Men's Rights Movement


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Does anybody know much about this here?

It's very interesting... like the feminist movement, it's mission is essentially to achieve individual equality under the law--or gender irrelevancy under the law, as well as general social "treatment".

I never really thought about it as something that could be a movement, but it's a bigger deal than I would have thought. And people have often called Rand's philosophy quite masculine, so I think it may be interesting to some here.

This is the video that introduced me to it...

She points out in another video that taxation is generally money taken from men and given to women, and that government in general has become a tool for women to exploit men.

I don't know how this will go over here, but if I judged women the way I judge men, I would definitely treat them different. That's just if I'm being honest.

Should individualism be as extreme as complete equal treatment? Rand was completely against pity... What is chivalry? It's an acknowledgment of weakness in women, as well as an admission of desperation on the part of the man. Isn't that all it is?

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I'm wondering where this feminism movement really came from... Why wasn't it around until the standard of living got to a certain point? Is it because women stopped depending on men so much, or because men could not gain as much respect from women in a less dangerous world--or because women became more sheltered to that world?

From Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal: "Civilization is the process of setting man free from men."

When men are not free from other men, isn't the natural threat violence in the form of competition for sex? How many species are there that kill each other without a female being involved?

She meant man in the sense of human beings, but the threat to the species has not so much been women until recently. Feminists use an emotional warfare that attempts to harness the brute force of men and use it against them.

The hostility that comes from feminists is like that of a small dog, indignant that it is not treated the way it wants.

Here's an interesting video... at about 10:30 you get to see feminist protestors in action. It's pretty disturbing stuff.

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