Ralph Hertle offers Ayn Rand Stamps


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AYN RAND stamps by the USPS

There are 20 stamps per card and

the original stamp value was $.33 ea.

USPS cards are shrink wrapped.

The lot includes 16 cards; and the

selling price, including S&H, is $200.

Ralph Hertle      lon521@gmail.com

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I wanted to upload an image of the Ayn Rand stamps on the card; however, OL limits the upload to 30.72 kb in size.

Please send me an email at lon521@gmail.com and I'll reply to you with an attached digital color image of the item. 

Ralph Hertle

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Ralph, I have shared a backstage note with you, the other Ralph Hertle account, and Michael.  In the Gallery section of this site, there is no 30.72kb file size upload limit. For example, the image I just uploaded to the Member Albums main category is just over 2.1MB.  If Michael were to insert a "Ralph Hertle" gallery, you could then upload your image/s and take advantage of the abilities to comment, insert copyright tags and notice and so on ...

I'll leave that second, large gif file for the day, and then remove it. I personally don't have a need for an OL Gallery of photos, so I  will delete the two items in the Gallery as soon as Michael decides one way or the other to open a sub-gallery for your works and offerings.

-- this annoying Periscope gif is inserted from the Gallery via the 'insert other media' button on the edit-box.


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