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Mike Adams says youtube bans stuff and he created an alternative to youtube called It is early in development and has a long way to go. He has grandiose ideas.

Warning: He plans to include stuff that is not generally accepted. So if you are a member of the cult of the establishment, you might want to stay away from On the other hand if you want to know the 773H youtube is censoring, this might be the place to go.

Even before the internet I got information that seems to not be on the internet. Out of print books, perhaps lost forever.


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14 hours ago, jts said:

Mike Adams says youtube bans stuff and he created an alternative to youtube called It is early in development and has a long way to go. He has grandiose ideas.

Warning: He plans to include stuff that is not generally accepted. So if you are a member of the cult of the establishment, you might want to stay away from On the other hand if you want to know the 773H youtube is censoring, this might be the place to go.

Even before the internet I got information that seems to not be on the internet. Out of print books, perhaps lost forever.


I'm impressed.

This guy is building a platform the right way. He started with a cool million of his own money in investment and his infrastructure looks awesome.

He's also into diversity of thought except for sex dolls, porn, spam, etc. He also said he won't allow the promotion of communism on his site. I think that's a good thing since his core user-base won't mind a bit.

I expect to become one of the alternative video sites to be around a long time and grow. If Mike Adams is as smart in the future as he appears to be right now (and I'm speaking business-wise, not politics-wise), will become a major player. He claims he will be revenue-neutral by the end of the year. If that's the case, that's amazing. I've studied platforms and startups for a different project, so I know what he is doing.

I'm putting this thing among my case studies.

Thank you for posting it.


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Mike Adams banned me from his platform ...

15 hours ago, jts said:

So if you are a member of the cult of the establishment, you might want to stay away from

-- the best part of site is the Autoplay, which immediately screams out an ad for organic broccoli suppositories ...

-- one of the touted 'popular videos,' which seems to say that Everything They Told You Is Wrong And Fake:

Electrocuted eggs, underground alien bases, raw brocolli stool analysis kit, the Jooo, our special powdered yeehaw,  and more.  One may be forced to instantiate some skepticism.  Or not.


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3 minutes ago, william.scherk said:

Mike Adams banned me from his platform ...


That's the one weak link in his project--too much ideology.

That's what is currently taking down Facebook, Twitter, etc. Don't believe me? Just look at their stocks.

If you think about it, superfocus on an ideology at the beginning is smart because you can grow a niche from nothing. You can't grow everything from nothing.

Imagine starting up a farm with only a few people running it, then trying to grow all the different kinds of foods at the same time, including exotic livestock like ostriches in addition to chickens, hogs and cattle, and doing farm-related research, building farm machinery, setting up nationwide food distribution companies, making room for both organic and genetically modified food divisions, etc. Nothing would happen.

So it's good to start with a niche and prune out things unrelated or toxic to that niche in the early phase. 

If Mike Adams is as smart as he seems to be business-wise, the ideology will start being less ham-handed as more people join his platform.

But platform-wise, he has one hell of a great start.

Mocking his ideology--or even the substance of his ideology--is irrelevant to what I am talking about.


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Mike Adams wants you to believe ...

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15 minutes ago, jts said:

Mike Adams doesn't understand free speech. Free speech doesn't mean Google and Facebook are obligated to give you a microphone.

Even if crony statism is why they have all those microphones in the first place?

How many times did Google CEO Eric Schmidt visit Obama at the White House?

Reader, If you have no idea, please establish a reasonable number in your own mind before you try to discover the reported number - how many times makes sense? How many times fits perfectly well with “nothing-to-see-here”?

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“The most powerful weapon deployed by the Clintons is the corporate media, the press. Let’s be clear on one thing: the corporate media in our country is no longer involved in journalism. They’re a political special interest no different than any lobbyist or other financial entity with a total political agenda and the agenda is not for you, it’s for themselves.

”Anyone who challenges their control is deemed a sexist, a racist, a xenophobe. They will lie, lie, lie and then again they will do worse than that. They will do whatever is necessary.

”The Clinton’s are criminals, remember that.

“This is well documented.

“And the establishment that protects them has engaged in a massive cover-up of widespread criminal activity at the State Department and the Clintons Foundation in order to keep the Clintons in power.”


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13 hours ago, Jon Letendre said:

Even if crony statism is why they have all those microphones in the first place?


Most people who use Jerry's argument don't realize the extent that these giant social media companies are crony corporations that mix government with capitalism. They have very little to do with the free market and more to do with a bilateral oligarchy using this stuff to maintain and increase their political power and receive gobs of unearned income.

btw - This bilateral oligarchy is enforced with guns at the root. 


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Mike Adams' hosts all of the four banned/deleted Infowars videos uploaded by me, and one of them turns up at the top of the search listings for "Infowars."  Apparently it has had 387 views. Strike a blow for freedom!

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12 hours ago, jts said:

I doubt they would allow this on youtube.

Did you check? [By the way, other readers/viewers, the name of the so-called whistleblower is  Kevin Shipp (the link is to Wikispooks).]

-- this Youtube video was uploaded 11 months ago to the Dane Wigington channel. It has amassed 2.3 million views there.  The same video at "buy my 'natural' overpriced crap in a bottle" hustle has 48 views.

-- in an alternative view of the universe, Jerry, the Deep State is Jamming Da Weather.  Which would be fun for the Novel "Weather Gods" notion at Friends and Foes.

Speaking of weather, the Lower Mainland is covered in a pall of smoke from one end of the Valley to the other.  Our forest fire season started early and is not finished yet. The heat and smoke is hell on seniors with respiratory issues.  See the views of the extent of smoke in BC at

-- Dane Wigington is the operator of, a riot of a site. For the latest on the "Global Meltdown" see:

An excerpt of a no-doubt-compelling longer rant ...


(Dane Wigington has an adequate counter to his weird beliefs and claims in Mick West at



Shipp's Twitter account.

Edited by william.scherk
Minor orthographic errors ... added image-link to Natural News story on Shipp, added his Twitter account link
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44 minutes ago, william.scherk said:

Did you check? [By the way, other readers/viewers, the name of the so-called whistleblower is  Kevin Shipp (the link is to Wikispooks)

The Alex Jones channel is gone. It had thousands of videos. Give the censors time. They will block more stuff. Some stuff will get past the censors until they find out the content. Some stuff was uploaded long before youtube started to ban Alex Jones. If they ban Alex Jones and don't ban Kevin Shipp (eventually), seems to me they are inconsistent. Listen to these videos while you can.

There was a gigantic website called "Expose the Truth". It is gone. Some of the information that was on it may be gone forever.

Think logically. If there is collusion between youtube and government (which may or may not be true), do you think government would knowingly allow videos that expose illegal activities by government?



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2 hours ago, jts said:

Think logically. [...] [Do] you think government would knowingly allow videos that expose illegal activities by government?

That is a general question, I don't know how to answer it without more specificity.  As it pertains to Shipp, he has been peddling his insider stuff since 2011, freely.  It's become a kind of shtick. 

In any case, Jerry, a so-called censorship of Shipp's Shtick can be watched for.  I tend to think that his stuff doesn't really come close to subverting any Youtube platform "Community Guidelines," at least not yet.  If he were to go all kookrant about the insidious Muslim menace of Person X -- or put someone's identity online to be a target (doxxing), or indulges in creepy fantasies of killing, torture, etcetera of named persons, maybe, probably, especially if someone 'reported' a violation.  I think that some of his reporting about awful things that the government has purportedly been doing to him is tinged with fabulism and auto-suggestion, though I could of course be wrong. Thinking you are a victim of hideous plots doesn't always come accompanied by hard evidence. 

You wrote (of the eleven month old video) that:  "He is risking his life revealing this information." I think not.  I contacted him on Twitter to ask if he fears for his life. He may or may not answer.

-- incidentally, there is an allied group of sufferers who call themselves "Targeted Individuals."  You may or may not be familiar with this, or have no opinion about it. 

2 hours ago, jts said:

There was a gigantic website called "Expose the Truth". It is gone.

That quoted phrase is likely not able to be copyrighted, so I don't know how to track down the story behind your claim.   Since it isn't a trademark or similar, I'd need to know the actual web-address that no longer exists (or at least some more information about it). There are plenty of prosaic reasons why a website "dies."  I am sure you can think of a few. 

In any case, if that gigantic website "Expose The Truth" was a group effort, and if it was primarily interested in the Illuminati and its hideous control of the world, the gang might just have got sick of paying for a stand-alone site, and gone with a Facebook Page.  I inquired at an existing "Expose The Truth" Facebook page, just to check. 

Otherwise, you haven't given enough information for an investigation.

All that aside, what do you think of Dane Wigington's work, if anything?

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"Expose the Truth" was a HUGE website with lots of antiestablishment videos and other stuff. There are other websites with a similar name but the one I men is gone. Of all the websites that I have bookmarked,

is the one that most resembles it in both content and size. If you explore netctr in detail you will see that it is huge. But exposethetruth had a very different appearance.

Perhaps we should not be surprised if netctr suddenly vanishes permanently.


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News from the Brighteon platform (via email subscription); search improved, with more incremental improvements in the pipe:

Quote update

Although we've experienced some delays in the rollout of new features, the new, improved search feature we promised is now live.

This improved search provides results that match channel names as well as video titles and keyword tags.

The search is vastly improved in handling multiple word searches such as "President Trump" or "open borders."

Several more features are in the process of being deployed, including playlists, RSS feeds and more.

Thank you for your patience as we continue to build a better platform for your videos. This is not an easy task, and we have zero outside funding. But we're doing it piece by piece, with your support.

Please consider supporting us by shopping at, which helps fund the video platform. (It's still not breaking even, so we need your support.)

Thank you,

- Mike Adams, Founder,


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  • 7 months later...
41 minutes ago, jts said:

The Perfect Storm for a VACCINE HOLOCAUST is Now Here

video, 36 minutes -- Mike Adams


That’s a great video, Jerry. Freaking horrifying how many people cannot grasp the problem with this situation, their legal immunity.

The holocaust he outlines really has been their plan for years, it will all be disclosed in total and no one will be able to deny the truth of it, in due time. But the military intelligence operation we are living in now, that recruited Trump, prevented Killery’s election and is engineering the Epstein, spygate and other disclosures we’ve been witnessing, has already stopped these plans.

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