If Fascism comes


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1 hour ago, anthony said:


Fascism had already embedded itself in the upper echelons of American government.

President Trump is dismantling it.

That is precisely why I supported him so strongly.

In the article, West lays fascism solely at the feet of progressivism. While I am no friend to progressivism, I cannot look at non-progressive practices like The Patriot Act, extraordinary rendition, the invasion of Iraq, and so on as anything other that fascism, or at least a fascist mindset.

It's like Antifa is the progeny of all that.

The real enemy is this band of narcissistic sociopaths that I call elitists (or crony corporatists, or globalists, or ruling class, etc.). They are on all sides, left, right and middle. And they are among the wealthy and the poor.

People who feel entitled to treat the rest of mankind as livestock or lab rats are the real fascists. The rest is detail and semantics.

(I might be wrong, but I think you will agree with me. :) )


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Michael wrote, "The rest is detail and semantics. (I might be wrong, but I think you will agree with me.  )"

I do think it is so and the evidence is there to indict the left as resembling early Fascist Italy, though not Germany. It's Mussolini light now but it is ginning itself up for violence. America is now and has always been a nation of people who would be very likely to defend their rights from authoritarian government. Don't tread on me!     

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Michael, You are probably correct, this blurry beast called Fascism -may - (according to how tightly one defines it) arise across the political spectrum. I'm in no mood to let the Leftist-Progressives off even a little, though, after seeing and hearing the 'New' Fascists in operation in the US. Especially while they have pretended so long it's only from the Right. So here's another by D'Souza, who I expect you are familiar with.




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