Test Bed -- brainstorming Weather Gods, or, a thrillah about the world's weather system and its manipulators



I thought Caroljane and Michael had some interesting  brainstorm results, laid out below. I also had some storms of creativity ... which I will add once I finish furiously scribbling notes on a break by the river. We have secretly kept everything green behind our fencing, despite the water-restrictions. I hate when Israel steals our clouds all summer.

My basic notion is weather weapons, weapons of war, that is what the protagonists come to be up against, discovering and destroying the military-industrial-scientific projects that have been used to manipulate weather events in aid of endless war. 

The thing is, it is a Deep kind of thing that our heroes have to get at. My favourite character-in-mind so far is a refugee from an intelligence agency. He is justifiably paranoid about his design of a master database. He knows too much, courtesy of his eidetic memory.  But which of his fears of rogue action are true?  Is he really just one of thousands on The List, the Kill the Designers list?

In my flight of fancy we would get to fabulous settings, some of them mirroring or paying homage to Atlas Shrugged. Glaciers, underground CERN-style secret facilities. Low earth-orbit nuclear 'climate helper' satellites, that thousand screen command room deep underground. The 'database cities' of the INTEL surveilance future. On supersonic 'chemtrail' secret weapons.

I'd also keep the political shenanigans sort of in your face but slightly out of focus, save that just as in Atlas Shrugged we are in a kind of alternate era where implausible events have already taken place.  One of the questions the protagonists learn to ask is, "Does the President Know?"  

In my characters I want a 'rescue team slash commando force' to coalesce so I am looking to ex-military intelligence people, disparate people from a disbanded training unit, who have made the transition out of the forces for successful contract or independent careers. I want them to be bonded somehow conceptually, as a Protect Whistleblowers and Defectors unit, in the end. As if they all swore an oath and the oath comes in handy. Meaning the team our hero assembles or acquires should have a point of identity in common, to make the whole shelf of sinister secrecy and secret agent of technology stuff plausible.

I need a bad-ass name for the Giant Computer Cloud that eats snow and steals clouds from nations and regions, thus 'false-flagging' weather manipulation events that may be possible in the next thirty-odd years. If Rand could have a free-energy motor, then we and the Frankensteins of CERN-7 can have gravity-enhancers, dark-matter sinks and sleeves and other theoretical devices almost ready to go. This on top of a semi-secret Space Programme where local weather is enhanced, altered, made wet or dry or whatever to punish Mexico.

Somehow we got to stick the Vatican and on-three-continent catacombs in there. I want to avoid the nightmare pace of State of Fear, by having characters sleep and eat and so on. Not too much, just enough so that they don't seem freaky.

So, plausible or wildly not -- Iranians can't get used to Israel-CERN-rogues-hidden-hands stealing their snow and clouds.  Things is gonna blow up if we don't stop the sinister secret organization from carrying out its plans.

And Caroljane gets to write all the terse sex scenes.


On 7/3/2018 at 11:14 PM, Michael Stuart Kelly said:
On 7/3/2018 at 2:00 PM, caroljane said:

Want to collaborate? I can't plot worth a damn...


Not a bad idea.


The story can be a thriller about a protagonist, let's call him Caysin Skylo, who works for a wind power company--an idealist in the progressive mold. One day Caysin inadvertently overhears a cartel of globalists (the details of which can be worked out later) discussing their plans to scam the world with a carbon credit scheme. But worse, he overhears them laughing about the future suicide of an eminent scientist who opposes manmade climate change and is in the way of their evil plans. As there are some very famous people in the middle of this cartel meeting, Caysin, conflicted and disillusioned, believes them.

So off he goes to warn the scientist before he can be "suicided." Except he arrives too late and witnesses the murder of the scientist. The hired thugs are dressing it up to look like a suicide. Caysin stumbles across a lady secretly witnessing the same crime and their accident causes the thugs to botch the suicide staging. This is because the scientist has been meeting with several other famous scientists who oppose manmade global warming and they emerge to see what the fuss is all about. They discover the dead body of their colleague. The thugs take off. But one of the thugs panics, returns and kills all the scientists. He tries to kill Caysin and the lady, but they escape.

The lady, let's call her Harper Hale, will turn out to be a private investigator for some small oil fields in Texas and Caysin's future love interest. Maybe she's even the daughter of the owner (Hale and Shale Corporation :) ). She's trying to build a case against the cartel, but Caysin, ever the idealist, barges in where several of the globalists are, confronts them and appeals to their sense of ideals that he has heard them preach for decades. He makes a very moving speech about saving the planet to them. They go along with him pretending to be friendly, but when he isn't looking, they try to kill him. Harper, who has been secretly following him (cussing to herself at his bullheadedness) saves him, but now the chase is on. The cartel people are after him and after this lady who, to them, appeared out of nowhere.

The cartel frames the two for the murder of the group of scientists, so, in addition to the bad guys chasing them, law enforcement the world over is after them. The stakes keep getting steeper and surprising twists and turns keep unfolding as the chase goes through its ups and downs--including the introduction of some very colorful characters. There are some gruesome deaths, explosions, gun fights, and so on. Maybe there is an inside friend in a law enforcement agency they can communicate with who helps them a bit and believes them, but who is limited by the law and the regulations of the agency.

They can even secretly meet with the lady's boss (or father), who is a good guy and who provides them with funds and resources to continue their running. He might even be a mentor figure. And there has to be an obligatory torture scene somewhere--maybe the mentor (father) turns out in a painful reversal for Harper and is actually one of the bad guys. He later tortures them both after offering his daughter part of the scheme, which she refuses. He not only wants to ingratiate himself more deeply with the leaders of the cartel, but also to get secret information out of them that he knows they have witnessed. This information will allow him to become one of the leaders of the cartel. They escape, obviously.

The cartel is going to have a huge save-the-planet event that will be broadcast to the entire world. Once it is presented, the US President and leaders of the governments the world over are going to announce the adoption of the universal carbon credit scheme as a save-the-planet initiative, and sign a treaty to formalize it all. Some climate disaster somewhere can be part of this, a disaster secretly triggered artificially by the cartel, just to add urgency to adoption of the initiative.

But Caysin has video evidence of the meeting of the cartel's leaders where they brag about their evil plans. He decides to use this event to expose them to the entire world. What's worse, the video also shows the Big Seven Oil Conglomerates (crony corporatists) are actually the ones funding the carbon credit scheme and the entire manmade climate change movement, including this event (these folks are crony corporatists, too). This is proven by statements and villainous laughter coming from the mouths of the most famous global warming people in the cartel meeting. They even joke about rationing air the globe over and seriously discuss how this can be achieved. At root, the elites on both sides are the same damn people. And they are working together to ultimately rule the world through dictatorship by technocrat.

Things develop to a heart-pounding climax, the climate disaster is foiled, some of the bad guys are killed, some disgraced in front of the whole world and some arrested on the spot as the cameras catch them doing bad things. Caysin and Harper finally kiss in the middle of the chaos swirling all around them. (The music swells. :) )

The evil father of Harper just barely escapes and lands defeated, but not broken, in a place, maybe a secret island he owns, where it is clear there will be a sequel.

As to the stealing of clouds and snow, this can be a rich metaphor running throughout the entire story--the clouds representing idealistic innocence and the snow representing the painful hard-won truth about the evil elitists. Appearance versus reality. Or whatever. Anything worth stealing. :) This can be enhanced in the settings: snowy mountain climbs, airplane flights in cloudy skies, winter in the city with snow falling, etc. The climate change folks can even have a cocktail they invent called the Snow Cloud. There can be paintings that feature clouds and snow. Etc.

That's just a brain dump I did on the spot and needs a lot of work, but whaddya think?

:evil:  :) 

(btw - Not to be difficult, but I prefer not to collaborate on fiction writing at this stage. After I have a few works under my belt and selling in the market, I might be game if you are serious. I mean, why not? You do have a creative streak. Somehow, though, I don't think this particular story will be to your liking. :) )




Recommended Comments

44 minutes ago, Jon Letendre said:

Yes, ice, not droplets.

Why does the jet engine exhaust (containing H2O) condense+freeze in the stratosphere?

-- because it is below zero

Does the amount of humidity in the air have anything to do with whether or not a contrail forms in the upper atmosphere?

-- yes.

Are there any epistemologically-sound products of rational inquiry that we can consult to help get past disagreements?

-- yes.  But my collocutor isn't apparently interested. 

Is there a way or ways to test the basic premise that 'chemtrails' are not contrails?

-- yes, but we haven't agreed on a shared rational means of testing the premise.

Where does the burden of proof lie -- on the claimant or the doubter or skeptical inquirer?

-- that is (or should be) obvious.

Is there any way to bring apparently  completely divergent opinions to the table for examination?

-- in theory, yes, but it depends on a broad good faith on both 'sides.'  It is unclear how to get good faith to the table. There is a certain amount of 'locked-in' thinking, by which a critic becomes an immoral entity -- or a proponent becomes a Mad Cow.

Are you willing to compare and contrast a few arguments from elsewhere?

-- Sure




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Just when you thought it was safe to fly to DFW ...  Ken Trails!  (this video actually uses humour to help the medicine go down, the medicine being systematic thinking, premise-checking, deliberation ... and using Occam's Razor to scrape the dead matter from arguments ...)


Edited by william.scherk
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On 7/4/2018 at 4:20 PM, william.scherk said:

The moral of the story is that the sinister secret people had only understood the punitive use of their proto-weapons, such as the dark-matter gravity lens to deepen heatwaves in enemy cities. They had added too much energy to the system, gaming the natural weather systems and rehearsing the horror-shows hinted at by alarmists in the late twentieth century.

They THEM themselves had set the world on fire, and were consumed by it in their lairs and bunkers.  Even their directed-energy beams could be 'reverse-polarized' to take the heat off the Earth and reduce the enemies to magma. 

And then Caroljane writes the final Morning in America sex scene. 

Oh, I am staggered! It is a genius plot and This Story Must Be Told. And finally the world will see sex scenes that reflect Real Life and Right Values and Canadian Respectability, I can't wait! I must commune with my muse now -- the first lines of dialogue are coming to me -- oh, oh, ohhh!

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36 minutes ago, caroljane said:

Oh, I am staggered! It is a genius plot and This Story Must Be Told. And finally the world will see sex scenes that reflect Real Life and Right Values and Canadian Respectability, I can't wait! I must commune with my muse now -- the first lines of dialogue are coming to me -- oh, oh, ohhh!

You mustn't leave out: Faster...Harder...Don't Stop...owowowowoWoWOOOOHOOOOO YES!!!!!

All the while the male part of the sketch staves off his climax by reciting Gunga Din. 

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Using aircraft, be they high-capacity freighters or water-bomber style, means using chemistry and atmospheric physics to "do something."

Perhaps, in our fictional Weather Wars, the lid comes off -- with a Wikileaks style whoosh -- of heretefore secret national strategies to use human force in aid of defense. Perhaps the lid only half comes off, igniting fears and suspicion.

Which country is being a rogue, with a fleet of satellite, balloon, blimps and other aerial craft, electric and nuclear-powered drones capable of putting off or terminating dangerous storms, but also to "pen in" the other guy's emissions, dust, aerosols, nucleated clouds, high pressure systems?

Fictional but plausible operations would need to be both "secret" and convincing, so that narrative tension is built. Meeting resistance to uncovered "facts," protagonists will have to rebut skeptical impediments, counter them with an set of converging points of evidence - - as they build the case tighter.

So, Jon's "observations" to be narratively intriguing need some conflict to work against, ratcheting up the tension or state of 'pre-war' preparedness for battle. Our group as it forms will be able to take powerful observations due to their specialized skill sets.

Though their off-label training unit was disbanded after intense prep, they still have access to military-scientific means ... Ratchet up as they react to the murmurs of a Weather War about to be waged.

The real bad guys we meet in act two, realizing a World Rogue Compact is also a major actor.

Terse yet non-hilarious sex scenes are impossible, so we may have to ask Caroljane to ape a Randian gravity. I see both people scowling and vaguely irked by each other as sexual tension is gateposted. Like finding each other unsettling in proximity.

The closer they get the deeper the scowls, of course, granite and sinews and choppy waters, and a sudden wind that slams all the doors in vicinity.

He puts a hand on her breast. She deepens her scowl, for a moment resembling Sarah Sanders, lush, annoyed, vexed and rather sick of pandering to shouty men.

He leans in a minute fraction, deepening his own grim expression. "Take my hand off your breast."

If it was possible for eyes to disappear under a brow, her eyes did. She had never been as charged with anger in her life.

She takes his other hand and yanks it up to her other breast, then begins the long process of exiting the flight suit. Desire drips like torture from a tap.

"Let's get this over with. I'm back on deck in six --." She spits her words upon his face until he shuts her up with his mouth.


Caroljane, insert a crisis, le petit crise, as if these warriors' disgusted pleasure brought on the next chapter of derring-do.

-- backhand thanks to Jon for inspiration. I sat there between chapters of Dark Oasis, thinking, "Where's the drama in avoiding confrontation? Where's the drama in not fighting the "bad arguments," in detail, as enemy formations deployed? If the wrong or smug or brainwashed people in the fictional war have to be won over, their preconceptions shown unsound, convincing them to help or join The Team is a sure-fire bit of "rising action."

First, of course, the suspicion and the struggle to convince oneself. The reader can know more than the those poor insufferable doubters in the early crises, the weather bombs ticking, the growing System revealed.

Anyway, Carolejane, you've read the greats, literature, you have a woman's eye. If you can write their every coupling as siege and capitulation and somehow limn a Love that Scowls, you will obviously receive a greater portion of the royalties. Ninth's invaluable advice will help keep the level of Superman-plot camp preposterousness beneath a reader's perception. 

If we are gonna save the earth from sinister altruism a go go, we may need romance. I am in my dotage as romantic as an old boot. Yer in charge, Lady.

(I imagine a certain someone is scowling sardonically)

Edited by william.scherk
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3 hours ago, 9thdoctor said:

You mustn't leave out: Faster...Harder...Don't Stop...owowowowoWoWOOOOHOOOOO YES!!!!!

All the while the male part of the sketch staves off his climax by reciting Gunga Din. 

Oh how odd you should mention dear old Gunga Din -- why I was just thinking, for no reason, of "The splendour falls on castle walls,".

this "Brainstorming" and"Creative Collaboration" is all very interesting, my goodness!

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Quickly inserting this quote, from a news story yesterday. The fine thinkers here will know exactly what it means, so I think we could tweak the "fictionally-plausible" science in the narrative to ratchet up another level of "Discovery" by the team ...

"The neutrino was found on September 22 by the IceCube observatory, a huge facility a mile beneath the South Pole.

A grid of more than 5,000 super sensitive sensors picked up the characteristic blue “Cherenkov” light emitted as the neutrino interacted with ice."

I think a huge facility a mile beneath the South Pole is a great location.



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The novel opens with some frightening or alarming 'weather events,'  snatched from the (fictionalized) news of the day.

If 'they' can affect human beings with so-called chemtrails, what can they do with fire?


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Weather manipulation, at this juncture, is completely beyond any reliable technology we have.  There are conditions where rainfall can be induced, but they are rare. In general weather is a chaotic dynamic process,  it can be reliably predict  past 3 days and it certainly cannot be controlled by any human technology.


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4 minutes ago, BaalChatzaf said:
2 hours ago, william.scherk said:


what can they do with fire?

Weather manipulation, at this juncture, is completely beyond any reliable technology we have. 

Okay, everybody, stand down your imagination for a moment of teamwork. The Editor is here, and he looks to be a tough guy. 

Bob, I don't believe you are without creative imagination.  We know that Climate Change is a fraught issue -- and so we think that we want to spin the high drama contest into a million-selling blockbuster of a thriller. A "Weather Thrillah" ... a fictional roller coaster. "What if ...?" all your nightmares came true.

With that fixed firmly in electrobiological analytic circuits of your sapient wetware, can you please adjust your pursed lips into a smile?

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20 hours ago, william.scherk said:

Okay, everybody, stand down your imagination for a moment of teamwork. The Editor is here, and he looks to be a tough guy. 

Bob, I don't believe you are without creative imagination.  We know that Climate Change is a fraught issue -- and so we think that we want to spin the high drama contest into a million-selling blockbuster of a thriller. A "Weather Thrillah" ... a fictional roller coaster. "What if ...?" all your nightmares came true.

With that fixed firmly in electrobiological analytic circuits of your sapient wetware, can you please adjust your pursed lips into a smile?

As long as we are agreed this is science FICTION, I am willing to be amused.


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3 minutes ago, BaalChatzaf said:

As long as we are agreed this is science FICTION

"Did you read the opening topic?"

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"The weather manipulators have predicted (caused) tropical storm Florence to intensify into a hurricane, and now they are saying it could be the biggest hurricane on record to hit the Carolinas." Here is a view from space, from the manipulator Eric Holthaus:

The amplification of storm fears has led (by subterfuge?) the Deep State aka Henry McAllister to order all coastal areas of South Carolina to evacuate ahead of Florence's expected landing.  Some meteorological people are saying that Florence is now as large as the whole state.  Liars? 

"Dear Mr Predniset, we will need a lot of paper towels."

Edited by william.scherk
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It seems that the media personality weather people leftist activist alarmists are almost giddy over the hurricane and how they hope to be able to use it to feed the Narrative and Agenda. "Please, please, please, destroy lots of buildings and people," is what the squeak in their voices sounds like to me. They have a wild gleam in their eyes, an Alexandria Ocasio Cortez type of gleam. This is the big one, the one with serious blame potential. Come on, baby, don't fizzle!


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4 hours ago, Jonathan said:

the media personality weather people leftist activist alarmists

Have no names?

Ryan Maue is one of my go-to guys. He doesn't always keep his politics out of his communications, but hey. What kind of standard epistemology requires you check your own biases?

Incidentally, Roger Pielke Jr has a new book out.  His expertise is put in play to explore the relative 'risk' of greater storm damage in the context of a global warming, with particular attention paid to tropical storms and hurricanes.  

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42 minutes ago, william.scherk said:

Incidentally, Roger Pielke Jr has a new book out.  His expertise is put in play to explore the relative 'risk' of greater storm damage in the context of a global warming, with particular attention paid to tropical storms and hurricanes.  

It looks as if he is the type of dude whose new book will be going with him through the ICC's eco-justice wood chipper.


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Florence will prove, for once and for all, that catastrophic nightmare man-made climate change is real, and that we need to surrender all of our freedoms right fucking now. It’s going to be SO excitingly horrific! We’ll be able to use the deaths and the destruction of property to emotionally manipulate people! It’s electrifying. It’s even arousing! I feel a thrill going up my leg. Come on, Florence, roll!!!! Kill!!! Destroy!!! Yippy!!!!




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1 hour ago, Jonathan said:

Florence will prove, for once and for all, that catastrophic nightmare man-made climate change is real, and that we need to surrender all of our freedoms right fucking now.

Kind of a passive construction, or a construction lacking subjects and objects working together. "Florence will prove" the dire whoopee typed above to whom? Whose voice is being borrowed for screech effect, and will this put-on authorial voice remain in a hopped-up-on-caffeine register?


Edited by william.scherk
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1 minute ago, william.scherk said:

"Florence will prove" to whom? 

To the majority, bro! Then we can vote to start applying a final solution to the deniers! They're threatening us. They're endangering our very existence with their denials. It's self defense to put them through the wood chippers. It's eco-justice! Save the earth and save humanity from the deniers!


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1 hour ago, Jonathan said:

To the majority, bro! Then we can vote to start applying a final solution to the deniers! They're threatening us. They're endangering our very existence with their denials. It's self defense to put them through the wood chippers. It's eco-justice! Save the earth and save humanity from the deniers!


It's going to be like the Reichstag fire.  The Senate will vote emergency powers to the Supreme Chancellor. 

Getting back to our collaborative thrillah, how about we have a CIA analyst, temporarily let's call him Jack Ryan, uncover a plot to use previously unknown technology/techniques to seed bigger badder hurricanes off the west African coast.  Tie in the bad Islamic fundamentalist stuff going on in Mali.  That's pretty close to Western Sahara, which is pretty anarchic right now.  Western Sahara is (I imagine) where the tech would actually be implemented.  Who's ultimately behind it?  Who has the means to develop such advanced technology?  The Russians, naturally.  And how does it get uncovered?  I say let's tie in the Cubans, since they're in the line of fire just as much as anyone else, and they have better ties to the Russians.  Part of the technology ties into the "sonic attacks" that occurred in Havana.  So probably that's where the plot starts, chronologically speaking.  Ryan ends up going to Morocco ("But I'm only an analyst!") to advise on the take-down operation, which is planned to only involve drones, but no, something goes awry and Ryan ends up in a dramatic firefight, with only his good-guy Moroccan (read: Muslim) counterpart there as backup, barely making it out with a few broken ribs, while his hairdo remains intact.  Back in Casablanca he tells his new man Friday that this will be the beginning of a beautiful friendship.  Fade to black. 

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