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Я огорченн напасть но, MSK & REB будут осатанелыми ненавистниками Texas. Они будут репрессированы! & я не могу найти Pусское слово для dragonfly, где-либо!

Yeah! And I mean you REB! And, You MSK!

And, just what is the Russian word for Dragonfly? Hell, I even tried Babelfish, no luck!.....Maybe Russians do not have Dragonflies!

Their loss!

Dragonfly, вы говорите По-русски?


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Don't let it go to your head but you just got another "$." It just goes to show, you don't even need to be able to speak english, or any language for that matter, to be appreciated here. :D/


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Porra meu! Não consigo ler a porra de russo e você sabe bem disso. Fudeu com a gente, caralho! Nem Babelfish está ajudando.

E é tudo sobre aquela merdinha de estado, Texas, como se fosse grande bosta. Para ser ruim, precisa ir ao estado de Pará no Brasil. Aí é o velho oeste mesmo. Matam por qualquer coisa. Nada de ameaça. Matam mesmo. Cachorro que late (como no Texas) não morde (como no Pará).


(Podemos mandar algumas pessoas fazer um pouco de tourismo por lá, que se acha? Pago até a passagem e faço um itinerante inesquecível para eles...)

Boa sorte com esta tradução.


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Don't let it go to your head but you just got another "$." It just goes to show, you don't even need to be able to speak english, or any language for that matter, to be appreciated here.


Must be grading on a Bell Curve! Why else would Mr. Wonderful be behind? :-k

Porra meu! Não consigo ler a porra de russo e você sabe bem disso. Fudeu com a gente, caralho! Nem Babelfish está ajudando.

E é tudo sobre aquela merdinha de estado, Texas, como se fosse grande bosta. Para ser ruim, precisa ir ao estado de Pará no Brasil. Aí é o velho oeste mesmo. Matam por qualquer coisa. Nada de ameaça. Matam mesmo. Cachorro que late (como no Texas) não morde (como no Pará).

(Podemos mandar algumas pessoas fazer um pouco de tourismo por lá, que se acha? Pago até a passagem e faço um itinerante inesquecível para eles...)

Boa sorte com esta tradução.


Damn it! Don't you know Portuguese is krytonite?

Ok, Babelfish! Come to Papa!


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Note to self: Babelfish is useless and Portuguese is evil.

So, my foul mouthed friend! (I did not need Babelfish for that!)

Babelfish told me -

That you want me to create a Brazilian tourist industry for dogs!

So they can shoot Texans!

Or, monkeys......that was unclear. And, hell, whats the difference anyway?

Well, if they have the money, I have the time!

I want the world to know, that I, in no way, intend to discriminate against Texan shooting dogs, from Brazil!!!!!!!!!!!!

Damn I'm a nice guy!


Boy! Babelfish really translates Portuguese rather well don't you think?


Note to self: Please, please, please, remember that Babelfish is useless and Portuguese is evil.

P.S. - Where the hell is Bissel? I bet he speaks French!

Or Portuguese!

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Well, would you look at that! - I now have 2 dollar signs!

I must be gaining on you, bubba! "Ya' freakn' slow poke!"

Wait a minute.

I just thought of something.

You are using Canadian dollar signs!

That means you really only have 2.71051 dollar signs in American!

Crazy Canadians! When will you learn?



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I almost missed this from your May 31 post:

... so I'll publicly set the record staight now--to those who would label me an OL-ite, I say that I love Michael and Kat and value what they have created.

Many thanks from Kat and I and the love is most definitely mutual. Your presence is highly valued here (Lydia too).


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