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On 7/1/2020 at 2:31 PM, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

Facebook just did this to Tim Pool's sidekick because he's not well known, but his video was going viral.

All he said was he was now going to vote for Trump whereas before he was not. The video took off.

There are large parts of the video below that could have been taken straight out of Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal. Tim even went so far as to say that the greatest force in human history that has taken humans out of poverty is capitalism and that communism creates poverty wherever it is tried.

Oddly enough, there is not all that much about the Evergreen issue.

Here's another "oddly enough." President Trump has been successfully baiting the left to reveal their true foundation, authoritarianism and gross disregard for human life, ever since the campaign for the primaries.

So the conversion of Tim Pool, especially his sidekick, Adam, is indirectly due to President Trump. He didn't teach them how to see. All he did was make the bad guys with smokescreens get rid of their smoke and let whoever wants to see see.

Tim & Co. like to see with their own eyes, and they are seeing violence against innocents, attacks against freedom of speech, gangs, deceptive propaganda floated as news as the regular policy of news agencies, and on and on and on--all perpetrated by the left. So they started looking at other things, too, like what causes wealth to come into being? Without reading Ayn Rand (or at least mentioning her), they are drifting right into her core ideas.

I get really irritated at times that the fearless leaders in O-Land blank this out just because when the word "Trump" appears before them, they salivate like Pavlov's dogs hearing a bell. It not only makes them salivate. It makes them turn off their brains.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Someone did one hell of a hack on Twitter.

Rather than describe it in detail, here is an article from Breitbart:

Massive Twitter Hack Hits Obama, Biden, Bloomberg, Musk, Kanye, Gates, More

These hackers have balls, I'll give them that. 🙂

They ran a Bitcoin scam on each account. From Biden's account, for example, they posted as if it were Biden posting. Then "he" said in the spirit of giving back to the community, if someone sends him $1,000 through Bitcoin (and there was a hash for where to send it), he (Biden) would send $2,000 back. But "he" was only going to keep this open for 30 minutes.

They did this with the accounts of all these famous people. Apparently they raked in well over $100,000. 🙂 

As an unintended consequence, it is starting to occur to the rich and powerful that anyone with the right credentials at Twitter can tweet as if it were them. That is not settling well.

And another is that someone took a screenshot of part of the censor's dashboard:


There are buttons here that contradict Twitter's public statements.

And how did the hackers get this info? Apparently they had an inside person who simply gave them the info. This is the stupidity of arrogance. Twitter wanted to censor everybody, so it hired tons of censors and gave them credentials that should have been given ONLY to a trusted few. Ain't it obvious someone will sell their credentials or do something they shouldn't with them? 

I bet the other tech giants with huge censor pools are going, "Gulp... Maybe we should take a look at our shit..." 


This Twitter hack is flaming the fires of both antitrust and the platform versus publisher thing.

Also, speaking of platform protections, since the info from this hack is not protected under Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act, Twitter is now legally exposed to a class action lawsuit if one should appear.

Wanna bet Twitter suddenly stops censoring conservatives and even the far lefties it censors?

This story has legs into the future and I don't know how far it is going to travel, but I bet it will be far...

The funny part about this is that Twitter wasn't taken by a spook organization. It was taken as a caper by some cons.

Think about it. Are Obama, Biden, Bloomberg, Musk, Kanye, Gates and so on ONLY worth a hundred grand for a caper pulled off in front of the entire world? Setting everything else aside, that's humiliating...



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  • 2 weeks later...

Today the House held a hearing with Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook, Jeff Bezos of Amazon, Sundar Pichai of Google and Tim Cook of Apple. 

There were a few good moments, but two things were clear.

1. Nothing on earth would have brought those four to the House hearing if things were not serious in the back rooms. They would have sent their representatives instead. 

2. It was obvious that Congress was not going to do jackshit about anything. My impression was reinforced by Cernovich, who later went on a rant because he said he received an advance copy of Jim Jordan's statement for tomorrow where he is not going to recommend any action or antitrust measures against the Tech Giants.

Also, before the hearing, President Trump had tweeted that if the do-nothing Congress would not act towards fairness, he would issue an Executive Order.

Well, it starts.

Here is the official press release.

Statement from the Press Secretary Regarding the Implementation of President Trump’s Executive Order on Preventing Online Censorship


July 29, 2020

On Monday, the Department of Commerce, as directed by President Donald J. Trump’s Executive Order on Preventing Online Censorship, filed a petition to clarify the scope of Section 230 of the 1996 Communications Decency Act. The petition requests that the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) clarify that Section 230 does not permit social media companies that alter or editorialize users’ speech to escape civil liability. The petition also requests that the FCC clarify when an online platform curates content in “good faith,” and requests transparency requirements on their moderation practices, similar to requirements imposed on broadband service providers under Title I of the Communications Act.  President Trump will continue to fight back against unfair, un-American, and politically biased censorship of Americans online.

This should hold until the election.

It won't prohibit the Tech Giants from censoring, but it will open them to gigantic class action suits if they do.

Of course there will be some kind of court challenge, but I bet President Trump has that worked out in advance.

After the election, then the real work of what to do with Big Tech will kick into gear.

These jerks asked for it, too.

Wouldn't it be fun to see Alex Jones back on Twitter and YouTube and Facebook before the election?



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Just to make sure that this is clear, Zuckerberg was the only one of the four who agreed that the Chinese Communist Party steals technology from American firms. Bezos, Pichai and Cook all went mealy mouthed with weasel words.

That's not good...

And even then, when Zuckerberg was talking earlier and responding to whether Facebook reverse engineers apps by owners who won't sell to Facebook, there was a comment in the comment feed I found hilarious. Unfortunately, I don't have a link for it since it happened live and I no longer remember where it happened.

Remember, this was while Zuck was saying that Facebook would never, ever, under no circumstances, fuggetaboutit, do such a thing as plagiarize and steal the property of another. The person making the comment said he just received a tweet from a friend who works at Facebook. The tweet said something like: "At this very moment we are hard at work copying the shit out of TikTok's code."


So, in the video above, Zuck apparently agrees with President Trump. I wonder what would happen to Facebook's fortunes if Trump manages to ban TikTok in the US and Facebook adds this code to a similar product it owns, say,  Instagram Reels...



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This is going to be a wake-up call for smaller social media companies.

Patreon tried to do the woke shit on its users with cunning like a fox, then tried to change the rules after this started becoming expensive because its cunning was more like a dodo bird.

Now it may go bankrupt for being an asshole.


Patreon's competitors like SubscribeStar, who do not do woke asshole crap, will pick up their clients. 



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  • 2 weeks later...

People in the pro-Trump world are starting to complain about the high number of their Twitter followers who are being canceled.

I want to be a part of that number, you know, be a part of the club. But Twitter is leaving my followers alone for some reason.

It's true that I don't interact on Twitter all that much, and I do not seek followers, but I still managed to get 90.

About 90% (probably more) of them are pretty single women who are lonely...

I guess they think I'm a hunk, huh?

And Twitter doesn't even mind...



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On 8/7/2020 at 7:00 PM, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

People in the pro-Trump world are starting to complain about the high number of their Twitter followers who are being canceled.

I want to be a part of that number, you know, be a part of the club. But Twitter is leaving my followers alone for some reason.

It's true that I don't interact on Twitter all that much, and I do not seek followers, but I still managed to get 90.

About 90% (probably more) of them are pretty single women who are lonely...

I guess they think I'm a hunk, huh?

And Twitter doesn't even mind...

Woo hoo!

I got purged one follower.

Now I only have 89.

Twitter must be afraid of me.

Terrified, I tell you.

Man, am I something...



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  • 2 weeks later...

Twitter just suspended the account of The Babylon Bee.

That's like suspending the account of The Onion.

Good Lord!

Maybe they didn't think The Babylon Bee was funny enough?


Oh boy... there's a reckoning coming and these Silicon Valley new money billionaires are not going to understand what hit them when reality beans them on the noggin and takes their money and power away.


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6 hours ago, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

Twitter just suspended the account of The Babylon Bee.

Well, this is something, at least.

Twitter apologizes after briefly suspending The Babylon Bee's account
Spokesperson for social media giant says satire site 'was mistakenly caught in a spam filter'

I think people are getting sick of Twitter's banning and shadow banning shit. Besides, The Babylon Bee did not get caught in a "spam filter." It got caught in a political agenda filter.

I'm on Twitter only because President Trump is on there, thus it is possible to get quick quotes from different sources.

If he ever leaves, he will take a lot of people with him and of those remaining, even if I like them, frankly, I won't give a shit about reading their tweets.

If I ever get interested in spamming, though, despite Twitter's lip service to spam filters, it looks like a good place to do it if you learn what to avoid... 



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  • 3 weeks later...

Tucker is on the warpath against Big Tech's meddling in the 2020 election.

I wonder if this has anything to do with this:

DOJ reportedly planning Google antitrust suit by end of September

Then again, there's that idiot hit piece against Trump by The Atlantic, owned by the leftie widow of Steve Jobs.

Makes you wonder how deep are the connections beneath the surface of what we get to see.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Heh, heh, heh...

It's like a gigantic ship slowly arriving at land...

And you know what the doofuses at the tech giant firms are doing as their way to face this threat to them?

More political censorship.


It's like a guy who keeps spitting on the floor of a restaurant. And when you ask him to stop, he throws garbage on the floor. There comes a moment when you have to do something about him.


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  • 3 weeks later...
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1 hour ago, william.scherk said:

The irony is measurable.


If you want to imagine where the real bad-guy players are at with big tech, social media, AI and so on, there's a fiction production that came out last month that explains it better than anyone I have seen so far. It's a 10 part podcast series (each part is half an hour or a little less) and exclusive to Audible. It's called Convolution by Benjamin Walker. Here is the Audible blurb.


About This Audible Original

No one has benefited more from AI and Machine learning than the con artist. This 10-part police drama begins in Los Angeles with an investigation into a group of con men using machine learning to improve their scams and ends in Tibet with a long con involving reincarnation and an evolved artificial intelligence. With each chapter, the stakes rise higher as cybercrimes detective Sydney Birch peels back layer after layer of this complex scheme. A lot of the story and its details draw directly from current events and popular online conspiracy theories.

I already have an Audible account, but if I didn't, it would be worth getting one for this podcast series alone.


Because you get to see how AI and machine learning can be used by both good guys and bad guys without tech-babble or mixed agendas (other than steal money and catch bad guys).

In the very first podcast, it makes it clear that an AI program was used to target a victim in terms of knowing if he had enough money or credit for a scam. It also targeted the mark's biggest celebrity passion and his biggest dreams in life, in this case the mark was a beginning film maker who worshiped Steven Spielberg. It scraped and made available to the con artists all of the guy's small productions so they could fake Spielberg being interested in him by citing details of his work. Using a deep fake, it had "Spielberg" actually talk to the guy over the phone and put him on Cloud 9. Of course, "Spielberg's" assistant did most of the communicating.

They got the guy out of the US (supposedly in order to be a part of a Spielberg project) to run the scam, but it was really in order to get the scam away from US laws. Then they got "Spielberg" in trouble in that other country and had the guy save the day for only $5k which Spielberg's production would give back to him. Then, after he parted with the money, "Spielberg's" assistant called him up to thank him and asked him to wait for their call because Spielberg needed a little time to recover from the scare, but he was definitely working with the mark on this project. Oh, and by the way, don't forget the NDA he signed. Nobody, but nobody, could know of this.


There's even more because the people investigating the AI are also using AI to investigate. But the main detective is already getting some different results than others because she keeps most of her own communications to analog. What's worse, AI uses machine learning, so it learns from its mistakes. Most major operations--like getting a full overall portfolio on an individual--unfold in a matter of seconds or less. Then each following tweak, ditto, as the people using the AI program decide where they want to dig further. Those digs--and when they are relevant--are later incorporated into the main portfolio so the AI will know when to automatically include them in queries. And on and on...

Now take the implications from all this and transfer them to politics.

The imagination reels...

Supposing Cambridge Analytica was Facebooks biggest data monkeyshine as the "muh Russians" narrative told it. CA wasn't even close, but let's suppose it was and let's take that narrative at face value.

That is peanuts compared to what AI used in the creative ways in Convolution can do for cheating. It's like a handful of peanuts compared to a mountain.


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James O'Keefe released this yesterday:

Google and Its Creepy, ‘Leftist Agenda’ Exposed in Latest Video From Project Veritas


And today there's this:

U.S. government files antitrust lawsuit against Google


The U.S. Justice Department and 11 states filed an antitrust lawsuit against Alphabet Inc’s Google on Tuesday for allegedly breaking the law in using its market power to fend off rivals.

. . .

The federal lawsuit marks a rare moment of agreement between the Trump administration and progressive Democrats. U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren tweeted on Sept. 10, using the hash tag #BreakUpBigTech, that she wanted “swift, aggressive action.”

The 11 states which joined the lawsuit all have Republican attorneys general.

More lawsuits could be in the offing since probes by state attorneys general into Google’s broader businesses are under way, as well as an investigation of its broader digital advertising businesses. A group of attorneys general led by Texas is expected to file a separate lawsuit focused on digital advertising as soon as November, while a group led by Colorado is contemplating a more expansive lawsuit against Google.

The lawsuit comes more than a year after the Justice Department and Federal Trade Commission began antitrust investigations into four big tech companies: Inc , Apple Inc, Facebook Inc and Google.

It starts.


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This is inciting violence according to Facebook. 

Here is the article:



Senator Hirono Demands ACB Be Weighed Against A Duck To See If She Is A Witch
October 14th, 2020


WASHINGTON, D.C.—After two days of Amy Coney Barrett gracefully and stoically answering questions with perfect recall and no notes, suspicions grew on Capitol Hill that she might be a practitioner of the dark arts. 

"Oh, she's a witch alright, just look at her!" said Senator Hirono. "Just look at the way she's dressed and how she's so much prettier and smarter than us! She's in league with Beelzebub himself, I just know it! We must burn her!"

Senator Hirono then pulled a live duck out of a massive burlap sack next to her and announced: "In addition to being a Senator, I am also quite wise in the ways of science. Everyone knows witches burn because they are made of wood. I think I read that somewhere. Wood floats, and so do ducks-- so logically, if Amy Coney Barrett weighs as much as this duck I found in the reflection pool outside, she is a witch and must be burned."

The Democrat senators nodded in solemn approval while the Republicans yelled and pounded on their desks a bunch before pouncing and booking interviews with Tucker Carlson.

Congressional aides brought in the bathroom scale from Jerry Nadler's office in order to weigh ACB against the duck. Fortunately, disaster was averted when Mitch McConnell entered the room and put a stop to the proceedings.

They call a lampoon of Senator Hirono and Congress saying Judge Amy Coney Barrett should be weighed against a duck to see if she should be burned at the stake an incitement to violence.

How does that compute in any universe except an authoritarian one?

What they mean is you shall not make fun of the ruling class on their side.

They won't stand for it.


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Maybe this is the problem. The New York Post--the newspaper founded by Alexander Hamilton--strikes again:

Meet your (Chinese) Facebook censors


China is one of the most censorious societies on earth. So what better place for ­Facebook to recruit social-media censors?

There are at least half a dozen “Chinese nationals who are working on censorship,” a former Facebook insider told me last week. “So at some point, they [Facebook bosses] thought, ‘Hey, we’re going to get them H-1B visas so they can do this work.’ ”

The insider shared an internal directory of the team that does much of this work. It’s called Hate-Speech Engineering (George Orwell, call your office), and most of its members are based at Facebook’s offices in Seattle. Many have Ph.D.s, and their work is extremely complex, involving machine learning — teaching “computers how to learn and act without being explicitly programmed,” as the techy Web site puts it.

. . .

A Facebook spokesperson denied that these employees influence broader policies. “We are a stronger company because our employees come from all over the world. Our standards and policies are public, including about our third-party fact-checking program, and designed to apply equally to content across the political spectrum. With over 35,000 people working on safety and security issues at Facebook, the insinuation that these employees have an outsized influence on our broader policies or technology is absurd.”

Absurd like high-tech geniuses being afraid of weighing ducks against people and burning witches at the stake?

That kind of absurd?


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On 10/11/2020 at 9:48 PM, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

If you want to imagine where the real bad-guy players are at with big tech, social media, AI and so on, there's a fiction production that came out last month that explains it better than anyone I have seen so far. It's a 10 part podcast series (each part is half an hour or a little less) and exclusive to Audible. It's called Convolution by Benjamin Walker. Here is the Audible blurb.


About This Audible Original

No one has benefited more from AI and Machine learning than the con artist. This 10-part police drama begins in Los Angeles with an investigation into a group of con men using machine learning to improve their scams and ends in Tibet with a long con involving reincarnation and an evolved artificial intelligence. With each chapter, the stakes rise higher as cybercrimes detective Sydney Birch peels back layer after layer of this complex scheme. A lot of the story and its details draw directly from current events and popular online conspiracy theories.


I already have an Audible account, but if I didn't, it would be worth getting one for this podcast series alone.


Because you get to see how AI and machine learning can be used by both good guys and bad guys without tech-babble or mixed agendas (other than steal money and catch bad guys).

In the very first podcast, it makes it clear that an AI program was used to target a victim in terms of knowing if he had enough money or credit for a scam. It also targeted the mark's biggest celebrity passion and his biggest dreams in life, in this case the mark was a beginning film maker who worshiped Steven Spielberg. It scraped and made available to the con artists all of the guy's small productions so they could fake Spielberg being interested in him by citing details of his work. Using a deep fake, it had "Spielberg" actually talk to the guy over the phone and put him on Cloud 9. Of course, "Spielberg's" assistant did most of the communicating.

They got the guy out of the US (supposedly in order to be a part of a Spielberg project) to run the scam, but it was really in order to get the scam away from US laws. Then they got "Spielberg" in trouble in that other country and had the guy save the day for only $5k which Spielberg's production would give back to him. Then, after he parted with the money, "Spielberg's" assistant called him up to thank him and asked him to wait for their call because Spielberg needed a little time to recover from the scare, but he was definitely working with the mark on this project. Oh, and by the way, don't forget the NDA he signed. Nobody, but nobody, could know of this.


There's even more because the people investigating the AI are also using AI to investigate. But the main detective is already getting some different results than others because she keeps most of her own communications to analog. What's worse, AI uses machine learning, so it learns from its mistakes. Most major operations--like getting a full overall portfolio on an individual--unfold in a matter of seconds or less. Then each following tweak, ditto, as the people using the AI program decide where they want to dig further. Those digs--and when they are relevant--are later incorporated into the main portfolio so the AI will know when to automatically include them in queries. And on and on...

Now take the implications from all this and transfer them to politics.

This is now happening in reality.

It's almost point by point as given in the podcast. Except the podcast was fiction. This is reality.

Scammer used deepfake video to impersonate U.S. Admiral on Skype chat and swindle nearly $300,000 out of a California widow


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8 hours ago, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

This is now happening in reality.

It's almost point by point as given in the podcast. Except the podcast was fiction. This is reality.

Scammer used deepfake video to impersonate U.S. Admiral on Skype chat and swindle nearly $300,000 out of a California widow


So does that reopen the possibility that the Kamala Harris video (the one with the blackened eyes) was possibly a fake, as some were speculating?

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25 minutes ago, ThatGuy said:

So does that reopen the possibility that the Kamala Harris video (the one with the blackened eyes) was possibly a fake, as some were speculating?


Not even close.

These scammers use NDA's and a good story "just between us" and so on. They know the fake will eventually get busted, so they set their environment to buy as much time as possible.

The thing with Kamala Harris was more like a meme and was made to spread as quickly as possible and hang there in the culture like an oil spill on a flock of birds. It was made to humiliate, sort of like Alex Baldwin's imitation of President Trump. Gross mockery with contempt.

The principle is "the more eyes, the more scrutiny." Deep fakes are not yet perfect so a suspicious person will have things to look at as time goes on, and I think some AI tools are starting to appear for this, too. But deep fakes are pretty damn convincing.

That's why they work best on in-and-out stings or for duping a large group of people who hold the same belief for a short period of time.


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1 hour ago, ThatGuy said:

So does that reopen the possibility that the Kamala Harris video (the one with the blackened eyes) was possibly a fake, as some were speculating?

The Harris "Insta-lift" video posted by Al Sharpton to Twitter-- the root of all the subsequent takes -- was a video recording of a PVR recording. In other words, a camera was interposed between a video on a monitor, and then that camera's recording was recompressed by Twitter upon upload to their servers. This introduced two generations of artifacts resulting from the compression. 

This Sharpton recording was neither a fake nor a Deep fake. You can watch the exact same distorted/artifact interview side by side with a more-direct recording. 

Notice the sound quality difference between the two. Note the screen jumping in the Sharpton Twitter video. 


Edited by william.scherk
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