Where is Ron Paul?

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The main stream media has the audacity to marginalize Ron Paul with virtually no coverage or disparaging remarks about him. The pundits point out that although Mitt Romney is the likely nominee that no one is enthusiastic about him and that he lacks the ability to inspire his supporters nor to arouse any passion among them for his candidacy.

Meanwhile Ron Paul events draw growing numbers of enthusiastic crowds who come to hear his message first hand. Despite turnouts of 4000, 6000, 8000 from Missouri, to Illinois, to Los Angeles to Berkeley California still the media does not cover these events.

Those who follow Ron Paul on the internet realize how the establishment is manipulating the election by its selective coverage.

They realize that Ron Paul has been endorsed by Nassim Taleb, author of The Black Swam and professor of Risk Engineering, who asserts that none of the other candidates' policies will fix the crucial crises facing our country. Taleb contends that only Ron Paul's policies will deal effectively with all the domestic and foreign policies we face.


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I'm not gonna lie, I've probably watched 10 hours worth of Ron Paul related YouTube videos all together. He's the closest thing to a hero I've ever heard of.

Although it's disappointing that he has such small a chance of winning, he's already accomplished so much for the future of the U.S. in the amount of young supporters he has.

I'm half way through The Revolution: A Manifesto and I have no doubt that he knows exactly what he's talking about regarding foreign and economic policy. You can tell he's done his homework.

Anyway, it's not hopeless for him yet; he is realistically in 2nd or 3rd in delegates. Obviously hoping for a brokered convention.

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I met Ron Paul in 1988 when he ran for the presidency as a Libertarian Party candidate. He was very serious at the time as he was escorted from one media place to another including the editorial board of the Boston Globe.

He has clearly been on a lifelong path on which he has proceeded guided by certain principles one of which has to do with individual freedom and another to do with devotion to the principles underlying the Constitution.

He is going to speak at the University of Rhode Island next week, on Wednesday, April 18 at 6PM in Kingston, R.I. and I expect that the turnout to hear him will be impressive. It is an event that I do not intend to miss given the historical importance of his endeavor as he has ignited a movement among the young and the freedom loving of all ages in America.

Now that Santorum has removed himself from the race the media might give Ron Paul a few inches of type although I doubt it given the reason they have not done so yet. Is it possible that the powers that be which pull the strings in the main stream media do not want the electorate to discover Ron Paul and what his presidency would have to offer?

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