superweeds and toxin resistant insects


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How GM crops have increased the use of danger pesticides and created superweeds and toxin-resistant insects


Thousands of farmers in India committing suicide. Poorer nutrition. Allergies. Ruined soil from roundup. Gut walls getting thin. No increase in yield. Farmers can't save the seed. What is the advantage?

Weeds and insects evolve in response to changes - in any case - whether GM crops or other solutions to weed and pest controls are attempted.

Just as in human disease control - the weed and pest control survivors will leave that genetic resistance to the next generation.

Asking GM crops to exist outside of evolution is asking the impossible.

GM crops are the latest solution to try to stay ahead in fighting weeds and pests. The solutions will always need to keep evolving to keep yields

as high as possible. Farmers don't use the old solutions or non-hybrid/non-GM seeds because they will most certainly produce poor yields. With

energy prices going up that means crops which will not even pay for the fuel costs to plant and harvest them.

There is a reason the other seeds/methods aren't used. They lead to immediate bankruptcy.

Are GM crops the solution everywhere? Few solutions are the solutions everywhere - that is why the market and not central planners

are the answer. If central planners suddenly decide we can't have GM crops they are deciding the deaths of millions.


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How GM crops have increased the use of danger pesticides and created superweeds and toxin-resistant insects


Thousands of farmers in India committing suicide. Poorer nutrition. Allergies. Ruined soil from roundup. Gut walls getting thin. No increase in yield. Farmers can't save the seed. What is the advantage?

Even "natural" plants evolve resistance to some diseases. Living things on this planet evolve through a combination of random variation of the genome and natural selection according to physical and chemical laws. This has been going on for 4 billion years.

The fact that multicelluar plants exist at all, as descendants of the original archea (one celled plants) is evidence of evolution in action.

Ba'al Chatzaf

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