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The work history of the folks in the Robert Mueller team is reported on by the Daily Beast's Betsy Woodruff.  For those unspooked by a relatively quiet news front on the special counsel's activities, and for those who are curious about credible/non-credible implications of the activities. And maybe for those who use "Muh Russia" unironically ... (& for those who may have forgotten the details of the inquiry's frame of reference: the Rosenstein order establishing his authority)

The DB article's subheadline slug:

To probe alleged Russian interference in the 2016 election, the special counsel has essentially built his own miniature Justice Department. Meet the experts he’s recruited.

Here is an excerpt from the conclusion (emphasis added):


In conclusion

To be sure, the most interesting parts of Mueller’s investigation are likely happening far from public view. Most of the coverage of the probe has focused on its criminal component. But Mueller’s top priority is likely a counterespionage operation, which James Comey confirmed was underway when he testified before Congress (and before his firing).

Naveed Jamali, a former double agent for the FBI who dealt with Russian espionage in the U.S., said this part of the effort won’t necessarily have to do with criminal charges or court proceedings.

“The goal with a counterintelligence operation is to detect and neutralize threats,” said Jamali, author of How to Catch a Russian Spy. “That’s it. If you apply that to the Mueller probe, anything that was used by the Russians against us during the election is a threat that has to be neutralized. That doesn’t mean that it has to be brought to court.”

Simply proving, beyond a shadow of a doubt, who interfered with the 2016 election on behalf of Russia and how they did it would be a significant success for the probe, he added.

“The legal part of this is so fucking boring,” he added. “This is a counterintelligence operation first and foremost.”



Recommended Comments

8 hours ago, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

Yeah, right. A tweet from Lawrence O'Donnell's producer is objective, huh?

Well,  what did he post that wasn't true?  "It appears that Roger Stone has deleted this photo of him and Trump as the "Space Force" wearing uniforms clearly emblazoned with swastikas."

Stone was too stupid to notice the swastikas?  Ha ha.

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1 hour ago, william.scherk said:

Well,  what did he post that wasn't true?


Gimme a break.

He made it look like Roger Stone was secretly celebrating his own Nazism and that of the Trump people.

Since this point is lost on you, let me be clear.

I'll go slow.

Roger... Stone... is... not... a... Nazi...

Roger... Stone... hates... Nazism...

Any more questions about truth or is it still impossible to recognize?

I can go even slower until you get it if you like...


btw - Making a mistake of not seeing something is not a sign of stupidity. It's a good taunt to say that, but it's not accurate.


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59 minutes ago, Michael Stuart Kelly said:


Gimme a break.

He made it look like Roger Stone was secretly celebrating his own Nazism and that of the Trump people.

Since this point is lost on you, let me be clear.

I'll go slow.

Roger... Stone... is... not... a... Nazi...

Roger... Stone... hates... Nazism...

Any more questions about truth or is it still impossible to recognize?

I can go even slower until you get it if you like...


btw - Making a mistake of not seeing something is not a sign of stupidity. It's a good taunt to say that, but it's not accurate.


Giving William a break,  Michael, don't you think he was just being mischievous and recalling the pedo-symbolism awfulness that Letendre has introduced on OL?  I did (without asking him to verify) when I replied in the light way I did - I I am glad Roger Stone hates Nazis ! So do I. But covert signalling does appeal to lots of sick people, who vote, and like Trump's famous "good people on both sides" quote, cannot be entirely dismissed

I don't think you need to go any slower here.


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20 minutes ago, caroljane said:

Michael, don't you think he was just being mischievous and recalling the pedo-symbolism awfulness that Letendre has introduced on OL?


So you're saying that people who constantly use pedo symbols don't actually see them (by mistake) when they publish? But like Roger Stone knowing the meaning of the Nazi symbol, they know the meaning of the pedo symbols?


Goethe's last words: "Light! More light!"



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2 minutes ago, Michael Stuart Kelly said:


So you're saying that people who constantly use pedo symbols don't actually see them (by mistake) when they publish? But like Roger Stone knowing the meaning of the Nazi symbol, they know the meaning of the pedo symbols?


Goethe's last words: "Light! More light!"



sorry!  It was I who brought in pedo symbols to muddy the waters in a (I thought) humorous fashion, in my original post.  Those people I know nothing about.

I was not trying to draw any analogies.  

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1 minute ago, caroljane said:

I was not trying to draw any analogies.  


You drew an analogy but was not trying to draw any analogies?




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1 minute ago, Michael Stuart Kelly said:


You drew an analogy but was not trying to draw any analogies?




ok,  but like Stone, I did not notice it was an analogy!  I was thinking, intended or not the nazi crazies would take it as a covert symbol. and speculated (again I thought I was being quippy!) that there might have been other symbols there ....aaaargh!

Wilde's apocryphal last words, as he turned his face to the wall of his boarding-house deathbed -

"Either this wallpaper goes, or I do."

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3 hours ago, Michael Stuart Kelly said:
4 hours ago, william.scherk said:

Well,  what did he post that wasn't true?


Gimme a break.

He made it look like Roger Stone was secretly celebrating his own Nazism and that of the Trump people.

Since this point is lost on you, let me be clear.

No need for folly, though an argument touching on pleasure in narrative would suit, since my question was discarded. 

A person can 'read in' what rubs them the right way, itches, soothes, smooths, and is a snug fit in the arm's cradle of understanding. Warming one's self in an embrace of self-knowledge. A shiver of purpose and rigour.

I'm not lit with the same kind of fire as you, he said affectionately, touching the shoulder of his friend as if to show him he believed in him as a man and a brother.  It's time for you to write your memoirs, he said softly.  Feel the tools in your hand ...

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2 hours ago, caroljane said:

Giving William a break,  Michael, don't you think he was just being mischievous and recalling the pedo-symbolism awfulness that Letendre has introduced on OL? 

Put your whole shoulder into the swing of the mallet, and with precision you can always make the stone break the exact way you want it to. You will win with that rock, every time.

But no, I said my opinion, Caroljane, you racialist moral monster comunest demented avoidant  of the lessons of Q  -- I think that Roger Stone was too stupid or myopic to notice his swastika blunder. His after the fact cover-tale two-step is laughably bogus to my eyes, almost as bogus as his tales of Polonium Poisoning. Give us a break, indeed. Dirty Trickster ... meets the Jester.

That's my opinion, and all the Phil Coates-tinged talking-down-to tends to leave me a bit giggly. 

Maybe my emotional brain is being poisoned by the smoke pall hereabouts. Vulnerable seniors, asthmatics and respiratory-challenged are ordered to stay inside, but the smoke is inside our house and our eighty-year old insists on doing a yardwork shift anyhow. There is no getting away from the smell. 

How much longer will BC burn?


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On 3/16/2018 at 1:29 PM, william.scherk said:

The last time I featured Bill Mitchell, he was unable to process the Alabama special Senate election results without shock and incomprehension

Bill has waded into the 'debate' about George Soros ...

Lock 'em up. Due process is for ... well, what is it for?  What would Republicans do?

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"What is ... 'reading in' ...

On 8/15/2018 at 1:22 PM, william.scherk said:

A person can 'read in' what rubs them the right way, itches, soothes, smooths, and is a snug fit in the arm's cradle of understanding. Warming one's self in an embrace of self-knowledge. A shiver of purpose and rigour.

Here we have one of my favourite "Mueller Whisperers," young Tarl Warwick, who has finally put on a sweater:

Young Tarl usually uses the Internet Archive service to contain his links. In this case he cites from a Fox News story ... 

Mueller ready to deliver core findings on Trump probe after midterms: report

And what is the "report"?  Well, Bloomberg:  

Mueller Ready to Deliver Key Findings in His Trump Probe, Sources Say

And what do the 'sources say' say?


Special Counsel Robert Mueller is expected to issue findings on core aspects of his Russia probe soon after the November midterm elections as he faces intensifying pressure to produce more indictments or shut down his investigation, according to two U.S. officials.

Specifically, Mueller is close to rendering judgment on two of the most explosive aspects of his inquiry: whether there were clear incidents of collusion between Russia and Donald Trump’s 2016 campaign, and whether the president took any actions that constitute obstruction of justice, according to one of the officials, who asked not to be identified speaking about the investigation.

That doesn’t necessarily mean Mueller’s findings would be made public if he doesn’t secure unsealed indictments. The regulations governing Mueller’s probe stipulate that he can present his findings only to his boss, who is currently Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein. The regulations give a special counsel’s supervisor some discretion in deciding what is relayed to Congress and what is publicly released.

The question of timing is critical. Mueller’s work won’t be concluded ahead of the Nov. 6 midterm elections, when Democrats hope to take control of the House and end Trump’s one-party hold on Washington.

But this timeline also raises questions about the future of the probe itself. Trump has signaled he may replace Attorney General Jeff Sessions after the election, a move that could bring in a new boss for Mueller. Rosenstein also might resign or be fired by Trump after the election. [...]

I am fairly certain contextually that Tarl does not watch videos featuring news about Mueller, since he continues to pronounce the name as Myooler.

Edited by william.scherk
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Former Trump White House lawyer calls Mueller 'American hero,' says probe is no witch hunt.


Ty Cobb, the veteran Washington attorney who represented the White House as special counsel Robert Mueller ramped up his investigation into Russian meddling, said he considers the man leading the probe “an American hero” and does not share President Donald Trump’s view that the Russia inquiry is a politically motivated hoax.

“I don't feel the same way about Mueller,” Cobb said in an extensive interview for the latest episode of ABC News' podcast The Investigation. “I don't feel the investigation is a witch hunt.”



  • Thanks 1
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On 3/9/2018 at 3:48 PM, william.scherk said:

I predict that the Mueller inquiry will end right about the time the next presidential campaign begins in earnest.  

So, the Special Counsel has ended the work mandated.   



Now what?

I predict a moment of clarity for all, until the Mueller 'report' leaks out or is made public in parts by the US Attorney-General.  I expect a 'narrative' to be released -- one that includes all the indictments and guilty pleas and puts the details together into a story of how Russia sought to influence the outcome of the 2016 election.

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Busy day in the summer-ish sunshine in Chilliwack. I was thinking of populating the Mueller drop denouement with other people's opinions, and maybe opinions congenial to the OL Consensus.

Here's Tim Pool out of the gate. "Russia Collusion Hysteria Backfiring On Democrats?!"


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Another voice of note on the end of the Special Counsel investigation.  Styxhexenhammer666 says "I agree with the Democrats ... "


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5 hours ago, william.scherk said:

Styxhexenhammer666 says "I agree with the Democrats ... "

You mean he now thinks Trump should be impeached?

:evil:  :) 


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16 hours ago, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

You mean he now thinks Trump should be impeached?

"Release the full Mueller report."  Which I do not think is going to happen ...

Here is a snapshot of the four-page letter the Attorney-General sent to the House and Senate:





Edited by william.scherk
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13 minutes ago, william.scherk said:

"Release the full Mueller report."  Which I do not think is going to happen ...


The full report cannot be released as per US law. Some parts have to be redacted. (Some grand jury stuff, classified materials, etc.)

Surely you know this. Hell, even Styx said it in the video, which leads me to believe you did not watch that video.

Instead, you played the propaganda game, which is to demand something that sounds reasonable, but it totally illegal, then cry cover-up when the demand is not met. The facts don't matter for this purpose, only the headlines.

And the headline is where you glommed on.

btw - Let me emphasize this since it seems to have passed right over your head. Asking if you think Styx was agreeing with the Dems that Trump should be impeached was tongue-in-cheek. All anyone has to do is watch that video and what he thinks is clear. I, for one, liked that part where he said the entire group of FBI people involved in the investigation should be jailed. I wonder if he was agreeing with the Dems on that...

:evil:  :) 


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57 minutes ago, Michael Stuart Kelly said:


The full report cannot be released as per US law...

What are you trying to hide, MSK? What don't you want the people to see? Collusion? Racism? Racist collusion?


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34 minutes ago, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

The full report cannot be released as per US law. 

Mueller was mandated to supply a 'confidential report' to the Attorney-General. He did so ... in a report titled "Report on the Investigation into Russian Interference in the 2016 Presidential Election."

The text of Barr's letter to Congress briefly lays out the process the DOJ is taking to render as much of the Report public as possible, given constraints of law, DOJ policy/practice and the demands of the moment.   

34 minutes ago, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

Asking if you think Styx was agreeing with the Dems that Trump should be impeached was tongue-in-cheek.

Yes.  Which is why I laughed inside.  The 'smiley' gave the cue.

34 minutes ago, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

All anyone has to do is watch that video and what he thinks is clear.

Yes.  Watch the video, folks -- if you are interested in the opinions of Styxhexenhammer666.

34 minutes ago, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

I, for one, liked that part where he said the entire group of FBI people involved in the investigation should be jailed.

It was funny. He still says Myooler and he still says Stir-zock. 

Anyway, I posted the Tim Pool and the Styx video.  Perhaps I will post a few other videos that may support a Mueller Report consensus view at OL, as I come across them. 

This is the day the Earth Stands Still, while a million opinions whip around as if in a gale.

This video is a bit lit, but I like to watch HA Goodman rack up predictions. His predictions are that former 'FBI people' will be indicted, by Barr (though not immediately). 




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Russia Russia Russia!  Julia Davis highlights reaction to the Mueller Report delivery to the A-G ... "a mountain that birthed a dead mouse."


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A man, a flag, a map, a mouth, a Youtube account.  Paul Joseph Watson accommodates all your fears and ¾ of your loathings. "The Truth About 'Russian Collusion'" ...


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