuckles) and stuff like that.

RUSH: Such pure common sense.

CALLER: It’s just how the world is.

RUSH: “It’s just how the world is.”

CALLER: Yes, sir.

RUSH: That’s exactly it. That is exactly right.

Granted, this is a girl from Georgia and this is on the Rush Limbaugh show, so there's that.

But I don't think this girl is an anomaly.

Her teacher is probably a Millennial. The Millennial generation was indoctrinated by a public education system infiltrated by trained indoctrinators. But now the Millennials are the teachers. They don't seem to be able to indoctrinate very well. That, to me, makes sense. In order to make them effective, they would have to be taught how indoctrination was run on them. And that would lead to them questioning their own indoctrination.

So I believe they are merely teaching as Kool-Aid drinkers, not as skilled human behavior molders.

Anyway, to me this 12 old girl nailed the climate change thing better than anyone I have read on it so far: I think it’s just how the world is, you know, with the ice age destroying dinosaurs and stuff like that.

Talk about a real life kid saying the emperor has no clothes.

This makes me want to be 12 years old again.




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Here's an idea from Styx I had not thought about on Climate Change. It is essentially a form of eugenics. Why? Because the only real solution is to shrink the human population. If you cut the human species down to a size where humans no longer impact the climate (according to the "science" being promoted), the manmade climate change problem is solved.

That's one of the things that makes the Climate Change Religion scary. Religions have been known to practice human sacrifice...


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On September 27, 2019 at 5:16 PM, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

Anyway, to me this 12 old girl nailed the climate change thing better than anyone I have read on it so far: I think it’s just how the world is, you know, with the ice age destroying dinosaurs and stuff like that.

Interjecting a wee bit of accuracy along with the enthusiasm:

The dinosaurs were multi-millions of years gone before the most recent ice age got underway.


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5 hours ago, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

[Re] Climate Change. It is essentially a form of eugenics. Why? Because the only real solution is to shrink the human population. If you cut the human species down to a size where humans no longer impact the climate (according to the "science" being promoted), the manmade climate change problem is solved.

Not precisely "eugenics," as I commented to you in a brief PM about the "eliminate 'em" plotters I came to know of in late 2017.  Simply getting rid of a substantial percentage of the world's population, more or less indiscriminately.  It isn't an issue of trying to produce a superior humankind, but instead a shrunk-in-numbers humankind.


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1 hour ago, Ellen Stuttle said:

Interjecting a wee bit of accuracy along with the enthusiasm:

The dinosaurs were multi-millions of years gone before the most recent ice age got underway.


I'm sure the 12 year old girl would not have minded if Rush had asked, "Don't you mean the extinction of the dinosaurs, the ice age, and stuff like that?"


The point is, to a young child, big destructive things happen to the planet that do not involve humans. That is her common sense, her factual premise, so to speak. She learned that well. She'll learn correct details as she ages, but I doubt this premise--which is 100% correct--will ever change.

(As opposed to the message Greta conveys where human greed fanned by capitalism is the Satan destroying the planet and, additionally, we are all guilty and shameless scumbags for letting it happen merely because we like goodies.) 

I'm not sure Rush correcting the 12 year old girl in that moment would have helped persuasion-wise. In fact, it feels to me like it would have diluted the effect to the audience. (I'll have to think about why.) Besides, I remember from my childhood cartoons of dinosaurs feeling sad, shivering and dying off by freezing to death. So that kind of source (something like that) is probably where she got the notion.

We don't get to see her since this was over the phone, but I already know she's cute.


1 hour ago, Ellen Stuttle said:

Not precisely "eugenics," as I commented to you in a brief PM about the "eliminate 'em" plotters I came to know of in late 2017.  Simply getting rid of a substantial percentage of the world's population, more or less indiscriminately.  It isn't an issue of trying to produce a superior humankind, but instead a shrunk-in-numbers humankind.

This is why I mentioned "a form of eugenics" and not just "eugenics." (I actually know quite a bit about eugenics, enough to know that it means creating superior humans though technology and breeding and not just killing people.)

I was trying to express something. The same people who are interested in re-engineering and breeding humans have no issue with killing off the (the them) duds. Their lack of interest in individual human life (except their own) and enthusiasm for "culling" humans from the species (or planet) is the part I wanted to focus on.

However, the word eugenics comes with an historical emotional load of evil that I also wanted. After all, the people working on this plan consider themselves to be superior humans. And I bet they want to favor their own kind when killing off the rest. A combination of all that is what I tried to capture by using the term "a form of eugenics." But as I wrote what I did, I was a bit worried it would not come off.

And come off it apparently did not.

So back to the woodshed. As the eugenicist said before pulling the trigger on a poor soul, "That one fizzled..."


(Sorry for the dark humor. :) )

It looks like I will have to try something else. Which is good. This concept needs easy-to-understand wording that will convey the correct message, both conceptually and emotionally.


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