Strange Truth in Advertising

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Strange Truth in Advertising

Here is a very funny screenshot I got off of the Facebook feed of an Internet marketer I like a lot (Chad Kimball):


What Chad wrote (since it is so small) was: "Great example of why you need to control the ads that show on your YouTube videos!"

Imagine if someone actually did click on the ad and sign up to become a cop because he liked the video! That's entirely plausible these days...



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I remember once hearing that insecure people are more likely to become police officers.

If this is true, I can only imagine why it is true...

Police officers are viewed as symbols of power. Insecure people seem to gravitate to positions of power. Control over others is viewed as a means to control over their own lives (or is viewed as a substitute to control over their own lives).

All in all, just speculation on my part.

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