Recover from cancer; get accused of being a terrorist.


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Wait. Did I hear that right? At the end of the video, if you recover from cancer, that makes you a terrorist? Listen again starting at about 2:30.

Don't nobody recover from cancer, at least not without government permission. You might get accused of being a terrorist.

Trying to regain health by poison (chemotherapy) is based on legit health science and is legal. Trying to regain health by overdosing on nutrition (high power veggy juices) is quackery and is illegal in the USA. People must not be permitted to decide for themselves which way they want to go, based on information and reason. Government must decide for them for their own good, to save them from their own stupidity. Nutrition has been debunked. The modern way is poison. Anyone who thinks different is unscientific.

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Sorry JTS:

"This video contains content from New Video Group,. who has blocked it in your country on copyright grounds."

Be that as it may, when the US attorney called Bernard von Nothaus an "economic terrorist" she pretty much removed the last shred of meaning from the word. Now, it is like "communist" was in the 1950s, or "fascist" in the 60s.

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