Run Hillary Run - Still an outside possibility


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Draft Biden...


Another reason he should be on the list for the Democrats William.



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Draft Biden...

Another reason he should be on the list for the Democrats William.

I will surely add Biden if you tell me you will add your guess at the final Democratic primary winner and the final GOP ticket topper ... or you can get active at the site of other active piners for a tired old retread, the wonder that is

Edited by william.scherk
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Draft Biden...

Another reason he should be on the list for the Democrats William.

I will add Biden if you add your guess ...

William, stay out of politics.

Never try to buy a professional's vote and a Randian! ...impossible.

No deal.

I think I may start a 3rd Party on OL - the NOPollingpartyEnterprise[NOPE]...


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Gimme a Quid! Gimme a Pro! Gimme a Quid Quo Pro!

Seriously, that makes me laugh, Adam. Thanks for the advice to shut up about politics. I almost remember you telling me something similar back in 2012, when I predicted Romney would lose. William, stay out of politics. Or my old dog will gum you to death.

I almost think that those two OL polls are Kryptonite to your Superman. Or water to your Witch of the West. Stop asking me to give my opinion. Leave Britney alone. Stop Looking at My Boobs ....

Edited by william.scherk
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William, I think guessing who's going to win a political race is pointless if not stupid. Saying who you would like and why makes sense. I used to give you the benefit of the doubt but lately I think you post here for no good reason other than your own amusement. You too often show barely concealed contempt for too many members here. What is it about Ayn Rand that you like? Tell me why I should read anything of yours.

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Dementia? :smile:

OL sweeps in a lot and sweeps out little. Easy on the coming and going. Those are the existential brackets. I'm in favor of amusement (but not the amusement of condescension). OL engages William and we should take that as a complement because he has so many brains and interests. If we were dumb, he'd decamp. If he couldn't hold up here, he'd decamp. You have to also appreciate his generosity. You bring up a subject and he's likely to come back with a lot of research. He's got a young, hungry brain. He'll ask you where you got what. He works hard here.


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[on topic]

Beat me to it lol.

You won't see this bastion of journalistic integrity doing a cover story on B.J. Clinton's sexual assaults...

Maybe it's a Black Thang....



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Better 8 mo yr of Odama

The scary part is that you are correct about that.

Speaking today she revealed: 'I believe for all his faults as a flawed man, Bill Clinton is not as unscrupulous as his wife. He is complicit but he is not as deceitful as Hillary Clinton is. Don't get me wrong, they are both missing the integrity chip but while she is inherently dishonorable, his seems to be learned behavior.

'Hillary Clinton ruled the White House even as early as 1993 and every scandal that originated in the Clinton administration was the brainchild of Hilary.

'When I think of Hillary Clinton I think of a lingering taint of scandal and wrongdoing and, in my opinion, possible criminal activity.'

And behind it all was, according to Tripp, the pursuit of the Clintons' 'common goal' – power.

She explained: 'She has stood by him all these years because she needed him. In 1992 no female, least of all she, would have been elected to the highest office in the land.

'Their focus has always been power and the accumulation of that power. There were just so many things in the White House that made it abundantly clear to anyone in their radius that he was the elected official but she was the one with the actual power.'

And, according to Tripp: 'When a couple is as focused as they are on a goal there are many, many things that one overlooks to achieve that. Nothing is allowed to stand in the way. That means no circumstance, no person.'

Read more:

Weave this into the Paglia profile of Clinton and the tumblers fall into place for even the "low information voter."


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Linda Tripp has been savaged and actually lived under the threat of being convicted of Federal Wiretapping charges.

However, here is her statement of why she acted on what she knew and why she has the courage to once again step up for her country.

Looking back Tripp said: 'I regret what I put my children through. I regret very much that they had to endure that level of vitriol but would I do it again? Yes.

'I come from a very patriotic background. My civil service career, well over 20 years at that time, meant a sense of loyalty, patriotic duty and honor. I sincerely cared about the integrity of the country's leadership.'

She still does. It's why she believes Hillary Clinton must never be president.

She said: 'I'd love to see a female president in my lifetime but I certainly would not choose to vote for a president of the United States based primarily on gender.

'Without a doubt it's time for a female president but it is without a doubt not the time nor will it ever be the time for Hillary Clinton to be that president. She simply lacks the integrity.'

Astoundingly evil folks they are.


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Very very interesting...

Is Obama taking Hillary out?

By Monica Crowley

The Washington Times

July 29, 2015

The gist of the article is that there is bad blood between the Clintons and Obama. Neither side trusts each other.

So Obama is letting Hillary hang herself as he gradually nudges it from the sidelines and the backrooms. After enough damage has been done to her, he will indicate support to someone he believes will keep his agenda running after he leaves office, someone he can control: Joe Biden. Then he will put his entire team of behavioral and election technocrats behind him and open up on all cylinders.

A very interesting theory and, from what I see, it looks entirely plausible.


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I tried to warn William lol...

Hey, it is just good ole Joe...

Valerie Jarret = strong woman...

Michelle O'bama = strong woman...

Barack Hussein O'bama ...

NY Times Calls Obama Bicycle Photos ‘Rugged Masculinity Gone Wild!’
By Mark Donahue

NEW YORK – In an editorial earlier this week the New York Times gushed over photographs of President Obama riding his bicycle at Martha’s Vinyard, at one point exclaiming the president was “an example of rugged masculinity gone wild!” The newspaper derided critics of the president, even suggesting that John Boehner and Karl Rove try competing with him in a “macho sport such as rugby or ultimate fighting rather than ridicule him from afar like sissies.”

The ladies on daytime television’s “The View” tapped into the photo hysteria, with Joy Behar telling the audience, “If Obama rode his bike into my neighborhood I’d make him have sex with me in the street!” After Whoopie Goldberg high-fived Behar, Barbara Walters stood up and began grinding her hips, much to the delight of the screaming audience.

After MSNBC’s Chris Matthews showed Obama’s bicycle photographs on his show “Hardball,” he trembled when he spoke to his guests. “I admit,” he snickered, “when I saw these pictures I felt a scorching-hot sensation shooting up my inner thigh and into my groin. And believe you me, my wife took advantage of that situation…if you know what I mean.”

The enthusiasm over the bicycle photographs stretches from media outlets coast to coast. The Boston Globe dubbed the photographs a “toxic elixir that soothes the aching heart” while the San Francisco Chronicle fawned, “If ever there was a time when America needed a macho, in-your-face, physical example of aggressiveness and old fashioned male moxie, that time is now and the man is Barack Obama.”


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I love a daily rash: The DAILY RASH, All the news that's unfit to print

Regarding Obama's fiendish plans to run for a third term, er, to push Biden into the race and kneecap Hillary, I'll keep my antenna deployed to detect other signs. The plot may have legs as a story. It might be spun fancy.

Since a president gets so much media exposure and discussion, it can seem like an observer has access to his mind.
At the heart of the Examiner op/ed is the heart of Clinton's problems, voters' negative opinions of her. Presuming Obama has a negative opinion makes some sense. Will he actively/secretly act to sabotage her? Makes a nice story. Where will the story go if Biden does not enter the race, but eventually campaigns for and with her?

Hillary's balance of voter negative/positive opinion of her-- by survey results -- is an indicator of a persistent challenge, Just think of all the [insertScandal]gates that she has lived through and that gather. While I discount the plausibility of Obama acting against Clinton, strange things happen in your electoral campaigns.

The op/ed mentioned 'a battery of new polls" in "key swing states" Colorado and Iowa showing Clinton losing to several GOP candidates. I found two Quinnipiac poll results for Colorado, Iowa and Virginia. I copied the summary tables of interest, from July 22 at Real Clear Politics:

Colorado: Bush vs. Clinton.....Bush 41, Clinton 36 Bush +5
Colorado: Walker vs. Clinton.....Walker 47, Clinton 38 Walker +9
Colorado: Rubio vs. Clinton.....Rubio 46, Clinton 38 Rubio +8
Virginia: Bush vs. Clinton.....Bush 42, Clinton 39 Bush +3
Virginia: Walker vs. Clinton.....Walker 43, Clinton 40 Walker +3
Virginia: Rubio vs. Clinton.....Rubio 43, Clinton 41 Rubio +2
Iowa: Bush vs. Clinton.....Bush 42, Clinton 36 Bush +6
Iowa: Walker vs. Clinton.....Walker 45, Clinton 37 Walker +8
Iowa: Rubio vs. Clinton.....Rubio 44, Clinton 36 Rubio +8
Colorado: Bush vs. Biden.....Bush 45, Biden 36 Bush +9
Colorado: Walker vs. Biden.....Walker 48, Biden 36 Walker +12
Colorado: Rubio vs. Biden.....Rubio 49, Biden 35 Rubio +14
Virginia: Bush vs. Biden.....Bush 45, Biden 40 Bush +5
Virginia: Walker vs. Biden.....Walker 45, Biden 41 Walker +4
Virginia: Rubio vs. Biden.....Rubio 45, Biden 41 Rubio +4
Iowa: Bush vs. Biden.....Bush 44, Biden 37 Bush +7
Iowa: Walker vs. Biden.....Walker 47, Biden 36 Walker +11
Iowa: Rubio vs. Biden.....Rubio 45, Biden 37 Rubio +8

Interesting social issues questions and answers from what looks like the same poll; here the voters seem to be solidly Canadian: July 23, 2015 - Colorado, Iowa, Virginia Voters Back Pope On Climate, Quinnipiac University Swing State Poll Finds; Voters Say Leave Same-Sex Marriage Alone

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Classic Evita...



"The New York Times is arguably the most important news outlet in the world and it rushed to put an erroneous story on the front page charging that a major candidate for President of the United States was the target of a criminal referral to federal law enforcement. Literally hundreds of outlets followed your story, creating a firestorm that had a deep impact that cannot be unwound. This problem was compounded by the fact that the Times took an inexplicable, let alone indefensible, delay in correcting the story and removing 'criminal' from the headline and text of the story."


Evita whining about accusations that cannot be "unwound."







As the classic attorney, Joseph Welch, cleverly got on camera at the McCarthy hearings with his...


"Senator. You've done enough. Have you no sense of decency, sir? At long last, have you left no sense of decency?


Evita, at long last Madame Secretary, have you no shame?





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Poor Evita, her campaign seems to be having some Podesta peristalsis

Still, it means that the entirety of Clinton's campaign has alternated between distancing herself from the legacy of her family name, and stonewalling reporters investigating one scandal or another. In the first category, she has repudiated the tough-on-crime policies of her husband. She has strongly embraced gay marriage even though her previous support for traditional marriage was, according to Clinton, rooted in timeless religious principles. She has joined the new gender politics, despite her own history of slut-shaming her husband's mistresses. Calling Bill's pump-and-dump paramours "trailer trash" and "narcissistic loony tunes" is understandable in my own view, but considered impolitic today.

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The Odama boys are more politically astute than the Clintdams. That's why he won in the first place in 2008.

If Trump continues as he is, he's going to rip the GOP to shreds and run, maybe win, as a third party candidate. Those Rinos (Republicans in Name Only) running the party well deserve their continuing marginalization. To save their asses, they may decide to back off and let Trump have the prize and then control him indirectly as the President.

Ted Cruz is finished as a presidential hopeful. Something to do with McConnell. Perry comes across as too harsh in demeanor, as too is his speaking voice. Rubio lacks gravitas. Bush III is a softer Bush II. Walker lacks--everything.

Trump is dominating MSM (Mainstream Media) with his competent staff, brashness, brains, money, etc. You can't buy him off for his gigantic ego is completely engaged. As George Wallace was to negroes African Americans blacks (the cross outs refer to his 1972 time frame), Trump is to Hispanics. But it's more acceptable to go after illegals for hoi polloi, even et al., than blacks, descendants of slavery and victims of Jim Crow. But for purposes of politics this year and next, Trump is a super George Wallace; no conservative or libertarian; more like a pragmatic liberal but no Nelson Rockefeller.


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The Odama boys are more politically astute than the Clintdams. That's why he won in the first place in 2008.

If Trump continues as he is, he's going to rip the GOP to shreds and run, maybe win, as a third party candidate. Those Rinos (Republicans in Name Only) running the party well deserve their continuing marginalization. To save their asses, they may decide to back off and let Trump have the prize and then control him indirectly as the President.

Ted Cruz is finished as a presidential hopeful. Something to do with McConnell. Perry comes across as too harsh in demeanor, as too is his speaking voice. Rubio lacks gravitas. Bush III is a softer Bush II. Walker lacks--everything.

Trump is dominating MSM (Mainstream Media) with his competent staff, brashness, brains, money, etc. You can't buy him off for his gigantic ego is completely engaged. As George Wallace was to negroes African Americans blacks (the cross outs refer to his 1972 time frame), Trump is to Hispanics. But it's more acceptable to go after illegals for hoi polloi, even et al., than blacks, descendants of slavery and victims of Jim Crow. But for purposes of politics this year and next, Trump is a super George Wallace; no conservative or libertarian; more like a pragmatic liberal but no Nelson Rockefeller.







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Rotfl Brant!

Laughing?!?!? Stay inside if there's a thunderstorm...Zod is angry...Except...what is knelling? Maybe that's a stifled guffaw? Oh, here we go:

Sentences Including 'guffaw'

"Her concluding suggestion caused me to stifle a guffaw by blowing my nose loudly."

So it probably means "blowing your nose loudly". I'll put that in the Zodish Talmud...I guess you're okay.

Aren't you supposed to be taking pictures?

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